There Could Only Be One... Or Three.

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Voldemort stood over Molly's body, he looked up at Arther Weasley and gave him a mock of a sympathetic smile.

"You can now feel my deep pain." Voldemort spoke with sorrow in his voice.

The weasley family gathered around there mother and wept. From a far distant, Harry entered the great hall and saw a voldemort vanish before him. Harry sees Molly on the ground and his heart stops. Ron aproaches behind him to see what he is looking at. Ron sees his mom laying on the ground.

"MOM!" screamed Ron as he bolted to be by her side.

Outside Hogwarts stood Voldemort, he awaited a vengeful Harry to seek after him. He stand there, thinking about Bellatrix, tears nearly pooling in his eyes and wondered what his next actions would be. In no time, Harry walks out of the doors at Hogwarts, and slowly stalks towards him.

"Harry Potter, it didin't have to be like this. Our loved ones lay dead around us, and it is your fault" spoke Voldemort.

"Shut up, lets do this. There can only be one, right Tom? lets do this" Harry spoke irratated.

Voldemort and Harry draw there wands, tension builds and builds and before they both speak a broken Ron runs towards them from inside Hogwarts castle.

"You coward, you killed my mom!" Ron raises his wand and cast a spell soon to be dismissed by Voldemort.

"Dont be a fool Weasley, after all that is how your mom died. She thinks she can kill Bellatrix with no punishmeant? she got what she deserved and if you dont walk away now I would be happy to finish you off too" demanded Voldemort.

"Shut up! dont you dare talk about my mother " yelled Ron in rebuttal.

"Ron, don't. Go, now I have to do this, its the only way" Harry pleaded to Ron.

"No, I have to help you" begged Ron.

"No! Ron, I cant have anymore people I love die" cried Harry.

"How sweet, two little boys both wanting to die at the hands of me, I'll make this easy for you Harry, Aveda Kedevara!" Voldemort shoots his want at Ron.

Ron dodges Voldemorts curse and fires back with the help of Harry.

"Crucio!" Roared Voldemort, bringing Harry to his knees.
Ron, not knowing what to do fires back trying to defend himself and Harry.

"Aveda Kedevara!" Yelled a voice coming from behind Voldemort.

Ron and Harry both look confused as they see Voldemort fall to the ground dead. There stood Draco Malfoy, who had just killed The Dark Lord.

"Not all Slytherns are bad potter, just remember that"

Harry still stunned, walks slowly towards Draco and extends his hand out. Draco looks down and pulls his hand into a hug. It was simple, two boys who came from completely different backgrounds were really no different from each other.
The three boys walked together inside Hogwarts castle to help anyone in need.

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