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((FINALLY BACK FROM ITALY/FRANCE/SPAIN! such fun~ i loved rome, so awesome! I'm using regular names for 1p!s and 2p! In front of 2p! Nations' names. Also, sorry for typos, this is typed on my iPad.

America's eyes glistened with tears as he saw England go limp, head lolling forward, eyes glazing over like sea glass. He struggled against the bonds in vain, sobbing for all of his fellow nations.

England's 2p! Half-skipped over to him, the vial of England's blood held carefully in one hand. "Oh, by the way, did I mention that this is only able to bring back 2p!s, or make those of us whom are still living stronger? Well, it's true. Go for it, lads!" America let out a shout of rage, trying to punch, bite, kick and slap 2p! England all at once, and succeeding at (unsurprisingly) none of those actions.

When the 2p!s, other than America's own, had been revived and strengthened, they made their way over to the two Americas. "You're our sacrifice," 2p! America taunted, "the final ingredient." With that, he slit America's throat, collecting a vial of blood from the dribble which was already staining his white shirt, and drinking it. He, along with England and France's 2p!s, looked more intimidating and in-charge than ever. Then, each 2p! Took a small golden cup from a large, ornate table and drank from it. Immediately, they all began to shriek and sob as they felt an enormous weight upon their shoulders, pressing them down. When it lifted, they felt more powerful and daunting than ever before, looming over the dead former nations. The new nations stood tall, laughing slightly.

((2p!s use regular names now))

"So...we're. Nations now, huh?" Canada mused, fiddling absentminded lay with his ponytail. "Yeah! We should decide on a leader." Denmark announced. "It should be me!" "No way! Me!" Finland disagreed.


"No, me."



Soon, every nation was claiming to be leader. They drew their weapons and began to fight. Blood spilled over the bodies of their already dead 1p!s as they killed each other one by one.

Finally, only England was left standing, clutching a knife in one hand and a tray of poisoned cupcakes in the other, with only one cake left. The others had all been thrown or smushed into other nations mouths or wounds. He had a broken shoulder, but he smiled triumphantly, saying "England, Ruler of the World. Sounds lovely!" There was a low, weak moan from somewhere to his right. His head snapped to the side, looking for where the interruption had come from. Suddenly, one of the corpses twitched, but it wasn't that of a 2p!...

((Ahhhh another cliffhanger! And it's a short chapter too! I sowwy~ the good news is that there is a long (mostly) happy chapter coming up with lots of funny stuff and yaoi fluff! (Hehe that rhymed!)

Ermmmmmmmm other than that, all I'm gonna say is I THINK you will be pleased next chapter... Well, unless you are an insane psychopath who only reads this cause you think it would be funny to watch the entire world die horrible deaths and then take over and drink their blood for breakfast, but------- I'm just gonna shut up now~ hahe~))

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