Always With You

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((Hey guys!!! SORRY!!!!! I haven't updated in SOOO long, but I've had school work and other crap to deal with that I'm not gonna waste your time with excuses about~ BUT I'M BACK! And so I will now give you my summer schedule:

I get out of school on 6/18, so I will have about a week to get on here much more frequently! Then on the 6/25, I'm going to Rome, Italy for a week and the south of France for another, so you won't hear from me for 2 weeks straight, unless I can get on here from my grandma's computer or something, but I will be writing a lot while I'm there, so hopefully I'll get at least 2 chapters done!!! I also have a sleep-away camp for 2 weeks starting 7/21, but I'll hopefully update at the weekend in between. Other than that, I'll be available and updating! 

I hope you like this chapter! I think I'm gonna cry the most so far at this one. Also, at the beginning, there aren't really supposed to be any pairings involved, just nations comforting other nations as friends.

Also, look for the reference! It's a quote from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy~))

1p! Iceland's POV

The other nordics and I remained behind in the room to comfort those countries whom had lost loved ones. I held a sobbing America, slightly awkwardly as I am quite a bit shorter than him, hugging him close and rubbing soothing circles onto his back. We stood there for a long time, until my shoulders became stiff and my feet tingled with pins and needles. I could see the others scattered nearby, almost all in some form of embrace, from a gentle hand on the other's arm to a passionate, tear-filled embrace. Suddenly, a sickly-sweet smell overtook the room, and I began to feel light-headed. A realization dawned on me, but by the time the panic registered in my brain, I was already falling to the floor, fading into unconsiousness, the other nations quickly following me in my descent.

2p! Sweden's POV

I laughed loudly as my companions and I walked in to find the 1p!s passed out, defenseless and easily killed or catured. We analyzed the countries who were present, and decided it would not be necessary to kill any of them here. They would be much more fun to tie up and torture mercilessly, killing them off one by one. I nodded to 2p! Finland and Denmark, and they hurried off to free the captured 2p!s from their cell. 

The rest of us set to the task of restraining the 1p!s, tying them with rope for the weaker countries and cuffs for the stronger ones. When the Finland and Denmark had returned with 2p! Canada and Russia, we set off, all carrying at least one country. On the way, I asked "Did you get the blood?" and they each showed me a vial. "Good." When we got back to the large room we were using as headquarters, we  tied three of the 1p!s to poles, and set the rest in various cages. As the bound nations slowly regained consiousness, they panicked to varying degrees and tried to break free, failing of course. I stepped forward and sneered at them. "Hey. So we kidnapped you and brought you here, resistance is useless and muahahaha and all that crap. If you wanna cry about it, too bad." At this, a few nations began to cry. I nodded and 2p! America dragged the offenders over. I bent over as they tried to shy away, and roughly backhanded each crying weakling. Amoung them, I recognized that idiot, Finland. Then, they were tossed back into their cages, and My companion, Norway, stepped up, grinning manicly. "Well, I am sorry for the hassle, but you are all about to die. Have fun!" He laughed before stepping towards a cage and forcing the nations inside to come out. We all headed towards our respective 1p!s, and they were all released, except for the three attatched to poles:France, America, and England. They were left trussed up, and their 2p!s reased them mercilessly, threatening with knives and alike. The rest of us lined up with our 1p!s, preparing to fight. They had been drugged, so they could never defeat us. We battled and fought, bumping other pairs and jostling anyonewho looked like they were too evenly matched. 

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