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Cole unlocked his front door and stepped inside his house. He got a whiff of a sweet smell.

"Mom I'm home!!" Cole said taking off his shoes and walking further into the house.

"I'm in the kitchen sweetie!! I made apple pie!" Cole's mother peeked her head around the corner.
Cole came into the kitchen and sat down at the island.

"How was your first day of school?" she asked as she sliced a small piece of apple pie and put it on a plate. She split it in half and passed another fork to her son.

"It was pretty good. I already have a group of friends." Cole said before eating a bite of apple pie.

"That's great hun. Do you have any homework to do today?" Cole nodded. "Only a few quick assignments."

"Okay once you get them done we can go out and explore the town." She said finishing off her half of the pie slice. "It's so good to come back to the town my mom was raised in." She cleaned off her fork and put it away.

"Oh yeah umm mom....I have something to tell you before we go tour the town." Cole shifted in his seat as his mom gave him her full attention. "Sure what is it sweetie?"

"Well the town isn't normal... The people aren't well...human." He glanced at his mom who looked at him blankly. His mother broke the moment of silence by grinning and saying"Sweetie.....I know this town isn't normal."Cole looked up at her shocked.

"Wait....Did you really think I just moved us to a town I knew nothing about?" She said glaring at him jokingly. Cole looked down and she started to laugh. "My mother used to take me here every 2 years or so. I know half the people here now."

Cole looked up at her with a small smile but it went away as he narrowed his eyes. "If you knew about this before we even moved here, why did you tell me?"

His mother frowned slightly as she grabbed Cole's fork and now empty plate. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.I was so busy with packing plus the divorce papers for your father that it slipped my mind. When I tried to tell you this morning, you were already running out the door so you wouldn't be late for school."

Cole got up from his chair and gave her a hug. "It's okay mom I understand you had a lot on your plate."

They hugged for a minute before the mother shooed him away to do his homework.Cole grabbed his bag and went upstairs following his mother's request. Once Cole finished, him and his mom set out on the town. They went in and out of stores, with his mom seeing loads of familiar faces. Along the way home she suggested a restaurant, so they crossed the street and went inside.



Me and my brother walked down the street to our house. He was rambling on about his team and I wasn't listening. When we finally reached the house I unlocked the door with my key and stepped inside.

"Appa(Appa-Dad) we're home!!!" Jungso covered his ears as I shouted. "I'm cooking dinner in the kitchen!!" my dad shouted back. We slipped off our shoes and Jungso raced pass me up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. My father had the steamer out and was straining some noodles.

"RaeIn can you help me roll out the dough? I was gonna ask your brother but he ran pass too fast."

I nodded, set my bag down and washed my hands in the empty side of the sink. "I can see why, you have a mess going on here and he doesn't wanna help clean it up."

I grabbed a board and dusted it with flour. Then I took out small sections of the dough from the container and began to roll them into small balls. I flattened them out and set them off to the side.

"Do you want me to use all the dough?" I asked looking over to my father who nodded. "okay well I have some already done if you wanna add the noodles and beef." He shook his head and grabbed the dough I was holding. "Switch places with me. You're way better with putting the dumpling together than I am." My dad said as we both laughed.

I grabbed one of the flat circles and began to fill and close it up. Once I finished a small set of 4, I put them in the steamer and continued to the next.

_1 hour later_

We finished making the dumplings and my father started to cook the vegetables. "You can go relax RaeIn, I got it from here." I nodded my head and grabbed my bag.

When I walked in my room I saw my brother laying on my bed doing his homework. I rolled my eyes and set my stuff down.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked as I unpacked my work. "Because I need help with this assignment and because its too quiet in my room." he said rolling over.

"You're in a higher grade than me and you're asking me for help?" I sat on the ground beside my bed and laid out my work. "Yes because you..." He patted my head. "... have a big brain and your handsome super talented brother sadly does not." As he rolled onto his back I hit him in the stomach.

"We all know that's a lie, you're just to lazy to think about the answers yourself." I said as he rubbed his stomach and glared at me. He rolled over and plopped his work on the floor beside me. He looked at me and then at his work.

"Fine I'll help."

"Yes!! Thank you best sister in the whole universe, who is so awesome and amazing an-" I hit him with a book. "I get I get it I'm the best. Now let's do the work so I can sleep."

After we finished the work, I kicked my brother out of my room so I could shower and change. Then I laid on my bed texting Nat for a few minutes. After I said goodbye I wrapped up in my covers and took a nap. I got about an hour of sleep before Jungso came barging in my room.

"Rain it's dinner time." As I grabbed a pillow and covered my head, my brother threw a pillow at me and grinned wickedly. He sat on my started talking about something I didn't give two shits for. My phone beeped and as I turned around to get it my brother grabbed my phone.

"Who is that?" I snatched the phone from him.

"Just as it says at the top 'Don't worry about it'." He rolled his eyes and I opened the message. Jungso walked out of the room muttering something rude.

Hey Rain


I deleted the message and the number. I was not in the mood to get slandered by Trey since I already get enough of that at school. I put my phone down and sighed, before changing into my fluffy sweatpants and heading downstairs.

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