8: Going to Miami

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A/N hey gals and guys! its agent2701 talking, sorry i havnt updated in a really long time! had a lot happening here in michigan, ive also been starting to write other books on my other profile sapphire_doll        so with my next chapter could you guys give me ideas on what to write? that would really help. thanks so much!!!! loves you all, peace

Its been three months since I came back to Chris, and everything has been normal in the pack. I have officially became Luna of the Lunar Eclipse Pack. My family has finally died and we burned their bodies in a dumpster in the city at night. Quite a show I might say, even if it was a little disgusting. The little ones are growing in numbers and ages.

Speaking of little ones, Chris and I are going to have two special little pups. A baby boy and baby girl. Chris is always talking about how he won't be the father who protects his baby girl from everything, especially boys. He wants his daughter to do what she wants with her life. Go to parties, have sleepovers with her friends, etc. But he will keep her from having sex with every guy she sees; if she turns out like that. So, I'm three months pregnant, three more months to go. I really hope they don't become miscarriages or stillborns. That'd be really sad.

Well anyways, today the pack is- "Case. Its time to leave." Chris called from the doorway. His brown hair was in that sexy mess when he woke up, his eyes were full of life, his red bazinga shirt hugged his frame, and his jeans fit around his waist perfectly. "Ok. I'm done packing anyways." I smiled at him. "Well that's one girl down. Just Terra and Rachel have to finish packing up their makeup. Who knows how long that'll take." Chris laughed as he walked up to me. We smiled lightly, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we kissed softly. I could feel his smile against my own smiling lips.

A bang on the door made me gasp from getting scared. "Eh, you two love birds. The girls are done packing. Let's get going before we miss our flight." Damien said, as he held the strap of a big duffle bag on his shoulder. "We'll be down in a minute Damien. We just have to grab our bags." I said and unwrapped myself from Chris. I grabbed my medium sized red and white duffle bag and tossed it over my shoulder. I got my red low top Converse and shoved em on. I looked up at Chris as he said, "Ready?" I nodded, we intertwined our hands together, and we left the empty room.

The pack is leaving Colorado, and going to Miami, Florida. Ok, time for the girly fan scream. AAHHHHH!!!! Terra and I just can't wait to walk along the shorelines, then go skinny dipping. Ok, so Rachel and Terra have been my absolutely best friends since, well, birth. Terra is Damien's mate and Rachel is Jasper's mate. Jasper is the pack warrior now. The pack has already left for Miami, but the families and mates that lived in the pack house leave today. The girls, our mates, and I have the first class seats in the plane. I thought that was pretty sweet.

When I stepped out of the house, I looked back inside. The red living room was empty, but was filled with memories. Me and Rachel chasing each other around our moms; Jasper and Damien sword fighting the villains to save the damsels in distress(Terra and Rachel) while I was the dragon, guarding their prison; my mom and I sitting on the couch, me on her lap, as we watched Sleeping Beauty, my favorite Disney princess. A tear fell from my eye, remembering Mom and how much I missed her.

Chris wrapped his arm around my waist and had me look up at him. His brown eyes were full of concern. I smiled and said, "I'm alright, just gonna miss this place." He tucked my hair behind my ear, smiling he kissed my forehead and lead me to his GMC Acadia. "Ugh, cars, and airplanes, and more cars." Terra groaned next to me. We laughed. "On come on gal! At least it ain't one of those stalker vans where the boys end up making us become their private stripers!" Rachel laughed, patting Terra's back. The rest of us rolled our eyes. Rachel is the nasty one in our little trio. Terra is the ginger, the no soul chick. And I'm the playful one, the pup.

"Girls, girls, your all gamers, sooo we got cod ghosts and bo2!" Jasper yelled holding up two games in his hands. The two screamed. But I didn't like either of em. I wanted-"I got a little hookup for you, Baby." Chris whispered in my ear. I looked up at him. He held in front of him Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. My eyes widened as wide as saucers. "How'd you get this?!!! Its not even on the black market," I screamed as I realized they were staring at me, shocked. "Not like I looked to see if they were at the thing." I slowly said, and laughed it off. I grabbed Chris's neck and pulled him closer to me. He was surprised but got what I was wanting to do. He leaned closer to me and kissed me softly. I bit his lip, pulled away quickly, and ran.

I heard a low, possessive growl behind me, making me run faster. I heard his loud, fast footsteps behind me. I looked back, and saw he was almost on my tail, and squealed. Right as he was about to grab my waist and about to run into a tree, I ran up the trunk, did a back flip and twist, and landed on my feet. I quickly took off running again, leaving behind a very confused and surprised Chris. Pretty cool right? Well, instead of fighting sessions, I taught myself to do the stunt. I got in trouble a lot for skipping the classes, but it was worth it. Every time I didn't stick a landing, my mother would have a small heart attack. But we both laughed it off every time I got back up.

I heard Chris's voice ring through the woods, maeaning he was a very possessive alpha wanting his mate; and wanting her now. I made a sharp left turn, then climbed a tree, and leaving my windbreaker underneath to have my scent there. Since I'm in the trees, it covers my scent, hididng it with fresh air. Chris walked underneath the tree, looking around, calling my name. I leaned down, stealthily, and jumped down, and onto his back. He screamed loudly, making me laugh hysterically. "Baby, you can't be doing all these crazy stunts and running off with you being pregnant." Chris pulled me so I was craddling his chest. His eyes held concern and worry. I sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. I positioned myself differently so he was holding me bridal style. Two sucky things about being pregnant is: one you always hungry and two you have a bunch of mood swings. So now, I was extremely tired and laid my head on Chris's chest. Before I knew it, I had fallen to sleep.

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