World Conference

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Omnescient POV

"Everybody, please calm down and shut up. I-" England was cut off by america once again.

"YO GUYS! SO I VOTE THAT HAMBURGERS ARE MANDATORY FOOD FOR THE ENTIRE WORL-" he was interrupted by the man whom he had just stopped.

"AMERICA! Please, this is already hard enough. I- I haven't heard back from a few people, about... about the war. It's making me think that something happened. It might just be paranoia, but..." He stated, nervously.

"Who?" Asked Romano, obviously worried. "Because I haven't-a heard from Feli in several days. I'm starting to worry too. Especially if he's with that germanic bastard."

"Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein have not replied." Britain responded gravely.

"Well, Switzerland is obviously gonna be neutral, and Liechtenstein never does anything without him. But Germany not responding doesn't make any sense. He's always punctual." America observed.

"I think we shourd go investigate. Something bad may have occurred." Japan proposed.

"Ja, ve need to find West unt Lili. Unt Switzerland unt Italy. Zhe Awesome Prussia vill find zhem!" Prussia promised.

"Does anyone know where Belarus went? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's gone, but we need to keep an eye on everyone." Britain asked nervously.

"Not here. If she was, she would be askingk me to marry her, da? And we would all be

coweringk in de corners. She didn't come in today. I zhought she was maybe delayed, da?" Russia conceded.

"Dude, if a frikin doorknob didn't stop her, she's not gonna be delayed by anything minor." America pointed out.

"Get every weapon possible and meet up here tommorow. Russia, Ukraine:Find Belarus. Austria, Hungary:Check on Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Japan, Prussia, Romano: check on Germany and Italy." Britain ordered, taking charge.

The countries mumbled agreements and promises as the meeting was adjourned.

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