Prove your love to me.

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When Tom arrived home that afternoon, he could only think of one thing- Harry Potter. He knew how odd it seemed to others. His growing obsession to kill Harry. He would not give up until harry lay dead.

"Please, help me understand my lord- why must you keep me in the dark? I know how badly you need to finish him. You took the lives of Lilly and James and attempted to take the boys. I don't know what happened exactly that night in that room but I know this means so much to you. But why can't you tell me more about Professor Snape? Can you really trust him!" Said Bellatrix with concern.

"There are very few wizards I can give my full trust to, Bellatrix.. And Snape is at the top of that list. He is an inside man- I am one step ahead of dumbledore at all times. This will be the greatest betrayal to ever live in the wizarding world, and I am the leader of it"

Puzzled, but intrigued bellatrix placed a kiss on toms lips with a evil smirk and exited to the kitchen where Tillie the house elf prepared a feast for three.

That night, the dark lord awaited a guest to arrive for dinner. Professor Severus Snape.
Bellatrix couldn't understand the reasoning for Snape to join them for dinner, but there are very few things she would never do to the lord, and questioning him was at the top of that list.
Bellatrix stood in front of her dresser mirror, wondering if her outfit screamed "eccentric" enough. She took pride in what she wore. She wanted people to look at her in fear, the way she saw it was its far better to be feared than loved. However, that did not apply to the dark lord. She didn't know how he saw her, definitely not with fear. She quickly shakes the unsettling thoughts and continues to make herself presentable for dinner. After all this would be the first time anyone from there circle of deaths eaters that could put a picture to the most talked about rumour circling for months.
Tom enters the bedroom, with a unreadable expression on his face. Cracks entered his voice when he began to speak.

"Bellatrix, my faithful- as you know Severus Snape will be arriving shortly and I think it's best you keep you're distant from us tonight" he said, trying to keep a strong tone in his voice.

Anger suddenly rushed over Bellatrix, she knew she couldn't let this go. A million thoughts rushed to her mind and finally she shouted.

" Do you think I'm stupid my lord? Do you think I don't know what you see me as? You say you love me, but want to keep me in the dark in your destructive life. We cannot keep hiding what we are my lord. If I can't stand by your side in front of the others, than I can't be with you at all. I would do anything in your command Tom, but it's time for you to prove your love for me- let me be with you at this dinner tonight. Let me be you're most faithful."' Her legs felt weak, for she knew better to never yell at the Dark Lord.

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