Love at first sight

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( Y/N) POV.

Okay okay okay okay okay Josh has officially gone crazy! I don't wanna get beat up!!! He may have meant that he wanted to snap my neck! I'll go into the forest so I can hide behind the trees maybe? Yes! That will work. I hope...

Toby POV.

Why does Slenderman want his meal NOW? It's day light and I might get seen. O well I do t wanna get in trouble.

(Y/N) : AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH someone help me!!!

Ah yes the perfect victim! This is gonna be easy!I just need to follow the screams and I'll find Slender a nice meal.

( Y/N) POV

I'm exhausted! And I'm not strong enough to climb a tree... is this how I die??? Nooo surely not! He wouldn't kill me right? He's not a killer he's just... aggressive. I need to find someone! Someone who can protect me! And right as I think that I see a silhouette of what seems like a teenage guy. As he comes closer than can see that he's wearing orange goggles and a mouth guard. An interesting clothing style to say the least...AND TWO HATCHETS?!!! Who is this person?!!!!

Toby POV:

"Toby: hello there~

(Y/N) : who are you?!! And why do you have two blood stained hatchets?!!

Fuck she's gorgeous

Toby : I t-think we all know what the hatchets are for ... well w-with all I mean just the two of us hehe"

(Y/N) : you do talk a lot for a killer

I can see she's holding back her tears

Toby: yea I hear that a lot... actually I don't but that's not the point!!! Let's get to work."

Josh : I'll kill you ( Y/N)!!! You bi—


Before Josh could finish his sentence the guy with the goggles cut his head off!

Toby: a -anyways now I did you a favor by k-killing your little f-friend here I'll do myself a favor by d-doing the same to y-you

Toby POV.

As the hatchets almost hits her neck I freeze... why is this happening?! Okay let's try that again but this time she's dead


" please just let me go I promise I won't come back"

Even when she's crying she looks beautiful. With her ( H/L) (H/C) hair and beautiful eyes .What am I thinking?! And what is this feeling?

Toby: "p-please don't cry I w-won't kill you okay? It's gonna be alright. And I'm sorry I k-killed your friend y-you don't have to forgive m-me"

I try to help her up but she runs away in full panick. I guess I'll never see her again.

(Y/N) POV.

Why does this have to happen to me?!! Even though the killer seemed kind of nice a killer is a killer! And he was probably going to trick me so he could kill me easier. While I'm panicking I see a strange light that idly looks like... fire!!! I need to get out of here NOW before it's to late. But where is the way out of this forest?!!! I have no idea so I just start running in one direction hoping that it's the good one. There's so much smoke that it's getting very difficult to breath.And just a few seconds later I fall to the ground unable to move and almost unable to breath. But suddenly I see a guy lifting me up and holding me tight as he runs trough the forest.

(Y/N): " who are y—"

As I was finishing my sentence I passed out in his arms

Sorry if these are short chapters!!! I hope you still enjoyed it though. The next chapters will be about 1000 words so don't worry there getting longer :)

- chapter 2
- words 644

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