Chapter One - Princess Tenko

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Tenko. Princess Tenko. Well, technically. She certainly wasn't very princess like.

She had mastered Aikido against the king's wishes and used it whenever presented with one of those no-good-degenerate-male princes who came to balls as potential suitors. At these balls, instead of conversing with males, she would often dance with the maiden girls.

Their lashes brushed out long and fluttered like butterflies. Their lips were rainbows of browns, reds, and pinks. Tenko thought she'd be satisfied to make contact with any of them. And as the girls spun in dance their hair flowed or bobbed behind them. Their skin was smoother than any fine gold crown Tenko was gifted by the degenerates. The way men lacked in comparison to women was surely a sin. Are they even trying? Or were women just so elegant that they didn't have to? Tenko didn't know. But what she did know is that she was a lesbian. And a blessed truth that was.

However, a not so blessed truth was that she could not go through ruling her kingdom with the requirements of being a princess. Unless if she wanted to take a degenerate as her suitor. Yeah... it'd be a no from her.

The king, who Tenko was unsure of if he was ignoring the obvious fact that she was a lesbian or if he was plain stupid, thought it would be a good idea to set Tenko up with a suitor one on one instead of at a crowded ball. Maybe that would bring the journey of finding a suitor more luck.

Tenko made her way out to the castle garden wearing a sage, off the shoulder, flowing dress. It was pretty but she would have preferred a dress that was easier to move in. But she didn't hate it.

Her and the prince would be having tea under a large gazebo. As she made her way through the shrubs and flowers, Tenko saw a white haired boy sitting at the tea table with his legs crossed as he twirled his rather long hair.

"HYAAAAA!" Tenko ran up to him and readied her hands, "Good luck trying to quart me, degenerate! I won't fall to your prevy tricks!"

"Woah!" He remained rather calmed and put his hands in the air in defense, "Don't get to violent over someone like me!"

"Hmphf!" Tenko sat down in her chair, "I'm just doing this because I have to!"

"Ah! So we're on the same boat, huh? My father can't even see I'm blowing the knight," He leaned back and took a sip of tea.

"Typical! A degenerate taking advantage of a strong, beautiful, girl knight and blowing- wait how would that..." A look of realization spread across Tenko's face, "OHHHHHH! GAY! I'M GAY TOO! GAY!"

He laughed, "Well, yeah, I could tell."

"In that case, you are slightly less degenerate for not trying to hog the superior female gender!" Tenko held a teacup up in cheers and gulped it all.

"Anyways, I'm Nagito! Nagito Komeada."

"Tenko Chabashira!

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