A Final Breath, A New Beginning

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((Guys. This is the last chapter. THIS BOOK IS ABOUT TO END!!!! Get ready for this. A large serving of fluff coming right up. Want fries with that?))

When America awoke, a strange, floating feeling surrounded him. He opened his eyes, feeling fresh and full of life.He glanced around to see nothing but white, an empty canvas. The air breezing over his naked body wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold either. It was perfe--- Why am I naked? he thought. WHY AM I NAKED?!

And then suddenly, he was on a street corner in Washington D.C., fully clothed in a blue suit with a red tie. Something was still missing though... My glasses.

And then there were glasses on his nose. He pushed them up, smiling. America looked around his capital city slowly, wondering why there were so few people. Then, he saw him. Him. England.

America began to run, as England did the same, crashing into each other and falling onto the grass, hugging each other tightly. When they settled to a rest, lying side by side, America asked, "Is this.... heaven?"

"No, love, definitely not," England teased sarcastically"

"Oh.... really?" America confirmed, the sarcasm flying over his head.

"As if we could end up anywhere else, you bloody fool!"

"Well, I guess this proves one thing!"

"What? That we're dead?"

This stopped America in his tracks. A wounded expression began to blemish his face.

"No..." he corrected, "that we're a match made in heaven."

Arthur was speechless, his expression a mixture of embarassment, love and anguish.

"Damn you," he muttered, pulling America in for a long, sweet kiss, then, "Bless you, dammit, I love you."

"Love you too, babe." America grinned happily. "So, does this mean there's actually a God?"

"That is entirely up to you. This world gives you what you want and what you need. If you believe in a God, there is one." England stated.

America nodded, sighing. "Well, considering the fact that I am pretty much omni-religious..."

"You're what?" England asked.

"Every religion all at once. It's a hassle, trust me." America confirmed.

"Wow, I never knew that." England pondered. "Well, I'm definitely Christian. My main problem is the choice of catholic or prodestant."

"Anyway, dude. Enough about religion." America interrupted.

"I agree. You're the only 'god' I need." England agreed, smirking.

"Hell yeah I'm your god. I'm totally Cupid, god of freakin' love." America announced, striking a stupid pose, and then promptly unbalancing and falling flat on the floor.

"More like god of idiots." England laughed, helping him to stand up. America grinned his thanks and went to stand closer, wrapping an arm around England's waist.

"Wha-?" England began to protest, but was interrupted when America kissed him, gently and sweetly. He stood still for a moment before relaxing and kissing back. Warmth spread over the chill of death which had been surrounding them since they arrived.

When they broke apart, England asked, "What happened? Why are you...."

America's face fell. He looked away, salt tears glistening in the corners of his eyes, and half-whispered, "I.... found you. You wouldn't wake up, no matter what I did, so I carried you, hoping to find help. I found the others, and they had some suggestions, but nothing... nothing worked. I couldn't take it, and it was all my fault, and France yelled at me and then he... killed me."

"What? The others are... alive? I did wonder why they all disappeared. I suppose they thought I had too." England pondered.

"What do you mean? Were they here?" America queried.

"Yes, more or less. This is basically heaven for nations. Everyone came here when they died." England confirmed.

"Oh... so, why didn't you..." America choked on his sentence, but the message was apparent.

"I don't know." England sighed, "But I know where we can find out."

He lead the way to a small building, and went inside, walking to the back, where a large globe was spinning slowly next to a tablet.  He touched his country and text appeared on the tablet.

England (UK)

Status: living (republic)

Human Name: Oliver Kirkland

Appearance: Light strawberry blond hair, blue-pink eyes, pale skin, freckles, 5'9

They gasped almost collectively. 2p! England had taken over. Hesitantly, England touched the landmass which was the USA, and new words appeared.

America (USA)

Status: Deceased (disbanded)

Human Name: Alfred F. Jones

Appearance: Sunny blond hair, blue eyes, medium skin, 5'9.6

The two former nations stared at the screen; it was as if England, or Arthur at least, had never even existed, and America wasn't a country anymore. America tenderly hugged England to his chest, murmuring reassurances. He pressed his lips to the shorter man's forehead as England relaxed in his arms. 

"It's okay. We're together now, right?" America pointed out.

"Yes, I know. It's just a bit... disturbing, knowing that that bastard is going to run my country." England nodded, tilting his head up to look America in the eye, then promptly turning away, blushing slightly.

"I know, but you've gotta trust the others to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy to your land. It'll be okay. Besides, there's nothing we can do." America consoled, moving England's head gently back to its former position, then leaning down to kiss him.

The kiss was long and sweet, going on and on and on until they couldn't last a moment longer. They broke apart, England mumbling, "Okay," In response to America's earlier statement.

They kissed again, uttering, "I love you"s, and, "We're okay,"s until they became tired. A small cottage appeared nearby, and they walked to it, making themselves at home and settling on the king-sized bed.

"I love you," America smiled a slightly mournful, yet mostly happy, grin.

"I love you too," England affirmed, smiling a similarly melancholy smile, before shifting slightly closer to his lover and soon falling asleep. After a minute or so of watching him, America wrapped an arm around England and fell asleep, their smiles relaxing into looks of simple contentment.

This was not just death. It was pure, sweet heaven.


((OH MY GOSH! YOU GUYS! YOU GUYSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's over!!!!!!!!! That was such an ironic last chapter... But I hope it makes you guys not want to kill me as much!!!

I hope you all liked this angsty, inconsistent fanfiction!

Sorry for how freaking cliche this is.

By the way, right here: "America looked around his capital city slowly, wondering why there were so few people." I really wanted to put Maybe because of the government shut down? but I decided not to. Hehehe~

Anywaysssssss! I really hope you guys liked this, and please comment on your overall thoughts! I KNOW there are more of you out there! There are 3,520 reads on this story! That is so freaking crazy, but a good number to end on!

So now I will be continuing Expulsion soon! I hope you enjoy what's to come!!!!!

Hope to see you all again soon! ~^.^~))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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