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Zes Pov

        It's been what seems like forever, and Chilled hasn't come out of his house yet. I'm going to see if he's ok. He probably just slept in.

I walk up to his front door knocking first, then I just let myself in. I walk though the living room into the kitchen. Not there. Then I walk back to his room and open the door.

Chilleds Pov

        I wake up to someone yelling my name. I try to move only to have a wave if pain though my body. I open my eyes to see a very worried Ze hovering over me.

"Good *cough* morning." I say looking up at him.

"CHILLED! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He yelled, Tears forming in his eyes.

"I want to tell you so badly, but this is what I got for telling you what I told you already. I say tears starting to from in my eyes. 

He didn't say anything, he just leaned down and hugged me. I hurt like hell, but I wasn't going to complain. I wish I could tell him, I really do.

"Can you stand?" He asks sitting up and wiping a tear from his cheek.

I try to sit up again only to be met with pain making me lay back down. I look up at him and shake my head.

"I- Um- Stay here, I'll be right back." He says before running out of the house.

*sigh* I wish he didn't worry so much. I understand why he's so worried, if it was him I would be scared out of my mind. I just hate seeing him upset.

I few moments later I hear him come back and it sounds like he brought someone else. Ze steps into my line of sight, then I can hear a gasp come from who ever he brought.

"You didn't say it was this bad." Smarty says walking into my line of sight.

"Just help me lift him onto the bed." Ze says stepping closer.

I tense up as I feel four hands slide under me and lift me. I scrunch my face up in pain. They carry me over and gently lay me on the bed.

"Thanks." Ze says looking up at Smarty, singling him to leave.

Smarty walks out leaving me and Ze.

"I'm jailing you tonight." Ze says grabbing my hand.

"Why?" I ask  looking up at him.

"It will keep you safe." He says.

"Bu-" I start to say before he cuts me off.

"See you tonight." He says before walking out the door.

"See you tonight..." I say to myself.

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