6: Goodbye

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A/N thanks for all the votes!!! you peeps are amazing!! btw I love peeps :)

Chris's POV

I didn't kill Cassia's father, but I did put him in a coma. What I did was, I half broke his neck, after I broke most of his ribs. Once he was down, I went straight to Baby. Her pulse wasn't there, and when we tried to put her on life support, there was no answer. I screamed for her to wake up, I squeezed her till she was pale, I cried for her, I never left her side. You may be thinking why do mates do this, just for their mate? Well, I'll tell you. Your mate is the air you breathe, the sky you see, the ground you run on, the food you eat, your number one reason to stay alive.

"Chris. Go shower and eat. I'll watch her and mind link you if she wakes up. Puppy would've wanted that." Damian pulled me out of my thoughts, and placed his hand on my shoulder. It's been three days since her dad killed her. And each passing hour, I'm active a little bit less. Everyone hasn't called Case Puppy since she shifted to her full wolf. So it struck me so hard, I couldn't breathe.

I nodded and got up. We did a bro hug and I left the room, very hesitantly. I walked to our room, in a blur, but one question lay in my head. Why wouldn't Baby tell me she was being attacked? Chase growled at the thought that she didn't want our help. They say the Moon Goddess is merciful. "Why didn't she save Baby!?" I screamed as I went to the bathroom. I viciously tore off my clothes and turned the shower to ice cold.

I think I showered a little too quickly, but I couldn't tell because I was too deep in thought. I ran to the closet, pulled on a black shirt and worn out jeans. I didn't bother putting shoes on, just socks. I ran to the kitchen, made a bacon cheeseburger and ran back to Baby's room. Damian was talking to her, but stopped when I walked in. "What were you talking about?" I growled, becoming extremely protective. Damian held up his hands, showing no threat, and shook his head. "I was just trying to get her up, explaining what's been happening to you." He tried to explain, but I couldn't really understand him.

"Why would you tell Case what I've been doing?! It'll probably get her worried sick!" I pushed past Damian and roughly sat on my chair, grasping Baby's small, fragile paw in my large, rough with calluses hands. I brought her paw to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Tomorrow isn't going to be a good day. My birthday without my beautiful, strong, amazing mate. Why should I celebrate it, without her? How could I do anything without her?

The doctor walked in, and I sensed he wasn't here with good news. "We have to take out the ventilators at midnight, Alpha. Her body is rejecting all of the treatments, and we can't figure out why." He said sadly. I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell him to wait, but Case would, will, want that to happen, knowing that there wasn't anything to help her. "I won't come back here until then. But you should sleep now Alpha. It's 11 pm." The doctor placed his hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to tear myself from Case, but I knew she was going to die anyways.

I got up abruptly, knocking down the chair, and ran out. I went to the forest, shifted and ran. I didn't know, or care, how long I ran, I just needed to be in another world, so I let Chase take control. It was dark in the forest, and a heavy mist has risen up. As I ran, I howled in pain for a long while. I ran over where Damian killed that warlock, who turned out to be Baby's Uncle Aloysius. Her father told me that before I basically half killed him. The piled up dirt had a magic wand sticking out, the man's wand.

It sparkled blue fire sparks, noting me magic was being done nearby. I stopped dead, and enhanced my hearing and sight. Nothing and no one was around....unless they're or it is extremely silent and quick. I shrugged it off, but the wand started to blaze with blue sparks. I picked it up with me mouth and turned it to the other side of the forest. It was dead. I turned it back, and it blazed blue once again. I started to walk to where I just came from. Within every minute it blazed more.

Right as I stepped in front of the pack house, it died. I threw it at the wall, breaking to a million pieces. Just in case it was some sort of bomb or something. Hey, ya never know. I walked inside the house, after shifting and putting on clothes of course. I walked down to the pack hospital. The doctor was in the room, taking out Case's IV. I grabbed the chair, out it back up, and sat down next to my mate. I grabbed her paw, and kissed it.

"Are you ready, Alpha?" The doc asked me, his hand on the switch. I nodded my head slowly, and closed my eyes. "Goodbye, Cassia. I love you." "One," I took a deep breath "Two," I squeezed Baby's hand a little harder, and kissed her forehead "Three." The machine shut down. I took a ragged breath as I let go of Baby's paw, and pet her head, rubbing her ears, as tears slide down my cheeks.

I could no longer hear Baby's heartbeat, or her little puffs of breath coming out through her nose. Her black fur no longer had any shine to it. But I noticed something strange. Her wolf was slowly shrinking back to her husky pup. In about two minutes, she was in her husky pup form. I started to cry a little more, remembering all the good times Case was when she was a pup. "Chris, are you ok?" A voice whispered in the doorway. I turned abruptly, furious.

Is this voice
a) Chris's mom
b) Chris's sister
c) Damian
d) Cassia's dad

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