Only If You Knew How Much I Love You

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Zes Pov

        I return to my house, I can still feel the blush on my cheeks. I hope he didn't see me blushing. God dammit why does Chilled have to be so amazing. Its like he's trying to tease me. I love when the sun rises and I get to go out with Chilled.

Today he was acting weird, he seemed troubled. it's like he was lost in thought all day. I'll ask him about it tomorrow.

Chilleds Pov

        I run back to my house from across the town covered in blood, shoving my gun back into my jacket pocket.  I reach my house I run in and slam the door. The moments from earlier replaying in my head, like a bad movie. I run back to my bathroom and turn on the shower. I strip off my suit and I jump into the shower. I look down at my feet, and the water running down my legs is a dark pink. I stare at the water as all of it starts to turn pink. My legs start to shake in till they give out on me and I fall down with a loud bang. Now I'm sitting on the bottom of my bath tub, the water splashing up against my head. I began to sob. My warm tears mixing with the water.

"I can't do it any more!" I yell pulling at my hair.

I sit in my bath for an hour in till my sobs slow and I get up. I chance into my night outfit, and walk into my bedroom. I walk in and see the.... the... Godfather is sitting on my bed. I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen in surprise.

"You can't do it any more huh?" He says mocking me.

"I- wh- bu-" I say not able to form words.

I can feel my heart start to beat faster as he start to stand up and walk toward me.

He gets up in my face and stares deep into my eyes though his blue tinted glasses. I gulp, and he notices.

"You know, I havn't visited Ze lately." He says smirking at me.

"No! Please, don't. I start to say but I pause to wipe away a tear that's starting to run down my cheek. "He has nothing to do with this." I finish saying practically pleading.

He grabs my shirt pulling me closer.

No Chilled, he became a part of this the moment you fell in love with him!" he yells slamming me against the wall. "Now, you can either cooperate or I can make you watch me kill him." he says slowly letting go of my shirt.

I fall to my knees crying. I can't- no, I will not let him hurt Ze. I cant.

"Ok." I say though my tears.

"That's what I thought." he says, kicking me in the stomach and grabbing his coat, then leaves.

I lay on the floor crying in pain. I hold my stomach that's probably going to bruise.

Oh Ze, only if you knew how much I love you. How much I need you, I can't live without you.

I don't get up, I just lay there and cry till every thing goes dark.


        I'm standing next to Ze and I get a burst of confidence.

"Hey Ze, can I talk to you about something important?" I ask starring down at my feet.

"Um, yea bud what's up?" He asks as we step away from the crowd to talk.

We get to the edge of the town.

"I- I think I-  l- love you." I say practically shaking.

I look down at Ze he's frozen in place.

"Ze?" I ask starting to worry more than before.

"You're disgusting." He says before pushing me and walking back to the crowd.

I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I fall to the ground and sob.

*End dream*

I sit up in bed I look out the window and see that the sun has risen.

That was a dream? It felt so real.

I start to sit up only to be stopped by a fiery pain in my stomach. I lay back down and lift my shirt. My stomach is a dark shade of purple. I grit my teeth and roll off my bed. I need to get outside before Ze starts to worry. I quickly get dressed and head out.

Zes Pov

        Chilled hasn't come out of his house yet. I'm starting to get worried. did the mafia get him? Or even the serial killer?

Oh, good there he is. Why is he limping? Is he ok?

"Chilly willy!" I yell waving my arms to get his attention.

He looks up at me and walks over. Once he gets closer I can see his face clearer. He doesn't look so good.

His eyes are blood shot, he has dark bags under his eyes, and he's holding his stomach. What happened last night?

"Chilled?" I say looking him up and down.

God damn he still looks cute.

"Yea buddy?" He says looking up at me.

"Are you ok? You don't look so good." I ask worriedly.

"I'm fine, it's-" He starts to sat before he stumbles to the ground.

"Chilled!" I yell.

I try to catch him before he hits the ground but he's much bigger then me so I go down with him. We both hit the ground. He groans in pain. I look over at him to see if he's still 'ok,' and his shirt had risen alittle with the fall. I can see that his stomach has a weird color on it. with instinct I reach over and lift his shirt alittle more.

I gasp. He has a big bruise on his stomach.

He grabs his shirt and pulls it back down. I look up at him I can see fear in his eyes.

"You were not sub post to see that." He says trying his hardest not to look me in the eye.

"Chilled what happened?" I ask, I feel my heart brake alittle.

"Nothing I'm fine." he says trying to get up only to be stopped by the pain in his stomach.

"Ok..." I say not Pleased with his answer, then I help him stand.

I knew he wasn't going to tell me, so I guess I'm going to have to jail him tonight.

Maybe I can get it out of him then.

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