They're Back.

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A million pieces of The Dark Lord swarmed back together in a very dark magic way. Perhaps everything didn't go as planned but he trusted his loyal followers to have went through with his orders before the battle.

"If the boy some way defeats myself or Bellatrix, you are to use this on us." Voldemort held up a strange glass capsule of fluorescent teal liquid.

All of Hogwarts was inside tending to the wounded, so it gave a quick exit for The Dark Lord. He couldn't help but feel saddened if he would ever see Bellatrix again. He hoped one of his servants was able to, put the pieces back together. When he arrived back to his manor, he dreaded going inside. As he opened the door he had hoped for one thing, to see Bellatrix face one more time.

"The Dark Lord! It is so good to see you, we thought we had lost you." One of his death eaters said shocked.

"You idiots just left me there! Where is she? Is she.. Alive"'The Dark Lord said angry.

"My lord, we managed to use the potion you gave us for her and yourself but she's not awake yet."

"Get out of my way." The Dark Lord said as he made his way over to Bellatrix who was laying on the couch.

Only Voldemort's power could bring air back into Bellatrix lungs and that's what he's planned to do. He held his hands above her body and chanted a spell. Slowly but surely Bellatrix's chest started to move.

"Come on my love, almost there"'The Dark Lord said as he started his chant again.

Bellatrix's eyes blinked a few times before she looked up at The Dark Lord.

"Bellatrix?" He quietly whispered down to her.

Unable to speak, Bellatrix curved her mouth to a slight smile. The Dark Lord reached down to touch her face which was very dry and cracked do to how she was killed. She didn't look the greatest, but The Dark Lord was glad she was back. It would take much time before she could properly speak or return to her old self but it would be worth the wait for Voldemort.

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