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I'm actually getting close to the end of the book; never thought I'd make it this far with just one idea. But I'd like to thank all of you peeps cuz I probably would've deleted this story if you didn't vote and comment. But don't worry, I am creating the sequel to My Puppy Mate now and it's called Witch's Dawn. The sequel is set on the twins Aurora and Kaden when their teenagers. That's all I shall spill, I ain't no spoiler. So thanks to all of you and enjoy!

Chris's POV

Tonight is the night I fight Hades and figure out what happened to my love, my mate. There's been a buzz in the air throughout the pack house, making anyone who wasn't anxious before now anxious. It happened to me as well, but as alpha I cannot let that show. I'd like to see how strong Hades truly is when he has everyone else do his work. I have to make sure that when I fight him, I channel all of my anger to concentration, strength, speed, and agility. I wonder if Baby will be with him when we meet at the forest. The pack warriors have been getting their rest and babied by either their mates or family. That-sadly-includes Aurora and Kaden. I've tried to talk them out of it, Chase even tried to, but they're even more stubborn then their mother.. because I get twice the stubbornness. So the twins are sitting with me in my office, Rose reading a book of elemental magic Piers had given her, and Danny playing with toy army men. "Hey, Ari. Make this float in the air." Danny suggested as he threw an army man in the air. Rose lifted her tiny hand, her purple eyes glowing luminous, and the toy stopped falling or rising. She never looked up from her book as she slowly set it back on Danny's head. Rose's eyes stopped glowing as she set her hand back on the book. The toy fell, the gun poking Danny's nose on the way. He groaned an ouch as I and Rose chocked on a laugh. Danny glared at me and his sister. We laughed again.


Midnight is now only minutes away, my pack warriors, kids, Damien, Jasper, and Piers are all ready and in the forest along with me. Even though we're in Miami, it certainly can get a bit nippy at night. But I'm glad werewolves don't feel the cold. Everyone was on high alert, waiting to hear any disturbance in the earth or air. "There's a magic in the air." Aurora and Piers said at the same time, causing everyone to get into a fighting stance. Many supernatural appeared before us, maybe the same amount as ours. Of course, in front was Bones Hades; I didn't smell Baby but I saw a girl who was gorgeous beside him. The man smiled, "Christopher, a pleasure to see you again." "Where's Cassia?" I demanded, fists clenching at my sides. The girl beside him, love. Don't you recognize me? Baby's voice floated through my head, and the girl smirked.  "What did you do with her?!" I growled, stepping up to the girl and grabbed her by the shirt. "I took over something that was weak, and made it stronger and better." "My mate is stronger and more better than you will ever dream of. So what did you do with her?" I asked/growled, eyes blazing a black darkness. The girl shoved me off of her quite roughly. "I didn't do anything. A body with no soul was open, I took it. Before that I was in an eternal darkness with no one around for two hundred years. You'd take the chance if it was given to you as well." She spoke defensively. "Enough, Vivian. We came here to fight for dominance, not speak of where an alpha's mate is." Hades looked over to me, "So let the challenge begin." Everyone stepped away from us, looking and choosing their opponents carefully. Danny shifted into his wolf as Rose climbed onto his back. Their eyes began blazing a neon yellow, gold almost. Many of Hades's people backed up a little as power radiated off the twins.

 "Daddy-" Rose tried telling me something, but was cut off by a roar. Supernatural charged at supernatural. The fight began. Hades and I circled each other, waiting for the perfect moment to make a move. Chase looked at him closely, observing his every move. We saw his foot step the slightest out of balance, and we took our chance. I lunged at Hades, shifting, and tackling over him. He quickly grabbed my snout, pushing me off. He slipped his hand into the inside of his jacket, and threw whatever he got at me. Chase saw it was a silver knife, barely dodging it. The sharp side grazed against my ribcage, but burnt like I had gotten stabbed with fire. Chase began healing it best he could as I charged at Hades. This time I got a good chunk of his leg, and whipped him side to side like a dog with a chew toy. I released, making Hades skid into a tree. He struggled to get back onto his feet. "Pretty good for a dog. But not good enough." Hades told me, grinning like a mad man. I looked down at his leg, saw blood, but no wound, and the blood was black. Daddy! That's not Hades! That's the world's strongest warlock! We've been played!  Rose's voice yelled in my ear through the wind. But it's too late now, the first blood was spilt.

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