14: Fights

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~Previously on My Puppy Mate: Spa Day~

I gasped, my eyes shooting up, the paint ceasing. Case and Terra were there, eyes concerned and wide. "Who are you working for?" I asked coldly, to Terra. She looked appalled, but I something light up in her eyes, but it was gone within a second. "What are you talking about?" Terra asked. "Yeah, what are you talking about?" Case asked suspiciously. I looked Case in the eyes. "Terra's trying to give you to someone." I said simply, a deadness tone in my voice. Case stepped back, eyes wide.
"What do you mean?" I looked up at Terra with wide eyes. "Terra, what's going on?" My voice shook. After experiencing my betrayal of my family and then Zander and Natalie, it wasn't exactly impossible to believe. But my best friend, the one I grew up with since birth...how could that be possible? Terra was looking from me to Rach, then back again.

"Your making no sense, Rach. Are you feeling ok?" Terra placed the back of her hand on Rach's forehead, but she jerked away. She asked again, more outraged, "Who are you working for?" "Uh, the same place I always have. The library." Terra said dully. "No, your working for someone you called "Chief". And you had guards with you. Then the guy said he'd have you," Rachel looked at me, "And your kids." Rach was so bewildered and wide eyed, it scared me.

"Yeah, my boss has us call him Chief, and he was going to have Case and the twins be apart of the play he's hosting." Terra explained, and it began making sense. "It was supposed to be a surprise." Terra apologize shrugged. "No, no. The chief was a bad guy. Like in the movies." Rach yelled, like we needed anymore attention. I looked up slowly, seeing all the staring eyes, but looked back down quickly.

"Rachel, you don't look well." I said worryingly, realizing she had gone pale, and you could see sweat droplets forming on her temples and neck. "I'm taking you home," I turned to Terra, "Pay for the bill and meet me back home." Kneeling down, I had Rachel get onto my back. Carrying her to the truck, I gently put her in the passenger seat and buckled her in. She was shaking her head and mumbling things.

I got into my seat, and quickly started the truck. I pulled out of the parking lot, after I saw Terra jump into the trunk. Picking my phone from my pocket, I dialed Jasper. On the fifth ring, a voice answered. "What's up, Case?" Jace's familiar voice sounded. "Hey, something's wrong with Rach, so I'm bringing her to the pack hospital now." I answered, pulling out onto the main road.

"Why? What happened?" Jasper's worried and angry voice boomed through the phone, making me cringe. "I don't know." Was all I said, before I hung up, setting my phone into the cupholder. "Case, I swear, Terra isn't what she seems." Rachel's voice croaked, making me take a quick glance at her. She was breathing hard, paper pale, and sweating. She had gotten worse in the past two minutes.

I grabbed ahold of her hand and squeezed it as I pulled into the driveway of the pack house. I turned the truck off, jumping out, and opened the door just as Jasper came running through the garage door. "Baby." He whispered, scooping her up in arms, and ran back out. I didn't follow, I couldn't. Terra had gone with Jace. All I could do was stand there, looking at the truck, my hands in fists.

"Stop, Baby, your hurting yourself." Chris had gotten in front of me, taking my left hand. Slowly looking down, opening my hand, I saw my key dug into my skin, slicing half my palm. There was only a slight tingle of pain. Turning my hand to the side, I let the key drop. Everything was slow. I could see my blood run down my hand in small rivers.

The cut started healing, I could feel it pulling itself together, knitting and stitching. A numbness overtook my body and mind. I vaguely remember Chris leading us to our room. I was sat on the edge of the bed, and Chris stood, looking at me.

Blinking my eyes, I got the numbness to leave me. "Why did you leave me with those kids? As a joke? Cassia, they destroyed the room. I'm glad they can clean well because otherwise I would've made them stay until it was spotless, no matter how long it took." Chris was yelling. "Why are you mad at me? It wasn't even my idea!" I yelled back, standing up, staring at him, my eyes blazing.

"Oh but you went along with it. You thought it would be fine. You know I don't handle a lot of kids well. Especially on my own." Chris roared, and it made the anger boil in me. "You had Damien and Jasper. And besides that, you shouldn't complain. I always have the kids. Always. Because your either too busy with alpha business or pack business, or your just hanging out with your pals. But no! I never said anything, because I wanted you to have a good time. I guess you don't want me to have a good time, just because you don't want to handle a few kids." I growled loudly, my pupils grew, my eyes mostly black.

Chris opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him. "No, you do not deserve to tell me anything. You took about half my freedom away ever since I mated to you. I can't hang out with Jasper as much. I don't get to run in the woods like I used to. I can't even spend a whole day with my girls without you complaining how shouldn't I don't talk to any strangers, how I can't speak to any men, how I can't even go past fifty miles away from the pack house. You took every freedom I was born with just because you're too damn possessive." I pushed Chris, hard. He stumbled back. I was beyond pissed.

"I'm tired of it, Christopher. You either start shaping up, or I start rejecting." I took a bag, stuffed some clothes and my electronics into it. Zipping it up, I slung it over my shoulder. "Once you've made your decision, come talk to me." I said coldly, and stormed out of the room.

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