Chapter Ten - Starry Night

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Days had passed since the event at the magical lake and things weren't progressing on Tenko's end. She still kept her promise to herself but Himiko also kept her own boundaries up.

It was night time and Tenko couldn't sleep. In fact, for the past week or so she had been having trouble sleeping at Himiko's house. Her mind kept rushing on plans to get the small girl she adored so much to open up to her. Then, that's when it finally hit her. Tenko had been beating around the bush, taking approaches where she started conversations in hopes they would lead into something deeper. But no. Tenko just had to dive head first into a conversation with Himiko about her emotions. Just like aikido.

Tenko got up from the bed wearing a sage green night gown. Her hair was down and draped over her shoulders as she walked down the upstairs hallway. Tenko passed Gonta's room and stood in front of the door where the mage was sleeping inside. She knocked lightly on the door. Nothing. So Tenko pushed it open a crack.

"Himiko?" She whispered, "Can I come in?"

Still nothing.

Tenko walked inside the room. She had never been inside. Himiko was sleeping peacefully on her bed which had a whimsical, wooden bed frame that resemble a tree. The mage snored ever so lightly. Her hair was messy, probably from tossing and turning. Himiko was one of those heavy sleepers who would snore and toss and kick and despite the normally unpleasant sleep pattern, Tenko still thought she was adorable. If anything, she was more adorable than before.

She walked over and sat on the bed. "Himiko," Tenko whispered and got no response. So she lightly shook her shoulder. Still. Nothing. "Himiko!" Tenko whisper-shouted and shook her shoulder a bit rougher than before.

"Nyeh!" Himiko shot up from the bed, startled by the taller girl's presence, "T-tenko what are you doing her so late?!"

"I... uh, wanted to talk!" Tenko had planned to talk about why Himiko is so resistant to emotions and such, but (out of character for the brave princess) she felt herself chickening out. Then, an idea popped into her mind, "Hey, Himiko. When I woke you up and startled you, you were scared and didn't do anything!" The mage titled her head, confused and not getting the princess's point. "What if I was a murder, Himiko! Or trying to kidnap you for your magical abilities. You have to learn how to defend yourself. I want to reach you aikido!"

Before the sleepy girl could even respond, Tenko pulled her out of her bed and led her downstairs and out the house. She was wearing a large, brown tee shirt and a pair of bloomers. They were now standing outside the house in a field of fluffy grass. Around Himiko's house and field they were standing in were a bunch of tree, however, they were in a clearing where the night sky was clear. Tenko thought Himiko looked beautiful standing in the moonlight with her tired face and messy hair.

"Alrighty! Time to learn the basics of aikido. First lesson, stability and form. In order to attack, you have to have control over what you're doing. Now, stand up straight (haha, straight.) (I got to the joke before the comments could.)," Tenko said and Himiko did so, obtaining good posture for the first time in a while.

"Hmmm, like this?"

"Yes! That's perfect, Himiko! You're a natural!" Tenko took the same stance a few feet in front of Himiko, "Now, follow my lead."

"Lead? Huh, like dancing?"

"Ha, yeah... like dancing," Tenko started modeling simply aikido positions and Himiko followed. When she struck a pose, the mage would observe then fidget her body for a few seconds before matching the princess. "Good, now hold it for one... two... three."

After Tenko's count down, Himiko let her body fall back into the starting position. The other girl continued to guide her through a series of basic stances in aikido. After Himiko was holding one of these stances, Tenko said, "Alrighty, Himiko! Now here's something a bit more advanced! Take your arm in the position it's in right now, and swipe a cut with it straight down. Like so... HIYAAAAA!! Also, say 'hiya'. It helps!"

Himiko slowly took her arm and dragged it down the air in front of her. "Hiya."

"Faster, Himiko!"

"NYEH!" Himiko seemed to only yell because of a stumble frustration, but it worked. When she swooped her arm, you could hear the parting of the wind.

"Wow, Himiko! You're a natural!"

"I'm getting tired... can we go inside?" Himiko yawned.

"Almost! Can we please do one more? Please~~!"

"Nyeh, fine..."

"Yay! Thank you, Himiko! You're the best!" Tenko hugged Himiko while the mage still maintained her stance. She was glad Tenko's face was over her shoulder not looking at her because of the princess saw the blush on her face, Himiko was sure she would pass from embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it, let's just go."

Tenko backed away and went on to instruct the mage; "Now, in that pose, do the same thing you did but swipe your arm over your shoulder instead of in front of you."

"Easy!" Himiko smiled only on the inside, being sure she could do it after the confidence boost from Tenko's praise. "NYEHH!"

"Great, Himiko! Now just do it one more time!"

"Huh?! For what?!"

"You'll see~" Tenko smiled and though huffing in annoyance, Himiko complied. When she started the move, Tenko put her plan into motion and grab her hand, being flung backwards. Well, kinda. She jumped into the push since she was taller and more muscular than Himiko, preventing the mage from actually being able to throw her.

The aikido master acted so quickly, Himiko didn't see what was happening until Tenko was a few feet behind her. "T-tenko!" She rushed over to where Tenko laid on the grass, "Are you okay- AHH!"

Tenko pulled Himiko onto the ground and the two were laying side by side. She giggled before smiling at the mage who, to her surprise, smiled back. "Haha! Good job, Himiko! Is there anything you can't do?" Tenko laid sideways to face Himiko who was looking up at the sky.

"Nyeh... well, I can't reach the shelves without Gonta's help," Despite what she said not being so funny, her and Tenko both bursted out in laughter looking up. Himiko turned to the princess, both still laughing, and thought;

Wow, she's beautiful. I could just kiss her.

"Tenko. You have to leave."

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