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It was about 5 in the morning when my alarm went off. I sprung out of bed and scrambled to get my socks and shoes on. "Trista wake up and get ready we need to leave at 5:30" I shook her arm. "What? oh, ok help me up." I grabed her arm and pulled her up off  her bed. She lazly walked to the bathroom. Perfict, I went to my bed and lifted the matters up to revle the photos of Adrien. I grabed them and threw them in the trash, I also ripped the posters of the wall and replased them with pictures of the whole friend group. I finally got over Adrien and relised all pictures of him where stange, finally I changed the wallpaper on my computer to the class photo. I sighed in relive looking around my room that had the pictures of my friends and me. "Alright, I am ready to go." Trista said walking out of the bathroom to her bed to make it. "Right, lets put the suitcases and bags in my car." I said grabing my stuff. "Ok! Comeing." Trista replied as we walked down to the car. We put all of our stuff in the trunk of the car and went back inside. I finally saw Trista's whole outfit, witch was a black sweatshirt and a red skirt. "Come here, let me put your hair in a ponytail."Trista motion me to come to her. I sat down and she put my hair up, I looked at my self in a mirror and I really like the way it looked. "Thank you! Lets get some food because we need to leave soon." "Mk" We went into the bakery where Mama and Papa where setting the bakery up for the day

"Good moring girls, we made so pastres for you and your friends." Mama said handing me a bag of muffins. "Thank you! I will text you when I get to school!" "Alright, we love you be safe." I planted a kiss on each cheek and ran out with Trista. "Aw man! It is raining!" Trista said as we walked out to the car. "Oh well! Let's go get the boys." I said slideing into the driver seat. Trista slid into the passger seat. I turned the radio on and  we sang along with every song that was playing until we arived at the Agrest Mantion.  The gates where open so I pulled in and got out. Me and Trista were giggling and talking about random stuff when we arived at the door step. I planted a firm knok on the door, witch caused it to open. "Hello Ms. Marinette and Ms. Trista, the boys aren't down yet. Please come in, I won't want you to get sick before your trip." Natile said. Me and Trista walked in and started talking to Natile, we where just talking about random stuff unril Mr. Agrest came in from his office. 

"Natile, who are this kids? And why are they in my house?" Mr. Agrest asked in a cold voice. "Oh, sir. These are the young ladies in Patt and Adrien's classes. They are very good friends with them. They are here to pick them up, they are doing a car pool with all there friends." Natile explaned. "hmmm, alright then. How long have you know my son?" Mr. Agrest asked staring into my soul. "I meet him the second day of school, and my sister meet him 2 days ago. She is friends with Patt more than Adrien." I explaned hopeing it would please him. "Ok, then. What are are your names." Mr. Agrest asked. "I am Trista Fu, an extange student from Shangihi. Marinette's family adopted me a week ago before I came. My sister is Marinette Du-pain chang. I belive you meet her before hand, when she made that hat for your son to motal." Trista said calmly. "I do recal meeting a Marinette. It is nice to meet you two, but I need you to leave. Adrien's body gard can take both of them to school." Mr. Agrest stated. I felt a little mad that he just sent us off before letting Adrien or Patt deside. "Marinette, it's ok. We need to leave now if we want to get to Alya and Nino in time." Trista but a hand on my sholder as we headed to the door. 

"MARINETTE WAIT!!" I turned around to see Adrien and Patt running down there stairs. "Sorry! Patt wasn't waking even though I told him to." Adrien explaned as he got to the bottom. "Uh oh!" I turned to see Patt trip and fall down a couple steps before being caught by Trista. "Are you ok?" Trista asked him as she helped him get on his feet. "Yeah, yeah just rushing." Patt said rubbing his head. "Are you sure? That was a bad fall." Trrista but her hand on his sholder. "Yeah I am good. Don't we need to leave?" Patt asked as he picked up his fallen suitcase. "Right, father can I please go with Marinette and Trista to pick up Alya and Nino?" Adrien looked at his father. "I promise to watch over Adrien and Patt. I will protect them and ever one of my friends." I said bravely. "Hmm, I guess so. Adrien make sure to update Natile when you get to school, on the plane, and when you land." Mr. Agrest stated. I looked at Patt's face witch was full of suprise, then Adrien's who had stars in his eyes. "Thank you father!! I will!!!" Adrien said exitly. 

Me and Trista grabed their stuff and put them in the trunk. We all hopped in the car; I was the driver, Adrien behind me, Patt in the very middle, and Trista in the very back. We stoped at Alya's first then Nino's. After we picked them up, we went to the school. I droped them off at the front where they grabbed there stuff and headed in. I found a space to park and ran into the school. The time was 6:30, witch ment we had 30 minintes before we got onto the bus to go to the air port. Our suitcases where already in the bus and all we had was our carry ones. Pretty much everyone was here exept for Lila, great she is coming on the trip. I was sitting with Alya, who was ranting about the ladyblog, and Nino who was sharing his music with Adrien. While Alya was talking, I saw Trista and Patt make a secret hand shake. I was watching them do their hand shake, they seemed so in-tune with each other like they meet each other before. I guess I caught Alya's attion because she turn to look at them as well. She alirted Nino who then alirtted Adrien, soon the whole class was watching them do their hand shake. I am pretty sure they did this before, but then agin I never saw them pratice the hand shake. They started with hitting the table with the hands in fists, then putting their hands up togther face to face, then shaking them out on the side, next they put their hand on the table wide apart then sliding them closer, after that they hit the table with their fists 3 times, then they shook each others hands. (exactly like the hand shake in Lunch box friends)  

After they finished the whole class clapped witch made them snap back into realty. They smiled at everyone, but their smile faded when they saw Lila. After she sighed in, we where able to get on the bus to go to the airport. Sadly, we had assighed seats that we had to sit in because the teachers didn't want there to be a lot of talking.  I sat next to Nino, who I talked to the whole time because we where friends. 


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;))))))))))

I finished this long chapter witch only took me 1 day to do! Next we will have savage Marinette and savge Trista. WItch I am excited about!!!! 

See you soon Love Bugs


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