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((10th chapter! Yay!!!!! And thus, the beginning of the plot (instead of mindless killing) I hope you enjoy! Also, several questions shall be answered soon! So, on with the chapter!!!))

1p! England's POV

"No! Get away from here!" I shouted through my gag, my 2p! already closing in on my youngest brother. "I- I can't... I'm sorry. I w-wasn't strong enough... to stop them." Sealand whimpered, dropping to his knees and clutching his right shoulder. "The others... t-told me to run. I t-tried to fight, but... they got me. Everyone else... is dead. Just like here..." His previously blue shirt was stained deep red, and he fell to the ground, his eyes glazing over. He would speak no more. "PETER!" I screamed, seeing him fall dead to the ground.

My 2p! leant low over Sealand's limp body, pulling out a vial and filling it with his blood. I closed my eyes to block out the grotesque image of the once lively and seemingly invincible young country slumped lifeless on the ground. Once the vial was full, I re-opened my eyes to the sound of my 2p! giggling, "Oh my! What a tragedy! Ah well, more yummy blood and guts for my cupcakes! Now, dearie," He squealed, prancing back over to me and holding the vial of blood tauntingly in front of me. My stomach turned as the realization of my former Sea Fort, and all the other countries' deaths sunk in, as fast as his vessel was surely sinking.

"Now, love, let's see... who shall I kill next? Oh yes, that's right! I'm sure you'd simply adore seeing your enemy die, right?" My 2p! assumed, flitting over to place a knife over France's heart. I struggled internally, weighing my dignity and my former enemy's life. 'To hell with dignity!' I thought, before yelling, "Stop!" It came out as "Stfph!" because of the gag, but the message was clear.

"What was that? You don't want to see the end of the man who caused you so much pain? Very well then!" The 2p! consented, moving back. I blinked in surprise at my request having been fulfilled, but my expression turned to one of horror at his next actions. He skirted around me, and went straight for--- America. I screamed and writhed against the bonds, yelling indistinguishable insults. The boy I had cared for since he was less than a child; the teen who had rebelled against me; the man I had secretly loved ever since.

"What, you don't want me to kill him either? Well, I'm afraid you'll have to pick one!" My 2p! laughed, twirling a knife in the air. I looked desperately from side to side. "England... I'll do it. It's fine, as long as you're safe." America volunteered. I looked at him in astonishment. "It's not fine, you idiot! I- I won't let you-"

"Angleterre, Amerique," came a quiet, mellow voice, "do not be foolish. I will go. I will die to allow you to be together. After all, I for one know the value of true love." "I-" "We're not-" "I don't-" We protested, but he spoke over us, his voice also slightly garbled by his gag. "Do not try to tell me otherwise. I know love when I see it, no matter how much you both try to hide it. I want you both to promise me that no matter what, you will stay together."

I looked at America, as he stared back at me, in silent communication. When we looked away, the decision had been made. "Thank you France. As much as I have hated you all these years... I think I have loved you as well, at least a bit. I will, never, never forget this." I attempted a small, sad smile, recieving one of similar emotions in turn. "I too have loved you far more than I ever hated you. Always. This is why I am willing to sacrifice so much for you.  Now, go be with your Amerique. You were made for each other, just as destiny entwined your fates from the moment he chose you over me as a child." He said sadly, nodding once and facing straight ahead, looking at the opposite wall. I spoke shakily to my 2p!. "I've made my decision. Kill.... k-kill France."

Omnescient POV

All three 2p!s looked at each other in triumph, and each approached their respective 1p!. England and America's took a fistfull of their 1p!s' hair, forcing them to watch the excecution of France. His 2p! grasped his hair in turn and Pushed a pistol to his temple. Each person's expression was different: 1p! France's expression was as calm as could be expected with a bullet about to plunge through his brain, a single ter forcing its way down his face. 2p! France looked haughty and triumphant, finger on the trigger and cigarette in his mouth. 1p! England was terrified and remorseful, as well as gracious for the man's insight and sacrifice. 2p! England seemed cheery, and thouroughly enjoying his 1p!s turmoil. 1p! America felt regretful and upset at his un-heroic appearance, as well as the soon-to-be death of his friend, but kept the emotions off of his face, instead keeping up a charade of a calm and collected hero. 2p! America looked as badass and menacing as ever, a small smirk on his face.

Then, the expressions of all the 1p!s changed for the worse as 2p! France's finger squeezed the trigger and the bullet shot out of the gun and into the 1p!s head, making blood, flesh and pieces of brain fly everywhere. 1p! England blanched, his jaw dropping and tears streaming easily down his face, along with a large amount of 1p! France's spurting bodily fluids as he stared on, unable to look away. 1p! America lowered his gaze, wanting to escape from the terrible room where so many deaths had occured, his heroic mask faltering and then failing completely. All at once, the deaths so far settled into his consious. The understanding that he'd never be able to tease Sealand about not being a real country, or play catch with Canada, or discuss anime and videogames with Japan, or show Korea lables saying "Made in USA", or anything like that ever again, sunk in.

Then, a more pressing problem presented itself. "Now, darling. It's time for another choice, this time to be presented to your..... 'friend' here." 2p! England told his 1p!, moving to stand in front of America. "Now, your choice is just as simple as darling Arthur's was. You can choose to either revive all of your friends and kill him, or live together with him. The catch is: If you choose to kill him, I will die too, however, all of the other 1p!s and 2p!s will be revived. You and Francis will be released, and you will all have a fighting chance. We will not have the element of suprise anymore, after all. If you choose to save him, you will both be set free, and it will be you two against us three. So, what is your decision?" He proposed.

America stared at him aghast, a look filled with emotions beyond indecision and anguish unmasked on his face. England looked at him in dispair. "I should have known... I should have known they would pull something like this! I-... Just do it. You know it wouldn't be right to sacrifice everone else for my sake. Just kill me." He ordered, looking away sadly. "England, listen-" America was cut off. "No, you listen. I... I love you, okay? I wish it could be different, but I am not worth the entire world-" England interrupted. "Yeah, you are! I would sacrifice anything for you! Anything!" America cut in.

"America.... shut up. I won't let you do that. Just let them kill me. My life isn't worth the lives of hundreds of other countries." England finalized. America looked down sadly, and then back up at him. "Fine... okay. 2p!s, just... just do it." He told them, looking at 1p! England with tear-filled eyes. "What, love? You'll have to be a bit more specific!"  2p! ENgland provoked cheerily. America gritted his teeth, saying, "Just... kill England. Kill him, bring the others back, and let me and France go."

The 2p!s began to laugh heartily, 2p! England and France going to their 1p!s, the former holding a cupcake up to his 1p!s mouth. "A deliciously bloody death for you, dear! A chocolate cupcake with rainbow sprinkles and blood drizzle! And of course lots of poison mixed in! Lovely!" He exclaimed, as 1p! England slowly opened his mouth, taking a bite. He gagged at the tastes of blood and chocolate mixed, but soon swallowed. A few seconds seemed like hours: one... two... three... four... fiv--- He convulsed into a fit, coughing, vomiting and shaking, his throat constricting to cut off his air. In another five seconds, he fell still. 




Sorry, but unless I can finish the next chapter in less than 2 days, you'll have to wait about 2 weeks! I love youuuuu all!

So yeah, I'll be in europe with limited internet access, so unless I update by 5:30 eastern time on thursday, you probs won't hear from me for 2 weeks!

In the meantime, feel free to cry on here about Sealand, France, England, UsUk, FrUk, or any other pairings/characters!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3))

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