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Morning came for the group and multiple phone alarms went off. All having a message on the screen, telling them to get up for school.

The group slowly begin to stir with the trio on the floor, first to fully awaken. They all stretched and rose up. Once Rain fully opened her eyes, she gasped out loud. Both Mako and Nat looked at her confused, freezing while reaching for their phones.

Rain seemed to be looking at Cole and Jungso sleeping together on the couch. She rushed to grab her phone, as Nat and Mako began snapping several pictures of the sight. Rain was laughing and opening up her camera when both, Cole and Jungso, started to wake up. Jungso first opened his eyes and was confused to see his friends and sister standing over him.

He looked down to see Cole opening his eyes. They both blushed and got up. They glared harshly as their friends laughed and teased them. Cole walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He saw 5 plates of breakfast on the counter covered by paper towels. A note sat on the edge of the counter, so he picked it up and read it.

'I made you guys breakfast, and your friends' change of clothes are on the table. I just left 5 or so minutes before your usual alarm. Make sure to get to school on time!

Love you lots!!, Mom,

Cole placed the note down and called to the group from the kitchen.

"Guys come eat!! My mom made breakfast for all of us!!" He shouted.

Everyone flooded into the kitchen, excited to dig into the food. They all took their seats and began to eat.

Jungso Cole Nat Rain Mako

Once they finished the food, Mako offered to clean the dishes while everyone else got ready. He started washing the dishes as the rest of the group entered the living room to grab their clothes.

"That breakfast was delicious Cole. Tell your mom I said thanks for making it for us." Nat spoke, as she picked up her clothes. Jungso and Rain aggressively agreed along with Nat.

"Of course I'll let her know you guys liked it." He said chuckling.

After they obtained what they wanted, Cole led them to different rooms to change. He gave Nat and Rain the guest room to change, and then took Jungso to his bathroom inside his room to change. Everyone changed and Mako finished the dishes not long after. His change of clothes brought by his butler, was simply just a hoodie so that he wasn't wearing the same shirt. The group all laughed at his despair and decided to start their walk to the school.

Once they arrived they all parted ways and went to their lockers. They all went to their classes and trudged through the boring school day.

Rain pov
Few hours later

I walked out of my last class before lunch, feeling ready to jump off of a bridge. I trudged over to my locker and opened it up. Since I didn't go home yesterday, I didn't get to do my makeup like I usually would. I pulled out my makeup bag and began walking over towards the bathroom. I sent a quick text to the group chat that they didn't need to wait at the lockers. They shot back with okay's and I closed my phone back.

I walked past a portion of the football team as they joked around by their lockers. I tried to go unnoticed and it seemed to be going well at first. But, as I was just about to enter the bathroom, I heard a voice that made me want to vomit.

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