Loyalty is all that matters

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"My lord, I've contacted Severus. Draco malfoy is to Kill dumbledore tonight" bellatrix said, hoping to enlighten voldmorts mood.

"Good, thank you my most faithful" he says as he strides towards her.

"You are a good woman bellatrix, I apologize for my out burst earlier. Can you forgive me my love." Tom said with remorse.

"My lord, I love you.. Of course i forgive you"

Later that afternoon, they sit eating lunch.

"My lord, I will be joining the others tonight. I just thought you should know" bellatrix spoke, with abit of concern in her voice. Unaware of how the dark lord would react.

"As I hoped you would, that is why you are my most faithful. I trust you with all I have"

Bellatrix left that evening, in hopes she would return with pleasing news for the dark lord. Hours had passed and it was finally time to enter the vanishing cabinet. With one quickstep, she had at last entered hogwarts with the other death eaters. They crept up the stairs, where a distraught Draco stood.

"Do it Draco! Now!" Yelled Bellatrix.

"No." A one tone voice spoken so quietly yet still covered the room.

Severus snape stepped forward, bellatrix couldn't believe what was happening. Would Severus snape really kill Albus dumbledore? Would he at last prove his loyalty to the dark lord?

"Severus, please" a quiet dumbledore spoke.

"Aveda kedevara" Snape said while pointing his wand at dumbledore.
Disbelief and joy took over bellatrix body. There was nothing left to do but celebrate the headmasters death.

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