A drawing

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Heyo!!! I been more active with trying to update this so hopefully I can finish this book soon for all of my lovely Love Bugs! I am almost out of stuff I have written down so that may push the book back even more. Anyway, enough talking!


~*Adrien's Pov*~

We all walked to the class being careful not to run to Lila. Even though Pl- I mean Patt never said it was Lila, I already knew it was her. When we arrived to class we just stood because we would be leaving to go to the gym or study hall. "Alright! I marked that everyone showed up. Please meet Mr.D'Argencourt downstairs if you have PE, and the rest please make your way to the library for study hall." Ms. Bustiae explained as everyone spread out. 

~*Trista's Pov*~

 When we all got to the library; Adrien, Marinette, Alya, and Nino; both sat at a table to study for a test that was next Monday. I went up to the library and asked if I could go to the art room. She said to wait 10 minutes before going. I walked around the library to find something to read because I had already finished all my homework. I was walking out of the fiction section disappointed that I didn't find anything interesting. As I was walking around the library I saw Patt trying to get a book on the top shelf. I giggled to myself as he tried to grab it on his tippy toes. He stuck out his tongue a little as he tried. I walked up behind him silently. "You need some help, Shortie?" I asked. "HEY! I AM NOT SHORT! But, yes yes I do." He responded with a loose grin. 

His smile makes him 10x cutier


I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I grabbed the books for him. I walked over to an empty table where I laid them down for him. He gave me a smile and I smiled back. I was about to go back to finding a book when I realized I was able to go to the art room now. I slipped out of the library and ran to the art room. I held my breath as I opened the door. I sighed in relief when I didn't see anyone. I pulled out a chair, grabbed my sketchbook, a pencil, my new phone that Marinette gave me yesterday, and my headphones. As soon as my pencil touched the paper I went into my own world. I realized that I started to draw me and the other Kwami's. 

First me in what fashion style I wanted, then plagg, next Wayzz who came after Plagg, then Trixx, finally Pollen.

I only wrote the first letter their name on the edge of each paper. I was still drawing when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I freaked out and almost body slammed the person into the table when I realized that it was Patt. I was holding his hand twisting it, but I let go when I realized it was him. "OW!!!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?????" He asked rubbing his hand. "Sorry. I thought it was someone I didn't know." I responded back rubbing the back of my neck. He looked at my drawings, "WOW! Did you draw all of those?" He asked me with stars in his eyes. "Oh, um yeah I did.!" I responded back. "Could you show me?" He asked tilting his head. I nodded my head 'yes'. He sat down next to me and I showed him. After I finished he asked me if I could draw him a drawing, I told him to draw me an in return. I finished my drawing when everyone (Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien) burst in. "WHY WEREN'T ARE YOU ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?" Marinette yelled at me. All I did was pack my bag and keep my head down as I answered the question. "I didn't know it went off," I said slowly. "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU CHECK YOUR PHONE THEN?" Marinette yelled at me. I didn't like being yelled at so it made me upset. "I will be back.." I got up and rushed out of the room.  As I ran to the bathroom I heard Alya yell back at me "TRISTA WAIT". I didn't stop running, tears were filling up my eyes. I made it into the bathroom, sat down, and started to cry. I didn't like being yelled at, especially ones that I love. I looked up, only to see an Akuma start to come. I freaked out when I saw the Akuma, but then I realized I can't be akumatized because I am a Kwami. The Akuma got closer but couldn't akumatize me. 


 Great. Now I have to go to class with red eyes and a red nose. I slowly got up and grabbed my stuff, and headed to class. 


Is it bad that I finished the chapter in 2 period? Yes, yes it is. But, IDC!!! I got to feed my lovebugs with Plikki! Anyway, This chapter and the next are my favs so far!!!!! On a real note, Tikki, I can relate to not being able to handle getting yelled at. BTW I will get started on chapter 5 as soon as I can! See you soon Lovebugs!!


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