The boy who lived...

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As the weeks followed after Dumbledores death, Voldemort was pleasantly happy with the way Severus Snape has stepped up to the plate. Hogwarts, at last was in the Dark Lords hands. At his command, he can make anything happen. All he has to focus on is finding the boy and making sure he finishes him off.
After the break in at gringots bank, the Lord knew Harry was much closer to destroying the remaining of his horcruxes. It was time to move fast and prepare for battle.

"We leave tonight, give the boy a chance to surrender himself to me with no harm done to his friends" demanded the Dark Lord.

Bellatrix Lestrange looked at the man she loved, and wondered what the events would turn out like tonight. She knew she had to put her strong face on, and be the crazy woman Voldemort fell in love with many years ago. They set off, to declare war against anyone who stand in there way.

"So stupid, sheltering the boy away from us. They don't know that we will win, and conqueror all who stands in our way. The boy dies tonight, at the hands of I" Voldemort said looking up at the bright colours, shielding them out of Hogwarts.

After the first attempt attack on Hogwarts, Voldemort made his plans very clear to Harry Potter. He knew what a fool he would be had he not show up.

"I thought he would come, kill Hagrid. Im not to be doubted, and he needs to see that" demanded Voldemort.

Silent foot steps fade in closer to the Dark Lord.

"Wait, hold off" spoke Voldemort as he looked over his shoulder to see Harry Potter at last stand before him.

"Harry potter, the boy who lived .. Come to die.. Aveda kedevara!"

The boy falls to the ground, loud crys Echo from Hagrid.

"Such a brave young man, pick him up. Carry him back to his friends" Voldemort said with a sigh of relief in his voice. He had finally did it, he had taken the life of Harry Potter.

Bellatrix stands by Voldemorts side, grips his hands and whispers.

"You did my Lord. I love you."

A warm smile beams down at Bellatrix, he brings her hands to his mouth and places a soft kiss, not caring what others may think of his blatantly act of love towards his most faithful Bellatrix.

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