21: Spirit

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~Previously on My Puppy Mate: ...Terra?

I was about to answer him, when a form appeared in front of us. They didn't walk here, otherwise I would have noticed them sooner. They just appeared, like they teleported. As I looked closely, it was the same person beside Hades. Then, the hood fell. Familiar black hair and gray eyes appeared. ...Terra?

Cassia's POV(pic is Chris)

Quickly shifting, my eyes went wide. "Terra? What...are you..working for Hades?" I asked confusedly, trying to find the right words to ask. Terra smiled bitterly. "Yes, I always have been." Terra admitted, but her tone was mocking.

"But why?" I walked over to her. "Because it's fun." She answered, that's when things began connecting inside my head, and my Sight was telling me she had been lying for a long time now. Terra is never like this. She would never do something like this.

"Who are you?" I asked coldly, all confusion gone now. "I'm Terra, your best friend." She said sweetly, I couldn't help but smile. "If you're really Terra, then what did we play as kids?" I asked smoothly, only certain people knew this: me, Terra, Rachel, Damien, and Jasper. "Dolls of course." Terra smirked, and how I wanted to smack it off, so I did. I slapped her across the face. "Wrong. Now where is my Terra?" I asked. But the girl just smirked. "Like I'd tell you." She spat.

"You'll tell me whether you like it or not." I whispered scarily. I connected the mind link to Aurora, and told her to come down where we were. The girl laughed, "Im not afraid of you." My smile deepened and I sensed that Aurora and Kaden were close by. "Not me, of them." Right on cue, the twins appeared beside me. Kaden was in his wolf form, and Aurora was on his back.

Kaden growled lowly, jumped on the girl and pinned her down. The girl hit her head, and a flash of bright light came. Sparks went from her head and down her body. When the light died out, a different girl laid on the ground. She had blonde hair and gold slit eyes like Piers. She was much taller now. "A disguise, huh. No wonder why I didn't recognize you before." A voice said from behind me. Turning quickly, I saw Piers was standing behind me.

"How long has it been brother, twelve years I presume." The girl smiled even though I could see she was trembling under Kaden. "Thirteen this year." Piers said, and walked over to her. "You've changed quite a bit since the last time I saw you, Spirit." Piers said, and knelt beside her. Spirit? Brother? So they are siblings? Did Piers once work for Hades, too?

"You certainly haven't changed a bit." The supposed Spirit acknowledged. Piers laughed. "I'm not one to change." I have to cut in now. "Well this is really sweet, but I still need to find where my best friend is." I said meanly. Piers looked up at me and said, "Oh, I can find out easily." He turned back to his sister, placed his hands on her head, then started to chant some spell. With a spark released from his hand, Spirit gasped and her eyes went wide. Piers lifted his hands and stood up. "So where is she?" I asked hurriedly. "In the river-" He never got to finish because I had already shifted and ran straight for the river.

I could only think about Terra. How long has she been down there for? Is she dead? Is she alive? Is she really in the river? Why did it have to be Terra? Not that I wanted anyone else to be in this position. Just why, why, why? And what does Hades want with my family? I finally made it to the river. Looking down into the clear water, I searched frantically.

I spotted her at the bottom of the river and seemed to be inside a bubble. Terra had her eyes closed. I couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. I shifted and laid down on the ground. I stretched my arm out, the water engulfing half of my arm. My fingertips grazed the top of the chamber that held my best friend. I was suddenly shocked, a spark biting at me. I hissed in pain, but tried to push past the electric field. I cried out in pain as the sparks got stronger. "I wouldn't continue doing that Cassia." A voice said from behind me. "Yeah, well I need to get my friend out of here so if you could just leave me alone right now that would be great." I told him half distracted.

"The electricity will only get stronger." Hades told me. "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" I asked annoyed. "Sorry, but I'm not leaving without you and your children." Hades said, but that grabbed my attention. "What do you want with us?" I asked, but didn't look at him. "To use your strength to take over this world, since you are the strongest." Hades explained, and I growled quietly. "You're not getting my children or me." I growled again, and he laughed. "What makes you think I won't?" He asked, and I could tell he was smirking from the tone in his voice.

"Because I'm going to get rid of you myself!" I yelled before I shifted and jumped on top of him lightning speed. Hades was smiling. "Go ahead, kill me. But just to let you know, I had Spirit plant bombs in your precious pack house. So if you attack me, I'll kill all of your family with a push of a button." Hades threatened. Immediately, I got off of him. "The only way to save everyone you love, is to come with me." Hades suggested.

I really wanted to kill him to get all of this over with, but I couldn't otherwise I' be killing my family. But I knew he wasn't lying because I could tell he really thought this through. This has been his plan the whole time. And I don't think he has a remote on him, I don't smell any metal or plastic on him. He'll set off the bombs with his mind. As a Luna, I need to protect my family, my pack, no matter the cost.

I looked up at Hades. "What shall it be, Cassia?" And I answered him.

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