Small update

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Hi guys! this isn't a new chapter, but I have a few things I want to tell you.

First of all, I am going to publish the next chapter as soon as I can. I am really glad you have all stuck with me, despite all my randomly spaced updates, unsteady style, and bloody murdering. I am aiming for next weekend, but please don't hold me to it! Updates may be slower in the coming weeks. This is mainly because school is starting up on Tuesday for me, and I have committed to lots of different things.

I am also considering changing the title of the book to World War 2p!

What do you think? It will definitely be changed when i put it on Archive of Our Own, which I recently received an invite to.

There are only about 2 chapters left, and perhaps an epilogue. When this is over, I will take a couple weeks break and then continue with expulsion.

So once. Again,thanks! I will see you in my next update!

World War 2p! (formerly 2p! Realization)Where stories live. Discover now