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After all their classes ended the group met up at the front of the school.

"Do you guys want to come over to my house today? My mom's out having a girl's day with some old friends of hers, and said I can have you guys over." Cole said as they all started walking off the school grounds.

"Hell yeah we do!" Nat said and everyone agreed.

"What about Justin?" Mako interjected.

"Oh I can give him a call and ask if he's free to join." Cole said pulling out his phone.

He went to his contacts and gave Justin a call. The phone began to ring as he put it on speaker. When the phone answered a soft voice rang through instead of Justin's usual, semi-deep voice.

"Hello? Who is this?" The mystery voice asked.

"Hi I'm Cole, a friend of Justin. Is he available right now?" Cole asked.

Everyone shared a looks as they were all slightly confused on who the voice was. 

"Yeah he is, let me get him for you. Oh by the way I'm Oliver, Justin's mate." the voice, or Oliver spoke as they heard small feet padding on the floor.

"Ohhh okay. Well it's nice to meet you Oliver." Cole said as everyone else gave an 'ohhh' in realization.

"Nice to me you too!" Oliver said as they hear him near an area with many voices.

"Oli babe, what are you doing in here? We're about to have a meeting." A slightly muffled voice like Justin's spoke.

"Sorry your friend Cole called you. I thought you were free so I was bringing you the phone." Oliver said and they hear the phone get passed over.

The group had reached Cole's house and were standing outside the door.

"Hey Cole what's up?" Justin said now having the phone.

They heard small feet padding off again and knew it was Oliver leaving.

"Hey Justin! Sorry if we were bothering you." Cole said as he leaned on his house door.

"Nahh you're all good what did you call to ask me?"

"All of us were wondering if you were free to come over to my house and hang out. By the sound of it though, I'm guessing you're still busy." Cole said half chuckling.

"Yeahhh. Sorry Cole, I would love to if I could though." Justin paused hearing someone else speak. He continued not long after "Hey maybe we can all hangout again tomorrow, I should be free then."

"Sure that works great! It probably can't be at my house though." Cole said.

"It can be at mine!" Mako chimed in "I would love to have you guys over, plus my dad's out on a business trip anyway."

"Great then it's settled. I'll catch you guys later the meeting is starting." Justin said his finger hovering over the hang up button.

"Byeeee!!" Everyone said in unison.

Justin hung up the phone and they all went inside. They put their stuff down by the door and took off their shoes as instructed by Cole. As they made their way further into Cole's house everyone observed walls and decoration placed up. From the outside the house looks quite small compared to everyone else's houses. On the inside though the place looked spacious and homey.

"I'll give you guys the quick tour. It's not as nice as Rain and Jungso's custom built house so don't expect much." Cole said jokingly as he made his way towards the kitchen.
Everyone laughed and followed behind him. They walked into the kitchen and everyone gathered around the island.

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