Some How

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Chilleds Pov

        I've been jailed? Why would Ze jail me?

"Hey chilly." Ze says looking worried.

"Whats up?" I ask.

"Are you going to tell me what's up now." he says not looking me in the eye.

"I- I can't tell you" I say holding back tears.

"Please, Anthony let me help you." He says pleading.

I look up surprised at hearing my real name.

"Please." He says looking into my eyes with his amazing forest green eyes.

"If I tell you next time he won't let me live!" I yell falling to my knees and I Begin to sob.

Zes Pov

        Why can't he just let me help him.

"Please" I beg

"If I tell you next time he won't let me live!" He yells before falling to the floor sobbing.

"Chilled!" I yell before I run into the cell I was keeping him in.

I run over and kneel next to him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Who won't let you live?" I ask.

All he does is shake his head no. Why can't he just tell me! I know why, but WHY! I will figure this out some how.

...The Next Morning...

        Chilled walks out looking a bit better then yesterday, but he still looks horrible. I run over to him and hug him. Why'd you do that Ze you're so stupid! He groans in pain. Oops I had forgoten about the bruise on his stomach.

"Sorry." I say looking down at my feet.

"It's ok." he says holding is stomach.

 Chilleds Pov

        I return home after a long day of dodging questions from Ze. I can't lie to him or tell him the truth. If I lie t him I couldn't live with myself. If I tell him the truth the Godfather will kill us both. I can't let him hurt Ze! I can't kill any one else!

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!" I yell as I run over to the kitchen and pull a knife out of the drawer.

Zes Pov

        I decided I would go visit Chilled. I think he needs a one-on-one talk to make him feel better. 

I step on his porch and knock on the door. *No answer* I knock again *No answer*

'He must be listening to music or something' I think to myself before opening the door to let myself in. I had been here many times before so I know the lay out of the house very well. I make my way thought the living room to the kitchen. I turn the corner into the kitchen and I let out a loud gasp. standing in front of me is Chilled shakily holding a knife about to stab himself in the chest, tears running down his face.

"CHILLED NO!" I yell before running over and tackling him before he could stab himself.

I straddle him yanking the knife out of his hand and throwing it out of his reach. I look down at him, by now both of us have tears streaming down our cheeks.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! I yell though a mixture of sadness and anger.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME DO IT!" he yells, trying to wiggle out from under me to reach for the knife.

"ANTHONY!" I yell trying to get him to stop.

He slowly stops struggling and relaxes.

"Why did you stop me." he asks


"Be- because....." I paused wandering if now was a good time. Fuck it. "Because I love you..."

"Y- y-you do?" He asks, eyes wide.

"S-since I first met you." I say biting my lip worriedly.

"I- I Love you t- too" He stutters out.

This Town...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora