Starting my trip with you

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Chapter 6:


Toby and I have been walking trough the forest for a pretty long time now and we've learned a lot about each other such as Toby has Tourette's Syndrome which makes him twitch his head sometimes. I also learned that he can't feel pain.

TOBY POV ( wow that was fast damn)

We've been walking in the forest for hours now but it feel like minutes. All though we've learned so much about each other. Like the fact the boy that was chasing her yesterday wanted to kill her and snap her neck because she rejected him. So I DID save her life! Anyways she also told me about home and that her father died last year.

" Man that must be tough" I said

" yeah my mom got way more emotional and has been drinking maybe a little bit too much wine lately." I said in a sad tone of voice

" And your brother?"

" well he's been acting really violent and delinquent lately and he actually got expelled because he tried to beat up a teacher. He's still in middle school though."

I stopped walking and gave her a hug. At first she seemed kinda surprised by the hug but eventually she hugged back and I could feel her letting out a few tears.

(Y/N) POV ( yes again lol)

Toby suddenly stops waking and gives me a hug. At first I'm shocked like my face was red AF because I was blushing so hard and I honestly didn't know what do but then I gave in and hugged him back. I let out a few tears as I was hugging him and he stroked trough my hair as a gesture that it'll be okay.

" Why won't we sit against a tree or something for a while hm? We've been walking for a pretty long time now and it's almost getting dark." Toby said with  a sweet smile.

" yeah that would be nice" I said with a nice smile on my face.

We sat against this big tree and talked and laughed until it got as dark as the sky could be.

" Hey uhm do you have a family?" I asked Toby

" o-oh uhm well I did once..." Toby said with a sad tone of voice.

" oh I -I didn't want to make you upset I'm sorry you don't have to answer" I said

" n-no it's totally fine I can tell you" Toby said

" I lived with my mom and my sister because my dad left when I was little. But when I was 12 years old my mom got a new boyfriend called F-Frank and he moved in with us short after me and Lyra met him.

" Lyra?" I asked

" oh yeah my sister" He said

" oh okay sorry" I said

" it's okay" he said as he continues his story.

" and as soon as he lived in he started b-beating us and a-alway getting d-drunk and aggressive. I couldn't feel the pain of his punches and kicks but Lyra could and whenever he got mad again I felt bad for Lyra and always stood up for her so she didn't have to feel pain. I couldn't always protect her though. One time F-Frank beat up Lyra when I got home and her eye and leg were all fucked up. So I went to the garage where Frank always was after he got mad. I told him to leave but obviously it didn't r-really work and he started beating me up. I ran over to Lyra with Frank still following me and I told her to grab Frank's car and drive away from this house and sleep over by one of her friends. B-but she got in a car accident..."

Toby starts crying a little bit and I give him a hug.

" you're a good brother Toby" I said with a calming voice

" n-no I told her to take Frank's car I-it's my fault"

" it's not your fault Toby really"

He wipes his tears of his cheeks and continues

" A-and when I heard that Lyra got into a car accident I went to Frank his garage again and I grabbed two hatchets and well... I killed him slowly but surely and when my mom saw me with the bloody hatchets she tried to call 911 but I killed her too. I almost hated her more then Frank because she always acted like nothing was wrong with our family and she never did anything against the abuse and just ignored it. After I killed both of them I set the house on fire and Slenderman noticed me and made me a proxy."

" I'm really sorry that happened to you Toby" I said

" no I'm sorry that you had to hear that heck of a story"

"it's okay I wanna get to know you." I said


Omg she wants to get to know me?! I start blushing and I say back to her:

" I wanna get to know you to to"

And as I say that I feel her head falling on my shoulder.

"(Y/N)?" I ask


Okay stay calm I don't wanna wake her up. Damn she really is beautiful. I've never had a crush on someone before so this is kinda new to me. But I like it though. She makes me forget about the horrible things in life and she makes me feel warm inside :) I start to feel sleepy to and I rest my head on hers. Pretty romantic if I say so myself. And just like that I fall asleep too.

(Y/N) POV ( sorry for changing the point of view so much this chapter lol)

I wake up and it's already light outside again. I can't believe I fell asleep on Toby! He fell asleep on me too as far as I can see. I don't wanna move to much because I don't wanna wake him up. Instead I do something REALLY stupid. I wrap my arm around him like I'm hugging him. Man only couples do this! Couples?! I start blushing at the thought of me mad Toby being a couple but I feel him waking up so I pretend I'm sleeping so it doesn't get awkward because well I just put my arm around him like I'm hugging him and I don't want him to know that I might have a small crush on him...

Heyyy thanks for reading this chapter :))) I just got my first few readers and I almost fell off my chair when I saw that thank you so much! I honestly thought this was gonna get zero reads but yet here we are thank you <3

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