10: Personalities

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~1 year later~

Aurora turned out to be a miny me. She had my black curly and curious violet eyes. She had my silliness tone in her voice. She also is smarter than any one year old in the pack. She keeps to herself, plays by herself, and is so quiet I have to call her name just to make sure she's still around.

Kaden is Chris's twin. They have the same light brown hair and eyes. The same strong aura. They're both so caring and funny. Kaden likes to tease everyone by taking their stuff and hiding it, and the only way to get it back is by giving him something he wants in return. He's outgoing and seeks for attention.

"They have your bravery too." I heard Chris's voice say, then sparks exploding under my skin. I looked up, and saw Chris had kissed me on my head, and Aurora on his side. "Hi." I said happily. "Momma!" Aurora squealed, leaping out of Chris's arms into mine. "Hi baby girl." I kissed her all over her face, making her laugh. "Where's Kaden?" I asked Chris, setting Rose on my hip. Suddenly, the door to our room burst open, and a running Kaden entered. He was covered in mud and trailing it in. "Kaden! Your all dirty!" I yelled, setting Aurora down, and she ran off to somewhere. "Josh and I were playing in the mud and we got Maddie and Elina all dirty too!" He yelled happily. Chris bent down and gathered him in his arms. "Your getting a bath mister." Chris told him, and went over to our bathroom. "No! Mommy save me!" Kaden cried, punching Chris in the back. I waved and giggled until they disappeared.

I sighed, "Time to go find Aurora." I walked out of the room, catching her scent immediately. I followed it to the backyard where the forest started. She wasn't anywhere to be found though. I sniffed the air, finding not only her scent but five other scents. I growled lowly. No rogue is going to take my daughter from me. Shifting into my black wolf, I followed the scents. Soon enough, I could hear my baby's voice and laughter of men.

I surrounded them quietly, and automatically leaped on the one holding Aurora. My jaws extended, and snapped down on his neck. The man yelled until his blood filled his throat, gurgling it out. The metallic taste in my mouth drove me on. Then, everything slowed down. I could see clearly, hear perfectly, smell amazingly well, feel every rock under my paws. The mother wolf senses of protecting her pups had kicked in. I growled meanly at the men, snarling, and felt the blood drip from my fangs.

The men circled me in slowly. But that just helped me out more. With a leap and claw, I cut one man's eye. He screamed, fell to his knees, holding his face, but then he fell limp. The third man ran towards me, aiming for my neck. I dodged it, and caught him at the throat, and bit down. I dropped his now limp body. The last two tried tackling me together, but I jumped backwards, having them collide instead. I took my chance and slit their leg muscles, making it impossible for them to walk. I bit into one man's head as I clawed the other man's head. The man in my mouth went limp, so I dropped him.

Right before I killed the last one, I growled a fierce growl, and slit his throat. I then started to pant. The taste of blood lingered on my tastebuds. I heard a shaky breath. Slowly turning, Aurora was sitting against a tree, she slowly was putting her hands down from her face. When I took a step towards her, she flinched but gotten to her feet, and ran over to me. She hugged my leg tightly for comfort, so I laid my head on her shoulder, the wolf hug way.

Aurora was strong. Through that whole thing, not a tear had fallen from her face. She was just shocked. I slowly knelt down and had her climb onto my back. She gripped my fur in her tiny hands, and leaned close to my body. When I assumed she was ready, I began walking back towards the pack house. I could still feel my heart racing inside my chest as adrenaline slowly ceased.

The pack house slowly came back into sight, so Aurora jumped off my back, still holding my fur, she walked by my side, almost under my belly. We walked in silence to our room. I led her to Chris's and my bed, she tucked herself under the covers, and immediately fell asleep. Her hands in fists close to her face, and long black hair curls covered the pillow.

I trotted over to the bathroom, shifting back, I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was wild and crusty with blood, and my face had blood splotches all over. At that moment, Chris rushed in, and had bewildered eyes. He took me in and was at my side in seconds. He grabbed my arms, turning me to face him. "Are you hurt?" Chris's voice was strained, trying to contain his wolf. I took his hands and intertwined my fingers in his. "It's not my blood," I looked into his eyes "It's the rogues blood. I killed them before they could hurt Aurora." I told him, but his wolf didn't seem to cool. "They didn't touch me, they didn't touch our daughter. I promise we're ok." Stepping closer to him, I dropped his arms, and wrapped my arms around him. That caused his body to relax, and I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me even closer.

Chris nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent deeply. Feeling his warmth and body against mine had Claire purring softly. I laid my head on his muscular chest, nearly falling asleep from the familiar steady rhythm of Chris's heartbeat. The world began floating around me, the ground left from under my feet, and a familiar soothing voice was talking to me. I stirred, but the whole world went away.

Chris's POV

As I held Case, I couldn't stop thinking about how she could've gotten hurt and that I wasn't there to protect her. It pissed me off that rogues dared to cross teritory and take my baby girl. Even with those thoughts running through my head, they were all small things compared to the fact my baby had killed who knows how many rogues. Case brought me back to reality when she slumped in my grasp, her arms letting go, and her knees gave way a little. I looked down at her startled, but realized she had just fallen asleep. Her eyelids hid her beautiful violet eyes, Case's pink plump lips parted slightly, showing the smallest bit of teeth, and her bangs fell over her face. Aurora does the same thing when she falls asleep, looks the same exact way.

Kneeling down, I looped my arms under her knees and behind her back. I lifted her with ease, and went back into the bedroom. Baby snuggled closer to my chest, and sighed in content. I smiled with pure happiness and love. Fixing her so I could hold her in one arm and lift the covers, I gently set her next to Aurora, walked to the other side and came in with them, pulling Case and Rose to me.

I quietly listened to my babies sleep. Kaden's scent filled the room, and he jumped onto the bed without any sound. He looked at us, and smiled. He crawled next to my other side, crawled under the covers, closed his eyes, and tried to sleep. Kaden opened his eyes again, smiled at me, then Rose surprisingly sat up, smiling. "I love you daddy." They said in unison, before falling back into the bed, and falling asleep.

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