Chapter Twelve- The cursed family

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I sighed as I stared down into Lestrange's cauldron. 
"What in Merlin's name is that?" I asked as I gazed upon the foul smelling, gurgling concoction simmering away. Lestrange held his potions book up an inch from his nose frowning, occasionally glancing down into his cauldron. 
"Is it... is it not meant to look like that?" He asked awkwardly, I shook my head. 
"Drink it and find out." I replied plainly. 
"Think I'll pass." he grumbled grumpily. "I bet yours is perfect of course." 
I peered down into my own cauldron to see the shimmering off-white liquid which emitted a pearlescent smoke as it simmered gently. 
"Of course." I smiled at him, causing him to sigh and slam his book down on the table. 
"Don't suppose you want to help me fix it?" He asked pushing some stray dark locks of hair off his sweaty brow. 
"As much as that would thrill me as you know Lestrange not even I can fix that." I smirked. 
"Great." He grumbled. 

I sat in the library, absentmindedly drumming my fingers upon the table unable to focus on the half completed essay lay out on the table before me. My thoughts kept drifting off to McLaggen and that God forsaken house elf... if she was dragging me along she would rue the day. I clenched my hand into a fist in frustration. My eyes felt heavy and my head throbbed painfully.
"Mr. Riddle." I turned my head lazily towards the timid voice. It was some first year Gryffindor. 
"What?" I asked bluntly, irritated that my brooding had been so rudely interrupted. 
 "Gri- Miss. McLaggen asked me if I was not in class would I bring you this. She said I would probably find you here... she would have delivered it herself but she has Cha-" 
I raised a hand. "Just give it to me." I sighed before forcing a smile. 
"Er... yes... yes Ri- Sir." They stuttered handing over a small rolled up piece of parchment, tied roughly with twine. 
I glanced back up realising that the boy was still stood there looking at me opened mouthed. 
"Thank you." I whispered staring at him with raised eyebrows before he got the message and quickly excused himself. Shaking my head I untied the twine, unfolding the small note. 

Meet me on the seventh floor corridor at ten to six this evening. It's important. 

I frowned as I re-read it for a second time just to make sure. 'Ten to six' was a very specific time. She better have the information she has promised. 

I twirled my wand between my fingers as I leaned back upon the stone wall, waiting. Finely a short figure with blonde long hair came bounding quickly down the corridor. I smirk pocketing my wand as she drew level with me, a flustered look upon her face. 
"Almost late to your own show." I commented. 
"Yes well Amber was ta- never mind." She shook her head. "Come on." She instructed striding down the corridor with purpose. Being much taller than her I easily fell into step beside her. As we approached the expanse of stone wall, the large oak door materialised before us. Grisha pushed it open stepping inside and holding it ajar for me to follow. 
One inside I turned to her, not wanting to dance around the subject. 
"You have information?" I asked bluntly. 
"We are about to find out," she replied. She meant to say she didn't know!? Before I could blast her into oblivion the clock struck six, there was a crack, smoke and the wizened old elf bowed lowed before his mistress.

 "I am here as requested Mistress," The sniverling creature croaked. Grisha seemed to hesitate giving a little shudder. 
"Do you have what I asked of you Leo?" she prompted.
"Leo has searched through the many, many documents that belong to Master," the elf replied, a clear contempt for its forced task evident in its voice.
"And?" Grisha added impatiently,
"And Leo has found what Mistress has requested," It bowed low once again, retrieving from nowhere an A4 lilac folder and holding it out in front of him, still head lowered in a bow. I snatched it from it's hands. Grisha retracted her half extended hand. I looked down at the file... was everything I had ever wanted to know finely in my hands... 
The elf sprang into action looking furious, it launched itself towards me, I effortlessly stepped to the side causing the pathetic creature to stumble into one of the leather armchairs.
"Leo no!" Grisha shouted, "It's okay, Tom can have it," The creature dropped a small fist it had just began to raise, its little chest heaving. I smirked, amused by its pitiful existence.
"Thank you Leo, you have done well, you may leave," She gave the elf a small smile before he disapperated. Why did she bother to treat it with respect?

We stood completely still in silence for a moment, just facing one another. I was silently impressed. The girl had something about her... I forced my eyes away from her sparkling blue ones. Some people say eyes are the windows to the soul... I never believed that sentiment until meeting her.
"I guess this is it," she whispered, "If there is any information to be had about your Mother's side of the family it is in that folder," she pointed towards the old folder it with a shaky hand.
I walked over towards the desk without a word; I sat down on the leather chair and placed the file down upon the table. My stomach churned. I felt her presence beside me, I glanced out of my peripheral vision to see her sitting upon the edge of the desk expectantly. Did she really think she had the right to know about my family?
"I wish to read it alone," I said flatly. There was a moment's hesitation before she reluctantly withdraw herself from her seat upon the desk and walked towards one of the leather armchairs, sitting down. I watched her as she summoned one of the books off of the shelves and pretended to begin to read it, did she really believe that I thought she was reading that book?
Sighing I slipped my finger into the side of the file and peeled it open. 

I pulled out the many papers, flicking through generations and generations everything seemed fairly mundane until I came across the late eighteen hundreds... insest. I reread and reread to make sure that I had made the right connections but there was denying it. I continued to flick through the dates until I spotted my Mothers name. Merope Gaunt. I had learned her first name from breaking into Mrs.Cole's personal files at the orphanage when I was a child. Born 1908... 1908? She was only eighteen years old when she gave birth to me? Morfin Gaunt... she had a brother... my uncle. Marvolo her father, my grandfather of whom I share the name and my Grandmother? A Nifitia Gaunt... Marvolo's sister... deceased. 

I had seen enough. I placed the documents back inside of the folder.
"Did you find anything?" I looked up, I had almost forgotten that she was still here. 
"Enough," I replied under my breath. She did not reply, she seemed to be aware that I was... displeased. At least she seemed to have the brains not to press for information. 
I stood up and stuffing the folder into my robes, I never wanted anyone else to see this. I walked over to Grisha glancing down at the book that she still had placed upon her lap. I smirked. 
"I did not know you were particularly interested in the mating habits of Hippogriffs," I asked simply, pointing down to the page at which her copy of 'The breeding of Magical Creatures' had been turned to for more than likely the entire time we had been sat here. Her cheeks instantly glowed red, as they always did when she was embarrassed, she could never hide it.  She closed the book gingery and sent it back to its place among the shelves, ignoring my comment.
"Your plan paid off, I'm impressed," I smirked, this was true. 
"I'm glad," she replied, smiling at me. A true happiness shining upon her face. How could anyone feel so purely? 
I nodded turning my back on her... she made me feel  uncomfortable. 
"What did you find?" she blurted. I knew it was too good to be true. 
I stopped, but did not turn to face her. 
"I told you that I found enough," I replied coldly, resisting the urge to shout at her for interfering. 
"Are any of them alive?" she asked... she really didn't know when to leave well enough alone. 
"Yes," I replied stonily.
"And are you going to try to find them?" she asked shakily. I bowed my head unsure of why I entertained her questions at all. 
"I do not know," I murmured and that... that was truth I did not know if I wanted to find them or not. 
"You don't know!?" She cried. I turned to face her now she had gone to far. This was none of her business. She did not understand! How could she!?
"You have to," she breathed, "You have to meet your family," she faltered a little, her voice dropping an octave or two in volume.
"I do not have to do anything," I hissed, through gritted teeth; I clenched my fists, trying my best to contain my frustration. She was so annoyingly persistent. I owed her nothing.  
"I'm sorry," she replied quickly, "I just... I just thought you would want nothing more than to get to know your family," she continued. I felt my tension ease a little... 
"Regrettably one cannot choose their family McLaggen," I replied coldly. 
"No," She agreed quietly. I turned around for the last time, leaving the room in silence. 

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