Chapter Sixteen- A new Riddle

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I sat in the Prefects compartment, twirling my wand idly threw my fingers as some of the other perfects exchanged some pleasantries. I should uphold my reputation and join in but I could not bring myself to. 
I looked up as the door slid open again. I smirked and inclined my head to see Wiglaf enter the compartment. 
"Of course," I greeted. I had expected nothing less than for Wiglaf to be his house prefect. 
"Likewise." Wiglaf replied with a half smile as he took the seat next to me. 

The meeting went by at a snails pace, nothing of interest... yet. I walked behind Wiglaf as we made our way to join Grisha and Lazarus. 
"So," Wiglaf began. "How was your summer? No letters again."
"That is because I have nothing to talk about." The lie slipped easily from my mouth. If they only knew. 
Wiglaf merely glanced over his shoulder at me before stopping outside one of the compartments and sliding it open.
I recoiled slightly at the sight of Lazarus' chocolate covered lips and the amount of sweet wrappers discarded around the seats. My eyes went then to Grisha, who gave me a weak smile. Her blonde hair a little longer brushed to one side out of her face.
"Room for two more?" Wiglaf smiled,
"Hmmm maybe one more," Lazarus smirked, fixing me with a mocking look.
"We will see you later then Laz," I replied, returning the smirk. I did wonder when Lazarus would realise he would never be quick enough to quip me.
I noticed Grisha suddenly avert her eyes before her gaze flickered to me but quickly left.
What was she thinking? Unlikely that she would still be upset about before the holidays... perhaps that I had not written back to her. She shook her head a little, it was such a minute movement but I did not miss it. Staring at her I realised how extraordinarily blue her eyes really were, as well as abnormally large, almost doe like. Surrounded in rows of long thick lashes. If the phrase that eyes are the windows to the soul was wrote about anyone it was her...
"Are you alright Grisha? You're very quiet over there?" Wiglaf asked,
"I'm... fine. Ghosted out for a moment that's all." she replied with a smile, "Here as promised," She threw Wiglaf a pumpkin pasty; which he caught swiftly and winked at her as he started to unwrap it. I clenched my jaw...

"Hey wait a minute! You too!" Lazarus exclaimed, dropping a fudge fly onto his knee that he was just about to pop into his mouth, instead he was pointing at my chest. I glanced down towards my prefects badge,
"Perceptive as always Lazarus, yes me too." I smirked,
"Congratulations," Grisha said softly yet she did not meet my eyes... something was most certainly bothering her and I had a feeling it wasn't about letters.
"Well you two must be nervous! It's the big O.W.L's this year for you two," Lazarus chuckled,
"I'm quiet looking forward to them actually," Wiglaf replied,
"You would," Lazarus laughed, "What about you Tom?" He questioned, waving an acid pop around in his hand.
"I don't think I really have anything to worry about." I replied honestly.
"Huh, arrogant as ever I see," Lazarus added, now sucking on the sour sweet.
"If you mean by that, that I am self-assured in my own knowledge and abilities Lazarus then yes, I am arrogant as ever," I smiled widely. Resisting the urge to pull him up about his own complete lack of knowledge and ability. 

I crossed out yet another idea. It was impossible in hindsight for that to be the case. I inhaled in frustration. Tapping my quill against the pages as I thought. 
"Writing your woos and woes in that diary again," Lazarus taunted; he laughed and reached out to snatch the diary from my hands. I snapped the diary shut and grabbed a hold Lazarus' outstretched wrist. How dare he attempt to touch anything of mine. I could snap his wrist here and now if I wanted to. But no... not today. I released his wrist. Lazarus rubbed his now red wrist.
"Merlin, relax Riddle it was just a joke," Lazarus breathed cautiously,
"Well don't." I replied sharply. 
"That's a nice ring Riddle, is it new?" Wiglaf stated, a suspicious glint to his eye. 
I looked down at my own hand, I had become quiet accustomed to the ring now. It served as a nice reminder of my freedom.
"Yes, its new," I replied,
"Where would someone like you get something like that?" Lazarus blurted,
My hands flinched, Lazarus was walking on unsteady ground. "I'm not sure I follow you Lazarus," 
 Lazarus turned to Grisha and begun, "All I meant was-"
 "What Lazarus means is that it is a unusual item for you to acquire over the summer, of course we heard very little about your summer, forgive me but the news of your newly appointed position as a prefect was unknown until tonight," Wiglaf intervened, Lazarus looked as if he was going to add something but Grisha fixed him with a warning gaze. Perhaps Grisha was the only one with any sense. I held my hand out in front of me.
 "I do not question nor care for your possessions. This ring now belongs to me." I said firmly. Nothing more was said, but Wiglaf was certainly still taking as many chances as possible to look at the ring. I liked the fact he would never have his questions answered. 

We walked in silence down the pathway that led to the carriages to take us up to the castle. Back home. I felt at peace in the cool September evening air. 
I stopped short as my eyes fell on the dark skeletal winged creatures attached to the carriages... the carriages had always pulled themselves. 
I looked around but no one else seemed to be noticing the new additions. Thestrals... I had never known... but now of course... 
"Tom?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Grisha's whispers. "What is it?"
I pulled my eyes away from the entrancing creature. 
"Nothing, I was just thinking about my upcoming prefect duties." I smiled. 

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