New boy

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I split this chapter in half because it was going to be way too long if it wasn't. But, besides that, the story will mostly stick to the stript! 


~* Alya's pov; the next day*~

Where was that girl? I was standing at the door waiting for them when Trista and Mari come running out of the bakery door. "SORRY, WE'RE LATE, ALI!!!" "Sorry.." I looked at Trista who seemed lost in her thoughts. "Come on! The boys are waiting for us!" I said quickly grabbing their hands. "Dudettes! Come here and meet the new boy!" Nino screamed at me. "SWEET! A NEW BOY!" I screamed back and ran up to meet with the rest of the group. "Alya, Marinette, Trista, meet Patt! He is an exchange student from America and he is staying with me for a while." Adrien explained cheerfully. "Heyay!" Patt said back smiling back. 

~Ring Ring~

*~Patt's Pov~*

The new girl looks really familiar but, I can't put a finger on it. When the whole group of friends(Alya, Adrien, Nino, Marinette, Trista, and Patt) were walking up the stairs they were all talking together, except for Trista. When I walked into the class Mis. Bustiae told me to introduce myself. "Hello! My name is Patt, and I am an exchange student from America" I said in a faked cheerful voice. I really didn't want to be here. "Thank you, Patt! Go sit in the back with Trista" Mis. Bustiae instructed. I went up and slid into the seat next to her. "I don't bite!" I said trying to start up a conversation. "Good." She said looking done with me.  "Ok Kids! Do you remember when we entered a competition and the school that wins gets to go on a trip? Well, we won! We will be leaving tomorrow at 6 AM, you will need to back a week's worth of clothes, and your desk-mate would be your roommate. I trust that you will not do anything improper during this trip." Mis. Bustiae said in a stern voice. After the eruption of excited giggles, I asked Trista if she could give me a tour. "OK! I WILL" She yelled back. Sweet!" See you at lunch!" I walked out with Nino and Adrien who were talking. 

~Lunch time they all sat at the table and were eating~

 "Oh, miss tour guide. Ready for the tour you  promised?" I asked as I was getting up to throw away my lunch. "yeah- yeah, give me a sec." She was about to get up when Marinette grabbed her arm and whispered something in her ear and grabbed her tray. "Are you ready to go?" Trista asked as she walked next to me. I gave her a loose grin, which made me not pay attention and run into someone. When I hit them I fell backward, and I thought I hit the ground but in reality, Trista caught me before I fell. "Ow," I said as I rubbed my head. "Are you ok Patt?" Trista asked as she helped me to my feet. "UGH! YOU RUINED MY DESIGNER PANTS!" I looked up to see a girl with blond hair.  "Chloe" I heard Trista mudder under her breath. "Chloe, that wasn't nice." Marinette chimed in. "SHUT IT DU-PAINCHENG" Chloe snapped back. It was just getting good when I felt someone grab my hand and run. I look to see who it was, it was Trista. "HEY! What are you doing! That was just getting good. Also, I can walk my self" I responded. "Well for one, that catfight wasn't going to end well. Two, If you say so!" she gave a shrug and let go of my hand which caused me to fall. "Are you sure you can?" She gave me a smile.

 God her smile is adorable 

PLAGG! SNAP OUT OF IT!  YOU CAN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH A MORTAL. I shook my head to clear my head and got up to walk with her. Finally, we got to the library. "This is my favorite place! If you can't find me I will probably be here or the art room" She gave me a wink and opened the door. "Be careful, you see that girl over there will come here, 'flirt' with you and give you her number" she whispered to me. Just then Lila came  'strutting' her way over. "Hey, there hottie! Here is my number! Call me some time!" Lila said in an annoying voice. I looked over to Trista who was rolling her eyes. "Uhh.. thanks, but no thanks" I crumble up the paper and threw it in the garbage. "HEY! What was that for?" Lila said putting her hands on her hips. I was really uncomfortable and I didn't know what to do. I panicked and grabbed Trista by the hand and booked it to the lunchroom. Right as we got there Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette were leaving the lunchroom. "HELP" I hide behind Nino and Adrien. "W-whaat? What happened?" Marinette asked. "THIS CRAZY GIRL TOLD ME I WAS A HOTTIE AND GAVE ME HER NUMBER. I TOLD HER THANKS BUT NO THANKS AND SHE WAYS GETTING IN MY SPACE AND I FREAKED OUT AND RAN WITH TRISTA BACK HERE" I responded in a panic. "I- Patt it is ok. I will talk to her" Adrien said to me as he pats my head. 





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