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Morning came faster than I wanted it to, but luckily I was the first to wake up between me and my brother. I grabbed the oversized shirt hanging at the end of my bed and put it on. I went over to my brothers room and kicked the door open. Jungso was sleeping with half his body hanging off the bed. I climbed on to the bed and started to jump on it.

"Wake up!!!"

"No go away" He said swatting at me with his eyes closed. "I can be late to school I don't care"

"We're already about 30 minutes late Jungso, I forgot to set my alarm." He shot up quickly and rushed to his closet. "Fuck"

Hehe we all know I was lying.

I sat down on the bed and watched him pick out some clothes and hurry to the bathroom. I picked at my nails and waited for his return. 10 minutes later he came rushing out. He looked me up and down.

"Why aren't you dressed yet? We're late dude move faster!!" I looked at him and grinned. "But are we really late tho?" He looked at me confused. "Have you taken a second to stop and look at the time?" I asked him as I leaned back on the bed, using my arms to brace myself.

He walked over and picked up his phone.I saw him look at the time and then stare at nothing for a moment. After he finished processing, he glared at me.

"You fucking-" "Mind your language Jungso." Our dad interrupted while leaning on the doorway. I grinned at my brother before walking over to my dad and hugging him.

"On the bright side now you have some time to chill before we go." I said as he glared at me. My dad chuckles and pats my shoulder.

"Stop starting trouble RaeIn, and get ready for school." He said walking off.

I looked back at my brother, to see him flipping me off. I laughed and walked to my room to get dressed.



Its been a 2 weeks since I met Rain and the gang. Sometimes I think I'm intruding on their friendship but they always make sure to include me. I'm starting to feel like I've been in that friend group forever. Jungso even sat with us the whole week instead of sitting with his team. Apparently that's shocking because he's never done that for them before.

I put my phone away as I walked up the school steps. My house isn't far from the school, so I decided to walk today. As I entered I saw Jungso and the rest of the football team. Our eyes meet and we wave at each other. I then head towards my locker to grab my things. Once I finished, I started walking over to Rain's locker. She was blushing and glaring while Nat was laughing. I stopped when I was about an arms length away from Nat, who had her back turned to me.

Rain glanced over and opened her mouth to say something, but I shook my head and held my finger to my lips. I crept a bit closer, before abruptly grabbing Nat's shoulders. She screamed and turned around ready to hit me. Rain and I burst out laughing, while Nat glared daggers at me. A few of the other students walking by looked at us weirdly and a teacher glared at us from her doorway.

"What the FUCK Cole?! Don't scare the shit out of me like that!"Nat was glaring even harder while punching my arm. I winced but kept laughing, which only made her angrier.

"Serves you right for what you said earlier." Rain said clutching her stomach and running a hand through her shoulder length wolf cut. (Her hairstyle is at the top. That's not what she looks like tho) Nat punched her in the boob and continued to glare. The bell rang and the laughter died down. Nat picked up her backpack and flipped us off saying "Fuck both of you." before heading to class.

"Sorry I don't swing that way." I said with a small smirk. Nat grumbled something as she stomped off. Rain and I laughed a bit more before heading to class.

Small Time Skip_

I packed up my things while Rain stood beside me waiting. Mr.Dunlap's class had just finished, so Rain and I were about to head to our lockers before splitting up for our next class. As we walked out the door I remembered something I wanted to ask her earlier.

"Hey Rain I forgot to ask after but, what did Natalia say to make you blush and glare at her?" I asked briefly stopping. Rain stopped along side me and there was a small hint of red on her cheeks as she frowned a slightly. She began walking again when I looked at her questioningly.

"Well it all began when I got a text from Jungso saying he was having some of his football buddies over tonight. I was frustrated and said 'Oh fuck me'. Nat responded with 'Gladly' which made me blush. I thought she was being serious, but then she started laughing and said 'Girl relax I'm only kidding with you'." Rain said as she adjusted her crossbody bag and ran her hand through her hair.

"That's what made you blush? Why? it's just a small joke." I asked confused. If some guy did that to me I would probably just laugh and be slightly annoyed. Rain thinned her lips to a straight line and her blush deepened. She glanced around a bit as we got closer to her locker.

"Okay don't tell anyone but it made me blush cause..cause I have a crush on her." She said immediately looking away from me and began fiddling with the lock on her locker. I stayed a silent as I thought back to past times to see if there was anything noticeable, between Rain and Nat, that would give off that Rain liked her.

I came back to reality when Rain's locker beeped and creaked open.

"Wait you do? For how long?" I said ending the silence that fell over us.

"Ever since 5th grade. Nat and I are childhood friends, and at first I thought the feelings I had were just platonic. In 5th grade, I realized all the feelings I had was not something you would have for a friend..." She paused.

"It shocked me at first, so then I tried to ignore it and say that I was just over exaggerating," She shoved one last thing in her bag before closing her locker and continuing.

"When I finally acknowledged that it was indeed not something you felt for a friend I tried to see if I thought of any guys that way. When I didn't I tried to see if I thought of any other girls in my school that way....I had a few that I did." She said as we walked over to my locker.

I typed in the code and she continued to speak. "That's when I realized I was lesbian, though seeing as Nat had never shown any interest in girls I decided to try and get over my feelings because she was straight. At least that's what I thought up until 7th grade when she came out as Omnisexual to me. Not long after, I came out to her as lesbian." I closed my locker and we went to the stairs, Rain keeping my undivided attention.

"My feelings became harder to get rid of, every time I tried the possibility that she could actually like me back sent my heart into a frenzy." She paused and took a deep breath before chuckling sadly,

"Thinking back on it now I can't even see how younger me thought that what I was feeling was platonic. I mean what friend friend blushes like a tomato when the other walks up to them, what friend feels electric sparks whenever the other grabs their hand, what friend dreams of making out with the other friend while on a, very romantic, date?"

The last one caught me off guard and I laughed a bit before giving her a sympathetic smile. We were nearing my classroom so I quickly pulled her in for a hug.

"Okay listen, this is gonna be some sucky cliché advice cause we're almost at my class, buuuuuuuut I think you should tell her how you feel. Who knows maybe she'll like you back? Plus you don't wanna wait too long and some other person comes and snatches her up, right?" I said pulling away slightly so I could see her face. She sighed, frown still evident on her face and nodded.

"Can we talk about this another day?" she asked still hugging me tightly.

"Sure I'm free tomorrow if that works for you." She nodded and gave me a small smile.

I gave her a reassuring smile as we reached the door and separated from our hug. We said our goodbyes and I then walked into the classroom. I scanned the room and once I located Natalia, I took a seat beside her. She looked up and glared at me playfully a smile plastered on her face. I grinned at her but right as I went to say something the teacher walked in and we had to began class.

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