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*~Marinette's pov~*

Me and Trista walked back to the bakery in the rain. Trista was practically skipping backward, "What got you so happy?" I asked walking next to her. "Well, today is the one-year anniversary that you meet Chat Noir and became a superhero!" She said cheerfully. "WHAT? OH, GOD! COME ON WE NEED TO GET HOME NOW!" I screamed at her and ran home holding her by the hand. We busted through the door and ran up into the room. "CAN'T TALK RN, I WILL LATER!" I screamed at my parents. I ran around finding 2 suitcases and 2 backpacks. "Here pack!" I gave Trista a suitcase and backpack and I started to pack my stuff. Weirdly, I finished packing quickly and neatly. Once I was done I found a new black hoodie, tread, and my needles. After I found all the things I need, I started to embroider the hoodie. On the top left of the hoodie, I sewed a green cat paw and my yo-yo on.  Next, on the hood part, I sewed on two cat ears on.  After the hoodie was complete I looked for a box and wrapping paper. "Hey, Trista? Have you seen any wrapping paper and a box by chance?" I asked looking under my desk. "Mari, I put them on your desk" Trista giggled. I looked at her, she was on her phone. I got up from my desk and slowly put the hoodie in the box. I looked around trying to find a piece of paper for a letter when I found a couple of pictures that I took of Chat and me as Ladybug. I grabbed them and put them in the box. Finally, I found some paper to write a letter on. 

"Dear Chat Noir, Happy one-year anniversary!  I still can't believe how quickly this year has been. I am extremely lucky to get a chill and sweet partner in crime, like you. See you soon, Kitty :). -Ladybug "

 I put the letter in the box and taped the box shut before wrapping it in wrapping paper. "Girls! Dinner's ready!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "You done with your gift?" Trista asked "Yes I am, now let's eat" I respond as I opened the hatch to go downstairs.


It was about 3 mins. before patrol, I was all ready for bed and so was Trista. I decided to transform a little bit early because I wanted some fresh air. I was sitting where we usually met staring out into space, I only stopped spacing out when I saw a figure in the distance. I already knew who it was so I kinda spaced out again until I heard a voice. "M'lady! How are you?" I looked to see Chat sit down. "Hey, Kitty! I am doing good, what about you?" I asked. "I am doing Purr-fect! Thanks, fur-asking" He said with a smug look on his face. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh the punsss. How have I put up with for so long?" I shook my head with my hand on my face. "Oh! Before I forget here!" I handed him a gift. I kinda didn't think he would have gotten me anything because I forgot that it was 1 year as well. "Huh? Bugaboo, what is it?" "Open it." I responded motion to the gift. He tore the wrapping paper off the box and open the box. I saw him pick up the letter and read it. He looked at me and gave me a big hug. "Thank you Ladybug." I hear him say in a shaking voice 

Was he about to cry? 

I didn't pull away until he did. He went back to looking at what else was in the box, he looked through each picture and then lifted the hoodie up in the air. I looked at his face because I wanted to see his reaction to the hoodie, he looked like he was crying. I couldn't tell if he was crying because he was sad or happy, I saw him slip the hoodie on and it was a perfect fit. He still looked like he was crying so I touched his shoulder to get his attention. "Chat is everything ok?" I looked at him worried. "Yes, it is just.. no one ever done this for me." He looked back at me I felt I need to comfort him so gave him a hug and told him to calm down some, because we still needed to do patrol.  We went our separate ways and I grabbed my headphones and started to play some music like 

 I always did on patrol, I finished my side of the city really quickly so I swang to the top of the Eiffel tower to vibe to my music. It is always peaceful when I get to look out on the pretty city seeing everyone doing their daily tasks. I am so thankful for everything that has happened to me. Even though there are rough patches, I can rely on others to help me. I was stuck in this trans-like state watching everybody turning out their lights. Soon, the whole city had no lights on except the street lights and the moon. I didn't even notice that Kitty hopped next to me and was saying my name. "LADYBUG!" It spooked me so I kinda jumped a bit and turned my head. "Yes?" "I was calling your name 10 times. What were you doing?" Chat asked me looking annoyed. "Sorry, I was looking out onto the city. Everything good on your side?"  I asked standing up. "Purrr-fect! And you?" "purr-fect as well." I still can't believe I said a pun. "was that a pun?" Chat asked raising an eyebrow. "Maybe, but more importantly I have to go to Florida for a class field trip. I need you to protect Paris for me. DON'T YOU DARE PULL ANOTHER NY!! Alright?" I asked sternly.  "No can do, Bugaboo. I am leaving for Florida as well, maybe if there is an Akuma here we could fly back with our Astro suits?" Chat said calmly.  "Great, ok yeah we can. Just text me or use that clicker I gave you when I had to go to NY. " "Sure thing. I have to go now, but hear."Chat put out his arm and I saw two matching bracelets and a rose. "Chat, did you get us matching stuff?" I asked grabbing the mostly red one and the rose. "Sure did! Though I didn't make them, I still thought it was the least I could do!" Chat said giving a goofy smile. "Thank you, Kitty. See you soon!" I gave him a little wave and swung away with the bracelet and rose in hand. 

When I landed on my bed I detransformed and I had to carry Trista to her bed. I put the rose in a glass vase and tied the bracelet on my ankle. I finished packing mine and Trista's carry-ons. I decided it was best to change into what I was going to was to the airport, which was a red sweatshirt and jean shorts. I set my alarm and finally fell asleep. 



See you soon my Love bugs!


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