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1p! Prussia's POV

((A/N:I am obsessed with hetaoni right now, so this might have references or plot similarities. I take no credit for it!))

In the morning, Japan and I carried West and Italy's bodies downstairs. We laid them into the back seat of my car and drove to the conference at France's house. When we arrived, I nearly crashed the car. I saw, out of the corner of my eye, something, or someone on the ground, lying on a bed of dasies. I rushed over, and Japan followed. The sight sickened me as bad, or worse than Germany and Italy.

I could only tell that it was Lili because I have seen her naked so many times, and she was dead, lying with Switzerland. I couldn't even cry for her, my grief was so great. Austria and Hungary came to console me. Liechtenstein had been my girlfriend.

I walked slowly, robotically back to my car and gently lifted Germany into my arms, Leaving Japan to take the smaller Italy. We waited for Austria with Switzerland and Hungary with Liechtenstein. One differencewas, the two we had discovered had been clothed, while the other two were naked. We all went gravely inside, careful not to jostle the dead countries..

Every other country was already there. When we entered the conference room, the others let out a small gasp. I noticed Romano sitting in the corner against the wall with Spain. I suppose he is Italy too. He must feel terrible right now, because he feels some of Italy's pain. When we walked in and laid the dead on the table, he got up and, amid protests from Spain, walked over to Italy. The room was silent until Britain acknowledged "The invasion of the 2p!s has begun."

Spain hurried over to Romano, and put his arms around him in a soft hug, a few tears falling. Romano whirled around. I thought he would yell, or even slap Spain, but he just grasped onto his shirt and collapsed, sobbing desperately. I left Spain to comfort the young Italian, and went back to Liechtenstein, weeping for her, and West, and the others. I stroked the hair away from her ruined face. I was then engulfed by strong arms, pulling me away. I started to fight, but stopped, the man stopping me from moping. "That is senseless, da? You will waste your life on the past and the dead instead of looking ahead to the prevention of further death." Russia advised. I was slightly suprised at his words of wisdom, but I heeded his advice, slipping out of his grasp and walking back. 

"Auf Wiedersehen, meine liebe. Ich werde euch bald beitreten." I said, placing a tentative kiss on her ruined lips. I then stepped over to West's body and a tear made a small trail down my cheek. 

"Sie werden nicht glücklich mit mir, aber I. .. Ich werde bald beitreten werden Sie. Alle vier von Ihnen. Abschied kleinen Bruder. Bis bald." I murmured, hoping he could hear me.

I held his hand for a moment before wiping my tear away, taking my greif with it. A bitter feeling of emptyness washed over me, and I strode out of the room, and onto the balcony, feeling the wind rushing at me, trying to pull me off. It seemed to be calling to me, urging me over the top.

"Es tun. Zu springen. Wenn Sie das nicht tun, wird Ihr Leben mit Trauer gefüllt werden. Es tun. Es tun." It said, as I prepared to hurl myself down to the earth, ending my pointless life. I jumped, but found myself staying in the same place. For the second time, arms were wrapped around my body, but this time they were gentler, yet still strong. I allowed them to pull me away and push me up against the wall, pinning my arms. Canada. I looked at him expectantly. 

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" He yelled, which for him is definately saying something. "Do you think it would solve anything if you died? It would just make it all worse! Stop being so selfish!" 

I almost laughed. "Selfish? How are suicidal thoughts selfish? Mattie, I want to die; to join them." 

"Prussia, that's ridiculous. You can't solve your problems by running to your girlfriend or your little brother. We have to get through this. Together." Canada reasoned.

I relented, allowing him to pull me inside. We went back to the room to find it deserted. The victorian style- wait a minute. Victorian style? Last I checked, the entire conference center was very modern.  A look back at the halllway told me that it was the truth. This room, however, was different from the way it had looked five minutes ago. I heard a chuckle from a dark corner, and four people came out. Well, three people carrying a corpse. I was astonished by what I saw. Russia.

Strong, indimidating, scare-the-crap-out-of-everyone Russia. He was obviously dead. His body was littered with deep cuts, and his once white scarf was now crimson, soaked in his own blood. The most disturbing part, however, came when the man on the right, Canada's 2p, reached over and undid the scarf, pulling it off and caressing it as if it were beautiful. As soon as the fabric was losened, there was a sickening thud, and Russia's head fell from it's normal position and onto the floor, rolling slightly away and coming to rest as if staring at me sideways. I leapt back in shock and horror, grabbing Canada and holding him behind me. The worst part was the look on his face. I had never before seen it, especially not on this man. 

It was a beyond-horrified face, used only with the worst kinds of monsters. His eyes were just slightly open, as if he had been squeezing them shut in agony before..... relaxing. His mouth was twisted into a permanent scream, saliva and blood trickling out of it. The flesh was ashen and sallow, tightened over his petrified face. The effect of the overall expression was terrryfying: pure, cold terror.

((Sorry for the long wait! I hope it was worth it!!

1.Goodbye, my love. I will join you soon.

2.You will not be happy with me, but I... I will soon be joining you. All four of you. Goodbye little brother. See you soon. it. jump. if you do not, your life will be filled with grief. do it. do it.

If you have requests for deaths, don't hesitate to ask! There are a few who I can't kill due to the plot though. (I accidentally wrote "kiss" right there... XD) anyways, I'll update soon! Ask me questions!))

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