19. Enemies- no wait that brat is their boss?!

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"Dear Kevin, I'm sorry for calling you a perv. I understood that you were only being nice and I made you look like the bad guy. I sincerely apologize for all the trouble I have caused you. What I did is unforgivable but please take my sister back. You don't understand how painfully annoying and weird she is. On top of that she is a snitch and would give away any information about me for merely 5 bucks. My information are worth much more than that. You yourself probably know it since you seem to be a smart person. Please take her back." I prayed to Kevin. Of course I'm not sorry for anything but my sister needs to go.

"You seem to be desperate" Osial commented while stealing a glance at my sister.

"May I add another idea?" He asked.

"No, we won't throw her in to the ocean"

"I know that, but what if we leave her to the traveler after arriving in Inazuma?" He suggested.

"Wait, for once you have an actually smart idea. If he can bear Paimon my sister should be no problem at all!" I stated excited. We went ahead to the boat, dragging my unconscious sister with us. I laid her down next to some boxes and wrote 'for the Traveler (Aether), please look after her' on her forehead with a sharpie.

"We're finished, now let's wait until we arrive in Inazuma" I said laying down. Time for a small nap.

"Oi Brat, we have arrived, come on let's get out fast before your sister sees us!" Osial woke me up.

"Ughh, give me five more minutes" I turned around and tried to get some more sleep.
What I didn't knew was that Osial already was off the boat. He pulled the chain and I fell off the boat right in to the ocean.

"DAMN YOU LITTLE-" he shushed me and pointed at my sister who was angrily searching for me. He helped me up and we silently made our way through Ritou.

"Hey! You don't look like you're from here. Do you have permission for entering Inazuma?" a woman stoped us.

"How rude! We're close friends of the Yashiro Commissioner! We were on our way to the Kamisato Estate." I explained.

"I'm sorry, but everyone could make up something like this. Do you have an invitation letter? If not you have to leave Inazuma." She said.

"Didn't you listen? I told you-" I got cut off by an all too familiar voice.

"Oh hello, is there a problem?" Thoma asked the woman who didn't let us go.

"Oh thank the archons you came Thoma. This two outlanders claim to be close friends of the Yashiro commissioner, yet they don't have any kind of invitation letter." she explained the situation.

"Ah don't worry Miss Kageyama, I was about to pick them up since Y/n has quite a talent for loosing things. Sorry for the trouble!" Thoma apologized in our behalf. The woman let us go and we bid our goodbyes.

"So tell me, how and why did you suddenly disappear? Also who are you?" Thoma started questioning Osial and me.

"First things first, I was bored and asked Kevin to entertain me. He teleported me in to the ocean, there I met this guy here, Osial. Oh and also my amazing powers got cut to one use per day.." I explained, the later part was very emotional. At least for me.

"Alright, what's the deal with the chain..? Is this some sort of kink? Don't get me wrong, I don't judge! You do you I guess.." Thoma stared weirdly at the chain that connected Osial and me.

"Hell no! Ew. I would never! Especially not with this old guy! Who do you think I am?!" I asked in utter shock.

"I would rather die." Osial added.

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