Trapped in his own thoughts

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Bellatrix followed a desirable Voldemort to there bedroom, where she was aware of the events about to take place. She stood there, waiting for the lord to take control. Without hesitation, he slowly undresses bellatrix, leaving her with little to nothing on her body. Bellatrix goes to pull Toms robe over his head, revealing a cold, pale insecure Tom.
Swiftly, Tom pushes bellatrix on the bed leaving her face down towards the pillow, while she awaits her dark lords next moves. Both knees straddle her from the back as he leans forward to place a trail of kisses up and down her spine, leaving her breathless and begging for more.

"Please my lord, I beg of you.. More"

The dark lord at her commands, fulfilled both there desired needs.

A little while later, they lay there in twined into each other's arms.

"I could do this all day with you, my lord"

"So could I, unfortunately I have not much time for pleasure. Not until the boy dies"

Bellatrix becomes angry, she didint want to talk about him, that's all they ever talked about since she broke free from Azkaban.

"Don't ruin this moment by talking about him please" she uttered quietly under her breathe.

The dark lord had nothing in rebuttal, kissed her forehead and they both drifted off into deep sleeps.
Tom awoke that morning in a haze. He suddenly felt angry. As he un twined himself from bellatrix, he than retrieves his robes and sods off to the sitting room.

"The boy, the boy is inside me.. I can't get him out of my head!" He screams with fury at Tillie.

"Make it stop!" He howls and throws a lamp at the house elf.

With fright in her eyes, tillie bolts to run out of the room but sees a concerned bellatrix and suddenly felt safe, she knew bellatrix would never hurt her.

"My lord, what is the matter?" Bellatrix asked with concern.

"I can't get the boys thoughts out of my head! He's in here!" He puts his fingers to his head.

"My lord sit down, let's talk about this" bellatrix pleaded.

" I do not have time to sit around and talk about my feelings bellatrix! I should be out setting plans in order! Not sitting around here playing these silly emotional games with you, no wonder why my men laugh at me behind my back! While they are out finding a way into hogwarts, I am here making love to you!" Voldemort screamed with terror at bellatrix.

"My lord, I-I im sorry if I upset you. What can I do to help?" She whimpered with fear.

"Contact Severus, find out more about the vanishing cabinet." He said irritated.

"Yes, my lord.. Right away"

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