Tranquility and War

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Warning: in addition to gore etc, in this chapter there is some swearing.

also, I was advised to remove the accents, so i did.

Also,I keep missing it, but I am told that this book has made the rankings in horror a few times, and I finally saw it! #572 THANK YOU ALL!!!!! This makes me really happy~

Also, shout-out to @GraceGrrl for spotting it first~))

2p! Canada's POV

A slight, dark-haired man rushed into the room, sword poised to attack. Two others were behind him, One with short dark brown hair, dark skin, and a white mask; and one with long lighter-brown hair, a curl resembling a whale's spout on the top of his head, and sleepy, green eyes. They each carried a gun and a knife. 

"What are you- Prussia? Canada?" 1p Japan asked, darting forward. The dead Canadian was unable to reply, but the man suspended from the celing wimpered, "J-japan... get out of here while you still can! Take the others and go!" The three newcomers ignored his warning and began to advance.

My companions and I turned to face them, laughing at the suspended country's feeble attempts to persuade his friends to leave. I swung my hockey stick menacingly at 1p Japan, chuckling lightly when he reflected my weapon off his Katana. On my right, 2p Russia knocked 1p Turkey out with a single slam of the pipe on his head. At the same time, 1p Japan had noticed that 2p Prussia was busy laughing at his 1p. He crept over and suddenly plunged his katana into my fellow 2p's back, running him through several times. I ran over, but it was too late. I saw the 1p on the celing begin to smile, and then he laughed very slightly. 2p Prussia fell forward, crashing dead to the floor. I cursed and ran forward to fight. 1p Japan met my attack, fighting furiously.

1p Prussia's POV

When I saw Japan fighting, which made me feel oddly proud. I wish China could have seen him. As the asian nation fought with the North American 2p, I glanced over to the others. My weary eyes were met with a terriffying sight. 

Greece was fighting furiously with Canada's 2p, looking more animated and enraged than I had ever seen him. Turkey was lying on the ground, his mask half torn off, clutching the stub where his right arm used to be. I strained at my bonds once more, my strength replenished by anger. When they finally snapped, I dropped clumsily to the floor, not  pausing for even a second. I ran full speed towards the three individuals, as 2p Russia had dissapeared for the time being. My full weight slammed into his back, knocking him forward. Unfortunately, my awesome plan backfired. Fatally.

When I hit him, he stumbled, snd fell on top of Turkey. However, he had his hockey stick out, and the end, which was as sharp as a sword, was plunged into the unfortunate man's chest, nearly cutting his heart in half. He would have minutes to live, at best. Greece fell to the ground beside him, as I stood where I had stopped, staring at what I had just done. 

1p Greece's POV

"Sadik..." I panicked, kneeling beside him and ripping open his shirt to examine his wound. It was horrific. Japan, who must have defeated his attacker, came over and tried to pull me away, but I refused to move. "Turkey... Sadik..." I whispered, my voice higher than usual. He looked at me in mild suprise. "S-since when... do you care?" He queried. "I-..." I replied, "always. I always cared." 

Turkey gave a half smirk, and then his breathing became rugged and labored. He stared into my eyes, and then was still, his eyes unseeing, his fingers unfeeling, his ears unhearing and his body marked and bleeding. I closed his eyes, then stood, refusing to display emotion. I would show it through fighting and violence. 2p Canada and 2p Russia were both fighting Japan, and I stood, walking over to help, a gun in my hand. "Japan... I'll take Canada." I demanded. He nodded and allowed me space in which to attack. We fought our enemies side by side, until finally we had managed to knock  them both out. I stood over 2p Canada, my gun pointed at his defenseless head, but Japan knocked the gun from my hand. "No. Just because they are mindless killers does not mean we have to be. We need to put them inside of a prison. England-san is good at policing and such, so we should take them there." He stated.

I almost lashed out at him, but I took a hold of myself. "He. Just. Killed. Turkey. And now you won't let me kill him?" I asked, astounded. Japan simply shrugged. "Please help me get Prussia-san down." I consented, grabbing the ladder the 2p's had used to get him up there to untie him. He scowled and muttered a quiet "Danke", then went to pick up 1p Canada. He put him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and picked up 2p Russia as well. "We should get out of here." I nodded, and picked up 1p Turkey and 2p Prussia. "I won't touch him. You take him, since it's your idea." I told Japan. He agreed, picking up 2p Canada. We walked to the door and Japan, the only one with a free hand, tried the handle. To our suprise, it opened, and we all walked out. We made our way carefully downstairs and back to the Conference room. 

Omniescent POV

England looked up when he heard the small group walk in. "Oh good, you're ba- WHAT THE BLOODY HELL? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ALL?" This attracted people from several other rooms, and they all came bursting in behind the recently fighting nations. Admittedly, they did look a mess, and were carrying several dead or unconsious people on their backs. "Dude, what- Canada? Mattie? Bro, what the hell?" America came in and stared at Canada, whom Prussia had just laid on the table. He rushed over and grabbed his brother's hand. "Mattie, you have to wake up! DUDE, WAKE UP!" He screamed. By this time, England and France were at his side, each trying to comfort him, though the truth was obvious. "DAMMIT, MATTHEW WILLIAMS YOU BETTER WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" He yelled. "Gilbert.... What the fuck did you do to him? What happened!?"

Prussia almost burst into tears. "I didn't. It as those three damn 2p's. I couldn't do anything." America was distraught. "Well why the hell not? It's not like they tied to to a pole and stopped you from fighting them!" Prussia sighed. "Well, actually, no they didn't." America looked half outraged and half defiant. "Well then-" He was interrupted. "They did, however, stab through my hand to pin me to the wall, which I zhen ripped out and attempted to attack with. After that, they ran me through with a broad sword and tied Canada up, and then... they stabbed him through the neck. I could barely move for the pain. Then they humiliated me further by hanging me from the celing and letting me slowly bleed to death. If The other three hadn't come in and... saved my ass by killing my 2p, I don't think I would have survived."

America stood, for once speechless. "Y-you did that... for Mattie... Why? You aren't even friends with him!" He observed. "Wrong. I have loved him from afar." Prussia protested. China hurried over with the medical supplies he had gathered. "Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea... Help me tend to their injuries." The asian nations nodded and bent over the 1p's, while the 2p's were carted away by several other nations to be locked away. 

Other than those healing and those being healed, America, England, France, Spain, Romano, Cyprus,  and the Nordics remained in the room. They comforted each other and mourned their dead friends and lovers. 

A few hours later, the two still-living 2p's woke up in the dimly lit cage, but they smiled nonetheless. They each took two vials of red liquid from their pockets, pleased with their prizes, taken from unaware nations. Four more down, and several soon to come. It had been a good day.

((I also apoligize for the extreme lateness. I hope you like it, and I love comments, votes and fans!!!!! Also, feel free to request deaths!!!!!

Oh, and the reason this is dedicated to @BookBird1497 is she requested the death of Greece. However, my fingers decided to have a mind of their own and kill Turkey instead. This was originally gonna be Giripan, but now it's GreTurk, which I don't even really ship. Ah well, hope you like it, Bookie!))

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