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As soon as the bell rang, I practically darted out the door. God, I'd rather watch paint dry than sit through my English class any longer. I quickly made my way to Rain's locker but stopped when I spotted her and Cole at his locker. As I walked over, they were talking about something very passionately. I walked a bit closer ready to join the conversation when Rain noticed me and abruptly stopped talking. I looked at her confused and I guess Cole did too because she gestured to me while looking at him nervously. Cole turned around still confused before looking at me wide-eyed.

"Oh hey Nat.....Whatcha doinnnnn?" Cole asked with a anxious smile on his face.

"Meeting up with my friends like we do everyday" I said inspecting the tense pair.

"Right. Ummm let's go to lunch then."

I narrowed my eyes at the two. What are they hiding? I realized Rain hadn't said anything so I glanced over to her. She immediately looked down and fidgeted her sweatshirt. I stared for a minute more before giving up and shrugging.

"Alright yeah let's go. I've been hungry since 2nd period." I said leading them to the cafeteria.

I heard the duo exhale in relief and scramble after me. I wonder what they're hiding. I entered the lunch room and quickly grabbed my food before sitting at the table where the guys were. Rain and Cole replicated my action and sat down.
Not long after the football team came in the cafeteria being obnoxious. They were pushing and shoving each other and laughing loudly.

I recognized Jungso in the crowd of boys, since he was the only one not making noise. He was staring at our table,and as I followed the direction of his eyes I was met with Cole, who was staring right back at Jungso. I glanced over to rest of the group who seem to have already noticed, since they were sharing smug looks at each other. A small smirk danced on all of our faces as Mako coughed and Cole blushed crazily when he saw us watching him.

"Whatcha staring at Cole?" Justin asked grinning. Cole looked down trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"N-Nothing." We all laughed at his embarrassment. Justin was about to say something else when Jungso popped up.

"Hey crew." Jungso said sitting at the end of the table.

Everyone but Cole and Jungso side-eyed each other with a small smirk. Jungso looked as bewildered but shrugged it off while, Cole kept his head down and didn't spare us a glance.


Ughhhhhhh Just kill me already please.

Of course I just had to get caught staring at Jungso.

Fuck life.

I decided not to lift my head up til the hot feeling on my face went away and conversation floated around the table. Rain invited Nat and I over since Jungso was having some of his teammates over, and she didn't wanna be alone with a bunch of, and I quote, 'obnoxious and sweaty pigs'.

Nat couldn't go because she had to watch her younger sister. Justin had pack business to attend to, Mako had swim practice, and  I sadly had to decline because it was family night with my mom. It's the first one without my dad and I know my mom's been itching to spend time with me since the whole thing happened.

Rain seemed pretty bummed at first but she quickly forgot once Nat asked her about her newest photography project she's been working on. Apparently, the theme for this collection is singularity. She showed us a few of the pictures but not all of them. Let's just say I was awestruck by the few I did see. She withheld showing the rest claiming she wanted to present them all when the project was completely finished.

Lunch concluded sooner than any of us desired it to, and we were all whisked off to our classes again.

(last pov change in this chapter I promise)

School finally came to an end and I let out a relieved sigh. I went to my locker retrieving the books I need for homework, and putting away the things I don't. I bid my friends farewell, before trudging down the school's front steps. I quickly spotted Jungso and some of his teammates as they waited for me by the gate. As soon as Jungso caught sight of me, he ran over and draped his arm over my shoulder. I sighed and patted his arm.

We made our way over to the team. There stood my main bully Trey Sullivan. I averted my eyes quickly when they met with his and waved at the group not saying anything.

"Awww don't be so down sister. My team isn't that bad. I know them well." He said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Do you really?" I muttered glaring at the ground.

What he doesn't know is that a few of his teammates have been bullying me since freshman year. My brother went to a different school then me beforehand, but transferred here when his old school's football team captain raped a girl at their highschool. Luckily, the captain was sent to jail since he was 18 and the girl had caring friends and family to support her through the incident.

Jungso decided to do the rest of his highschool years here at Lockwood High. They had been bullying me before Jungso arrived to the school and joined the team. I didn't want to say anything because I know how much he loves playing football and I didn't want what was happening with me to influence his decision. He cares a lot about me and I know as soon as he found out about it he would have backed out of joining the team in a heartbeat. I couldn't do that to him though, so I just stick through the insults and harassment.

We eventually arrive at the house, me being silent the whole way here. Jungso of course tried to include me like the awesome brother he is but I just gave dry-short answers whenever he did. I pulled out my key, unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Appa we're home!!" I shouted as I took off my shoes. (Appa-Dad)

"Okay I'm in the kitchen!!" he bellowed back.

Everyone flinched but Jungso and glared at me but I shrugged it off and rushed into the kitchen. I wanted to avoid them as much as possible so I decided to help my father cook dinner.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side 'cause I saw my father sitting at the kitchen island going through the mail. I held a little hope, praying to the gods that he just hasn't started yet. Though that was quickly shot down.

"Hey dad what are you cooking for dinner tonight?" I asked as I slid in the chair next to him and gave him a side hug.

"Actually we're having pizza tonight since Jungso has friends over." he said hugging back but not looking up.


I let out a groan and frowned. My dad looked at me mirroring my frown.

"What's wrong Rae?"

"I just wanted something to do since Jungso has his friends over."

"You can invite some of your friends over if you'd like. You can even use the tv in the office if the boys are in the living room." he offered with a smile.

I gave a slight smile back and shook my head. "They're all busy Appa, so I don't have anyone today."

He frowned but then said "Well how about this. You can stay in your room or my office the whole time they're over if you feel more comfortable with that." This made me smile seeing as most times he wants us to be downstairs and not cooped up in our rooms. I nodded my head and a bright smile appeared on my dad's face. He gathered up the mail and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be in the office if want to join me.You can come read a book, if you haven't read all the books in there already." He said chuckling at the end.

"Thanks Appa.I'm gonna go shower." I got up and gave him a quick hug before dashing up the stairs.

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