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He stepped back in shock, looking at his clothes even though none of it got on him. Then he looked at Daisy and her face had a look on it that even the word rage wouldn't do it justice.

"UGH LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY CLOTHES!!" She screamed as tried to wipe off some of the smoothie. It clearly wasn't coming off and that just fueled her anger.

"I'm so sorr-" before Cole could finish his sentence Daisy slapped the shit out of him.

Everyone gasped and the whole diner went silent.

The slap was so loud that, anyone who wasn't paying attention before, was paying attention now. She had hit Cole so hard that, it caused him to stumble back a bit and into Jungso who had stepped up to say something earlier. Jungso caught Cole and steadied him as he was taken aback from the slap.

Cole put his hand up to his face in shock and was stunned to see that he had blood ok his hand. Daisy had on rings so they scratched him in the process. Jungso looked down at Cole's cheek that was now red with blood dripping down. He instantly filled with rage and stepped away from Cole and walked up to Daisy.

"What the absolute fuck is worng with you?!? I get that you're upset but are you out of your goddamn mind!?! Why the hell would you slap him like that?!?!" Jungso half shouted as he tried to keep calm.

Daisy rolled her eyes and huffed out, "That'll teach that dusty faggot to watch where he's going"

Jungso's eyes widened with shock hearing her say those words. He opened his mouth to say something, but a voice from behind him spoke first.

"Jungso don't. Let's just leave." Cole said finally recovering from the slap. He walked past Jungso and purposely bumped into Daisy aggressively. She stumbled and gasped as she slipped on the smoothie and fell to the ground.

The others walked past Daisy and glared at her harshly. Natalia even mouthed 'Suck cock' as she walked by flipping her off as well.

As they made it to the door Daisy shouted after them.

"WAIT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR MY OUTFIT!!" She was struggling to get up off the floor slipping and sliding in the smoothie.

Everyone else ignored her words but Cole stopped at the door. He turned around and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Why would I pay for something that I made look 10x better than before? Kinda wish some of it got on your face too, maybe then we could fix all the problems that's happening up there." He said badassly (Sorry I didn't know what else to put) as he turned back around.

The group laughed and walked out but Rain stopped and stayed back.

"If I ever hear you use that word again I'll make sure your outfit isn't the only thing that's messed up." She said glaring daggers at Daisy before turning and walking out the door.

Daisy sat there on the ground struck with an uneasy feeling along with the shock of sass from Cole.

They continued to laugh and talk as they walked to Rain and Jungso's house. Everyone lived relatively close, so all of them walked to the diner. Except Justin, so he parked his car at Nat's house and walked to the diner from there instead. Once they arrived at the house Jungso took Cole to fix up his scratch and everyone secretly teased them as they walked away.

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