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Cassia's POV

The fights are over, the struggle has ended, the world will be at peace now on...well at least the pack's and mine. I had our Trackers go search for Hades and Piers's sister Spirit. They came back reporting Hades was dead, but Spirit was nowhere to be seen and there was no trace of her scent, like she had left long away. Chris and I both knew she was no longer a threat to our pack.

As things began settling, I couldn't help but feel the sense that I was the same Puppy who loved playing and getting loved on. So I let it take over me, and I was in my pup form, running around, creating a happy aura to the house. Chris was in the hospital recovering, and told me to go check up on everyone to see how they were. Of course, I listened..partially. I asked the peeps in the kitchen if my stash of Nutella was untouched, checked on the children and rilled them up. I went to reunite with my best friends, congratulated Terra and Damien, la da dee. And I lastly checked on my twins and played.

Now I was running back to the recovery, adrenaline rushing through my veins. The members smiled knowingly when they saw my current faze, remembering I'm back to being my true self after two years. I'm really glad everything is back to the way it was, with some little extra nice things. I could feel Chris's happiness and content, even Chase's. Even though I had hurt my mom, I know she was looking down on my family with the most motherly love.

I made it to Chris's recovery room, and jumped onto his bed past the nurse Nevaeh. She was tall, dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, freckles. A really pretty wolf she wolf, and a very nice one at that. "Hello Luna Cassia, it's nice seeing you are back to your usual self." Nevaeh smiled brightly, petting my head. I barked and wagged my tail. "Hey Baby." Chris said softly with love, and my attention immediately went back to him. His eyes went wide with surprise, making me cock my head to the side. "Your eyes have turned back to blue and green." He whispered, his smile growing to a grin.

I whined at him, You didn't like my purple eyes? Chris only laughed, petting my head and kissing my cheek. My mind went puppy, and I jumped on his chest, licking his face, tail wagging. Nevaeh set me at his feet, I pouted, my ears falling sideways. They laughed at me, and I perked up again. She did her daily check up, asking the usual questions, took blood, and left. Chris lifted me in his arms, looking me in the eyes intensely, and I did to, even gave a playful little growl.

"WE ARE THE POWERFUL TWINS! NO ONE SHALL DEFEAT US!" The twins burst into the room, breaking the door. Chris and I began laughing, me going to tears from laughing so much. I loved hearing Chris's laugh, it was music to my ears, as well as the twins' laughs. "Momma! Kenny was playing that scary Freddy game with the scary robots!" Rose tattletales to me, pointing at her brother, pouting. I glared at Danny just to make my baby feel better.

She crossed her arms over her puffed out chest, sticking her tongue out at him. "Don't play that game, son. It'll give you the scary worms." Chris chirped in sternly, yet jokingly. "Not the scary worms!" Danny yelled scared, eyes wide. I licked his cheek, then nuzzled him lovingly with my nose. He giggled, pushing his shoulder up to stop me.

"When will you be all better, Daddy?" Rose asked curiously, sitting on my gorgeous mate's lap like the princess she is. The minute she was born, she had Chris wrapped around her little finger. "Soon baby girl, I promise." He kissed her nose to seal the promise, and I smiled lightly at their special moment. "Look what I can do Momma!" She squealed, jumped off of the bed, and set her hands in front of her. Rose's eyes glowed purple, the air sparkled, and a woman formed.

I gasped at the picture before me. "I keep seeing her, and she has your green eye Momma." Rose told me curiously. A tear formed in my eye, but I didn't let it fall. My mom stood before me, tall and beautiful, kind and loving. "That's your grandmother, babies." I barked sadly. The twins glowed with awe, looking up at their ancestor.

Mom faded away after a minute, leaving a hole in my heart again. But I'll be ok, I'll see her again one day. I pushed away the sadness, growled playfully, and began chasing the twins around the room. "Daddy! Heelp." Danny and Rose yelled in unison. They got some creepy telepathy twin power or something. "I'm coming to get you, Case." Chris warned, grinning evilly.

I growled at him, but kept chasing the two. My mate got out of the bed, and wobbled on after me, arms out. I yapped, and ran a different direction. When I got trapped into a corner, I zipped through his legs, but got trapped when he caught my tail. It sent sparks through my blood. Chris gathered my little pup body in his arms, as well as our babies. He began spinning around, making us squeal.

Chris set the twins down and me in between, kneeling down in front of us. "So you and me made a promise one year ago, love." Chris started, smirking. "Now how would you like to make my last name your's too?"

I'll be posting the sequel soon! Hope you liked the book! Love you all!!!!

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