From breakfast to books

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Yesterday Toby introduced me to the rest of the proxies and most of them are to my surprise very nice! Today I woke up for the second time in my new living space. I can't really call this a house since it's WAY to big to be called that it's maybe even to big to be called a mansion. I wonder how they build this thing? I don't think they bought it because well who would sell their house to a bunch of serial killers? Maybe they just found it and decided to live here. As my mind was wondering off in my thoughts Toby came in with some waffles.

" good morning~" Toby said with a smile

" good morning Toby" I smiled back back

" I brought you some waffles, normally we eat at the table in the kitchen but things are kinda chaos because someone is missing so no one really has time for that stuff right now"

" thanks! But who's missing?" I asked Toby

" Laughing Jack, it's normal that some of us are away for a while but not longer than 4 days so a lot of people are looking for 'em"

" ohw well I hope we find him soon" I said

" they'll find him he probably wondered off to much in to in the woods he'll be back tomorrow probably don't worry :)"

I finished eating my waffles and even though they were a bit burned I still enjoyed them a lot though. Toby offered to take my plat and put it in de dishwasher so I did. So far I was loving the mansion!  No school , no homework , not THAT much drama , no annoying parents and Toby.... Toby as soon as I thought about him I started to blush like crazy. What was happening to me? I never felt this way over anyone else ever before. Could it be love? No, no I don't fall in love THAT easily. But every time I look at him I get nervous and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I try not to think about it to much and change from my pyjama's to some presentable clothes.

I know I look like a mess when I wake up but she always looks adorable! I can't stand this I wanna kiss her but I don't know if it's to soon. Oh well I'll continue washing the dishes before Slenderman gets mad.

" Hey Toby wanna play some video games with me? Everyone else didn't want to soooo" Ben said

" im your last choice?" I said with a smirk on my face. Of course I was joking I know he doesn't wanna play with me because I always beat him

" No that's not it you always seem to beat me with your stupid luck BUT this time I have a strategy to beat you!" Ben said confidently

" okayy I'll p-play with you if you help me wash the dishes" I said

" Uhh finee! But only because no one else wants to play with me okay?!" Ben said

" of course , of c-course" I said

We finished doing the dishes and started playing. And of course I was still winning. But then I saw (Y/N) walk in the room and she looked flawless she was so beautiful that I got startled a little bit and Ben beat me!

" YESSSS HAHA I BEAT YOU TOBY!" Ben shouted happily

I giggled a bit. I was honestly a bit happy for him since he wanted to win so bad . I was more thinking about (Y/N) to be honest and not really about me losing. Her (E/C) and her (H/C) matched her outfit so well and it was just perfect. I was blushing like crazy and just as I realized that she walked over to me and I of course started blushing even more.

" Hey Toby! Thanks for making breakfast for me earlier :)" (Y/N) said with the cutest smile I've ever seen

"Y-yeah uhm thanks for uhm saying that heh" that was smooth

Ben left because Slenderman wanted to talk to him so me and (Y/N) started chatting for like 2 whole hours and it was so much fun and we laughed so much fun! I wanted to kiss her so bad I kept looking at her lips and I almost couldn't resist myself anymore but I controlled myself.

" Hey Toby could you help me with something?" (Y/N) said

" yeah sure what is it?" I asked

" well there's a closet in my room with a bunch of old books in it that aren't mine so I thought maybe we could move those books out of the closet and buy them in the library?"

" yeah sure g-good idea!" I said

" yay thanks Toby :)" she said

I was blushing because of her adorable smile and I think she could notice.

We headed to her room and (Y/N) grabbed a chair so she could reach the top shelf. I started with the bottom shelf. I looked up to say something to her but when I looked up I accidentally looked up her skirt and saw well I saw her underwear. I didn't wanna keep looking cause it would get creepy but it did turn me on a bit.


We finally finished putting all of the books in the library. Toby sat down on my bed to rest a bit since he carried most of the books. I came to sit next to him and accidentally touched his hand and we both blushed and pulled away quickly. I then realized I was zitten really close to him and as we both turned our faces our faces were only a few inches away from touching. Then Toby gently put my hair behind my ear and then grabbed my cheek. We both blushed and after some staring and smiling he kissed me. He was a really good kisser and I just wish the kiss would never end.


I just could t resist anymore so I kissed her and luckily she didn't pull away.

"I love you (Y/N)" I said with a blushing face

" I love you too Toby" she said smiling still a few inches away from my lips and our foreheads touching

We started kissing again but this time the kiss was way more sexual and intimate. I came and sat on his lap and I could feel he was getting a boner. I was getting really turned in as well especially because I could feel his boner pushing against my pussy. I really wanted him and he really wanted me

So sorry for not updating in such a long time! I honestly kinda forgot about this book and I was just so really busy with school but I will be updating a lot more so stay tuned for more <33

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