The First Deaths

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1p Germany's(or HRE if you prefer) POV

"I-Italia?" I asked, shaken.

"Do it." He pleaded. "End it for me."

"For both of us." I promised firmly.

"Ludwig. Ti amo. I love you." He said, his voice shaking with pain.

"Ich liebe dich auch. I luf jou too." I assured him. My voice cracked sadly, as I held the gun to his head. He grabbed my hand gingerly.

"V-Vell, see jou, Ita." I said.

"O- okay. I'll be waiting. I'll be waiting for you. I'll wait for you to join me. We'll see each other again for sure, okay?" He asked. The conversation sounded familiar, and I knew exactly what to say.

"No matter vhat, I luf jou zhe most on zhe vorld! I vill find jou." I promised. Together, our fingers gravitated slowly towards the trigger. I pressed my lips to his and pressed the gun gently to his rusty colored hair, feeling his curl with my other hand. We pulled the trigger, a deafening boom resounded throughout the room, shaking my whole body.

Feliciano gave a shakey breath and was still. I broke down over his body, sobbing over my lost love. I kissed him and kissed him, all over his beautiul, innocent face.

"Meine unschuldige liebe." I whispered, as I pushed the gun up against my head. I pulled the trigger, and absolute agony washed over me in an ocean of blood. My blond hair was now tinged with both our blood. I twitched twice, and then the pain dissapeared, taking my life with it.

 ((A/N: these are shorter than my usual chapters, but they just seem to naturally end... oh well... 

the italian means I love you.

the first german means I love you also, and the second german means My innocent love. The conversation which Germany remembers is based off of HRE and Chibitalia's conversation in episode 22.))

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