Chapter Fourteen- Tension in the air

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I shook my head as I realised my eyes had started to flutter close as I stared down at my untouched slice of toast. 
"You okay Riddle?" Lestrange whispered from across the table, I turned my gaze on him to see his pitifully concerned expression. I did not answer him but raised a sharp eyebrow under my steady gaze. He shrunk back into his seat and turned his attention back to his breakfast. I had been busy... country to what most of these idiots thought, answers to questions do not simply fall into your lap most of the time. You have to work for them. I had what I needed now... finally. However the information I did have was now reason for my lack of sleep alone. 
I ran my hand threw my hair as I scanned the hall, my eyes lingering on Grisha for a moment as she was staring right at me. Also a worried look on her face. Surely I didn't look that bad? She turned quickly away her cheeks flushing as she realised I was now also looking at her. 
  Days had turned into weeks and I was barely aware what day it was, lack of sleep made them almost blend together. I had hardly seen Grisha, Wiglaf or Lazarus. I did think about it for a moment but the moment quickly passed. I needed no distractions, no questions. I had more important and personal matters. 

   "Tom." I blinked rapidly. Shit. 
"Yes Sir?" I replied, kicking myself for allowing myself to drift off again, especially in front of Dumbledore. To him even me breathing was suspicious. 
"Are you alright?" Dumbledore asked, surveying me, his head tilted to the side. 
"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir." I decided to keep my reply simple yet polite. The rest of the lesson I managed to summon the energy to put the upmost effort and enthusiasm into everything and of course best everyone else's attempts. Yet of course that wasn't enough to satisfy him...
"Tom.. a moment of your time?" He asked quietly as the rest of the class was excused. I took in a deep breath and prepared myself to remain polite and to make sure I was blocking my mind. Something I worried would not be as strong due to my sheer exhaustion. I would need to be extra careful. I walked up to his desk and waited patiently for the last student to close the door behind them leaving us alone. 
"I have to express Tom that I am a little worried as of late." Dumbledore began with a sigh sitting down behind his desk and gesturing for me to, to take a seat. I did so reluctantly I was not planning for this to take long enough to warrant sitting down. 
"Worried Sir?" I asked blankly.
"You seem tired and not your usually self." He replied simply, his eyes never pausing as they scanned my entire person for traces of deceit or leaks of information. 
"I have just been doing a lot of extra studying Professor."  I replied. "Perhaps having a cold hasn't helped." I quickly added. Hoping to add some weight to my story and keep him at bay by providing at least a little more information. 
"Hmmm." Dumbledore replied, looking as unconvinced as ever. "Yes my second question was going to involve your health... you look unwell as well as tired." He looked truly a little grim as he said this. 
"Its nothing more than a cold Professor." I replied. "I just don't get them often and coupled with the late nights its probably just a stark difference to my usual self." I was holding in my frustrations at the old man but I feared they would burst from me like fireworks. Why could he never keep his wonky nose out! 
"Indeed.... Tom..." Dumbledore paused, "Does your demeanour also have anything to do with the upcoming Summer holiday?"
I blanched, did he really just say that. I realised I had been staring in silence for an almost uncomfortably long time. 
"No Sir." I replied rigidly. Dumbledore nodded sadly. 
"Because you know there is nothing we can do unfortunately but that you will be back at Hogwarts before you know it." 
"Yes Sir, just like the other three years." I came out before I could stop it and I knew that it had a bite behind my tone. I averted my eyes for a moment awaiting a response but I looked back up curiously as Dumbledore did not speak. He merely had a sad smile upon his face as if satisfied that he had dragged some emotion out of me. I curled my fists in my pockets. 
"Indeed. I am sorry to improach on you Tom. I know you like your privacy but you should never forget that sometimes it does well to talk. Unfortunately its my job to be concerned over my young charges." 
I forced myself to nod, "I am sorry if I seemed impolite Professor, I just do not like discussing my... home away from Hogwarts." I resented using the word 'home'. 
Dumbledore nodded, "That I understand." He waved at me, dismissing me from the room finally. 
"Have a good day Sir." I managed to grind out. He nodded at me with the same sad smile he always had around me. 
I slammed the door shut behind me, the only good thing about the holidays was no Dumbledore breathing down my neck. 

"Tom." I heard a tentative voice whisper. I turned around shocked at first to see someone else in the corridor. Grisha. She had been looking for me? What now.
"McLaggen." I greeted coldly.
"I just wanted to catch you before the end of the week, you know with the summer holidays starting this weekend," she smiled. I took a deep breath. Why could people never leave me alone, even when I tried to be as uninviting as possible?
"What is it you wanted to catch me about?" I asked, trying to at least remain calm for the time being.
"I wanted to wish you a happy holiday," she said enthusiastically. My eyes flew open as wide as they could as I just stared at her incredulously. Did she really just say that? Perhaps she didn't want to make it to the end of this term.
"A happy holiday," I repeated, unable to prevent myself from scoffing.
"Okay, maybe that isn't entirely true," she smiled weakly, "Can we talk?" she added.
I sighed before inclining my head for her to follow me as I walked off down the corridor.
I stopped outside of a  thin wooden door before pushing it open to reveal an empty classroom. I perched myself on the edge of a nearby desk and waited for her follow and close the door behind us.
"Well I am here, I am listening," I stated, that was at least partly true I was there and I was partly listening.
"The Gaunts,"She said simply.
I narrowed my eyes at her. What did she want to talk about the Gaunts for? It was none of her business. She had served her purpose.
"What about them?" I questioned through gritted teeth.
"Will you be going to look for them over the summer?" She asked. How!? How could she do that? Predict. No one ever got even anywhere close to what I was truly thinking or indeed planning.
"That is none of your business," I spat, I pushed myself off of the desk and took a step towards her. How dare she.
"I just thought... if you wanted someone to come with you." She continued, completely undeterred. Was she being serious or was this some kind of sick dangerous game she wanted to play?
"No. I do not need you nor anybody else to get involved in any of my business," I hissed, my anger almost bubbling over becoming harder and harder to maintain.
"Oh you don't do you not. You've used me for what you needed then; it was okay for me to get involved in your business when you wanted something." She bellowed at me. My anger ebbed away a little, she was almost amusing me now. She really thought I wanted her involved and was not simply using her?
She turned on my heel and made to walk towards the door but not before pausing to turn around one more time, "Fuck you,".
I saw red as I grabbed her wrist tightly. How dare she disrespect me that way. I could show her a lesson, it was just us in private. Do to her what I would do to any follower her dared slur me that way. But no before I could contemplate it further I had let go of her wrist, my subconscious working against me. She took her opportunity and ran, slamming the door behind her.

I had to remain calm. I had, had some time to calm down now, I stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, first years parting to give me way as I looked down at them coldly.  I could not spoil my cover now, besides the heirs still had their uses for now. I had to bite back my pride for the sake of future prospects. I took a deep breath before opening the compartment door.
Wiglaf, Lazarus and Grisha looked up surprised to see me stood there.

"Tom, lovely of you to join us," Wiglaf smiled, raising his head from the book he had been reading, that irritating sarcasm lacing his tone.
"I'm not staying," I replied shortly, "I just wanted to wish you both good health and fortune over the holidays," I added, my eyes landed on Grisha for a moment as her large blue eyes sparkled up at me in hope.
"A shame, yet the same to you Riddle," Wiglaf nodded, returning his gaze to his book. I turned myself away and made to leave but not before I heard Grisha whisper out a quite,
"You too,".

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