The rescue

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(Y/N) POV.

" Huh were am I?" I said

I was in an empty hallway with a white carpet on the floor with blood spattered all over it. There was someone crawling in my direction at the end of the hallway. I ran over to the mysterious person and then I realized it was Toby with a huge hole in his chest.

" TOBY" I almost cried because of the sight.

" omg Toby are you okay?!!" I kneeled down and hugged him

"It's your fucking f-fault" Toby said with a quiet but judging voice

" w-what's my fault???" I asked

" why would you do this to me" he cried

" I... I did this?" I asked holding back my tears.

" P-please help me" Toby was bleeding and crying in my arms and I didn't know what to do and I couldn't escape this hallway it seemed to be going forever.

" Toby I'll try to get us out of here okay?" I stood up and started running around looking for an exit. But when I turned around to look if Toby was okay he was... he was laying on the floor dead and eyes rolled back. I wanted to scream but I couldn't it became hard to breath and I couldn't get any air out of my lungs. And then I fell down at the floor.


I woke up in the prison bed... I had a horrible nightmare... I never had this kind of before and it was freaking me out like it felt so real but I knew it wasn't. I still felt down about it and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.
I tried to forget about the horrible dream but when the sun started to rise it was the last thing on my mind anyways. I looked out of the window while I was trying to clear my mind. I looked at this silhouette of a tree but the tree was somehow moving his branches? I that I was just in my head but the tree came closer and closer. It was still a bit dark outside and my vision was still a bit blurry because I was tired as can be. The strange moving tree came closer and closer and closer until it was only a few meters away from my window. It wasn't freaking me out some how even though it was pretty freaky. And then for a millisecond the police lights shined on the tree and then I realized it wasn't a tree it was Slenderman! But he vanished before the police could caught him. I was so relieved to see slender man because I now knew that my hope in the Proxy wasn't false hope and that they were coming for me.

~Time skip~

I heard the door of my cell unlocking and I quickly jumped into the bed pretending I was sleeping. I didn't want them to think I was planning something because honestly right now I don't feel like making new problems. The door opened and a cop and a few guards came into my cell.

" RISE AND SHINE" the cop said

I pretended to just wake up and I faked a yawn. I stood up from my bed and the cop started putting handcuffs on me. Another cop came in with a wheelchair and started tying me to the wheelchair. I could see he saw the notebook and pen I hid in my cardigan/coat/jacket I thought I was screwed honestly but then he said:

" sshhh don't tell anyone okay?" He whispered as he put the notebook back in my coat and even gave me a few extra pens.

" thank you" I whispered back

" no problem just don't tell anyone okay? I don't wanna lose my job at the asylum" he whispered as he finished tying me to the wheelchair.

" my mouth is shut" I whispered as the cops and guards started bringing my outside of my cell.

It was cold outside but I didn't mind. I actually found it quite refreshing to feel the cold air touch my skin. I took one last breath of the refreshing cold air as the cop started rolling me into a really big truck. They secured the wheelchair to the truck so I won't fall down or just roll away ( lol) . This truck was HUGE it was like 12 feet wide and 9 feet tall. And guards were standing against the wall with guns in their hands. There were like 10 guards I think and two people behind the wheel.

~small time skip your still driving~

I suddenly heard a very loud bonk on one of the roof of the truck and I could see the guards heard it too because of their reaction. Then I heard a beeping sound and it kinda sounded like a bomb? And yep I was right half of the roof exploded and one guard got hurt really bad. I was kinda freaking out but then I saw Toby, Jeff and Ben coming through the big hole in the roof. I was so happy at first but then I realized that the guards were still here and they have guns. Jeff almost immediately charged one guard and managed to kill 3 with ease then Toby and Ben also stepped in and managed to kill the rest of the guards. They untied me and Toby kneeled down to be at my height because I was still sitting in the wheelchair out of shock in this half exploded truck. Toby took off his mouth guard and goggles and said:

" will you come to the mansion with us?"

" you better come otherwise we all did this for nothing" Jeff said in kind of a happy voice knowing I was probably gonna say yes

" don't push her like that Jeff because of you she'll say no idiot" Ben said annoyed

" I really wanna go to the mansion with you" I said happy

This chapter took me so long to write 😪 I hope you enjoyed! Also the art at the top of this chapter is made by Zkaboodle on instagram she's really underrated and she draws creepy pasta so go check her out :)
-Chaper 11
- words 1038

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