Chapter Thirteen- Unwanted Interference.

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I lifted my head to look at the blonde boy sat opposite me, I had felt his focused gaze for the best part of the last fifteen minuites, I sighed. 
"What?" I snapped sharply. He shook himself out of his daze and at least at had the sense to look embarassed. 
"Nothing," he mumbled looking down into his now likly cold porridge and stiring it aimlessly around his bowl. Coward. I had no time for Cowards. That was at least one decent thing about the Gryffindors. My mind wandered to her. A particulary interesting Gryffindor and the Heir no less. 
"Clearly there is something Malfoy." I hissed placing my book down and fixing him with a now all together much more intense look. There was no mistaking now I was demanding he answer me. He seemed to pick up on this and let out a little puff of air nervously before placing down his spoon and forcing himself to meet my eyes. 
"Its just..." He started but trailed off looking elsewhere. I clicked my fingers. 
"Come on Malfoy focus, you managed a whole two words then." I mocked. He puffed up his shoulders clearly trying to muster up courage as he returned his eyes on me. 
"That girl.." He whispered, looking around to make sure we was not overheard, even though we was the last two of our party to be at the table. 
"Which girl?" I asked. "There are many." I replied lazily. Though I knew exactly which girl he was talking about. 
"You know that... that McLaggen." He nudged his head in the direction of the Gryffindor table (even though McLaggen left about half an hour ago with her braindead red headed friend). 
"What about her?" I raised an eyebrow at him. 
"Well you seem to spend rather alot of time with her..." He looked down and bit his lip slightly. 
"What exactly is it you are insinuating Malfoy?" I hissed, leaning closer of the table. The increase in proximity making Malfoy's forhead begin to look a little clammy as he began figiting with his hands. 
"Nothing! Nothing... just wondered why..." He replied desperately.
"Hmmm do you think that it is your business?" I asked cocking my head to the side. 
"No... no my l-" he stopped short remembering where we where. "No Riddle." he corrected himself. I leaned back and crossed my arms still observing him. 
"Yet you asked anyway." I pursed my lips. "I have my reasons Malfoy, not all of which I share with the likes of you or indeed anybody." 
Malfoy nodded, "I just... I just don't want people to get the wrong idea that's all." Malfoy said quietly. 
"The wrong idea?" I snarled.
"Well it's just what I have heard some people say..." He answered quickly, trying to defend himself. 
"Is it now?" I smirked. "And why does that affect you Malfoy?" 
"It.. It doesn't really I just didn't think you would like it..." 
"She isn't a mudblood so I don't particularly care what people think other than that." I replied. "However I think I can take care of myself don't you?" 
"Yes." Malfoy agreed, trying to quickly gain favour again. 

"Tom." I grimaced, what did the annoying old fool want now. I forced a smile onto my face before turning back around to face my Transfiguration Professor. I thought it was too good to be true to have gotten through the whole lesson without some kind of comment or anaylsis. 
"Yes Professor?" I replied polietly. I probably had tried the hardest with Dumbledore in the past trying to make up for a bad first impression but alass he had never trusted me since and now I had given up trying and as long as I could act civil and keep him off my back that was enough. 
"Could I have a quick word before you leave?" He smiled, yet his smile did not reach his inquisitive blue eyes. I nodded, making my way towards his desk as the last student closed the door behind them leaving us both alone. 
The silence rang out between us for a moment before he cleared his throat. 
"I just want to ask how you are." he surveyed my closely over the top of those half moon spectacles. I made sure to block out my thoughts, I had heard that Dumbledore could read them. Something I had been working on myself. 
"Yes Sir." I replied, a little flicker of panic ran through me as I considered if I had at some point let my mask slip  but I could not think of a time when this might have been. 
"Good, good. You have just been a little quiet that is all." he tapped his fingers upon his desk. That was not all. That at least was clear. I did not reply and instead waited for Dumbledore to get to the point. 
"I have noticed you spend a fair amount of time with some peers outside of Slytherin this year." 
"You mean Grisha, Wiglaf and Lazarus?" There was no point acting dumb to him, he nodded. 
"An odd group." He smiled softly. "Beg my pardon I mean merely unusual... one of each house. Two in different years to the others. Just wondered how you all met?" 
I had to contain myself, how pompous was he to think this was an apporpiate conversation. What busniess of it was his! 
"Like the founders Professor. I feel that you should have friends in the other houses. Our strengths and weaknesses combined make us as a whole stronger." I smiled. Inside I smirked. Poke a hole in that one old man. He chuckled, making me want to hex him where he stood. 
"I guess you a quiet right. Anyway I am most glad you have found further friendships. Grisha, Wiglaf and Lazarus are good friends for you to have." he smiled but again he still had that distrusting gaze. What did he mean by that? That I needed the good influence? I again managed to hold back a snort. 
"Yes Sir they are." I agreed polietly with a forced smile. 
"Well then off you go, sorry to have kept you. I merely like to keep up to date with my charges." He smiled. Particularly me. I frowned and its not because you like me. I nodded and finely took my leave. 

I stopped in my tracks as I saw the back of a blonde skinny boy stood talking to McLaggen. I felt my blood boil. What was he saying? I thought I made it quiet clear for him to mind his own business. My fists curled as I strode up to where they was stood. 
"Are you threatening me?" I heard Grisha snap as I drew close enough to hear their conversation. Threatening her? 
"Malfoy." I snapped. He tensed, the colour drained from Grisha's face as she looked between Myself and Malfoy. 
"A word." I instructed through gritted teeth. 
"I-" Malfoy began. I fixed him with a challenhging glare to which he consided and turned to walk towards me. I strode away leading the way out of sight. 
Once clear of any on lookers I grabbed Malfoy by the scruff of his robes and pushed him up against the wall. My wand pressed against his neck. He bagn whimpering patheticaly. 
"What do you think you are doing?" I hissed at him. 
"We was just talk-" 
"Do not insult me." I pushed my wand deeper into his throat making him gasp. I was begining to lose my temper.
"I... I..."
"What did you say?" I leaned my face closer to his so he could not turn away from my gaze. 
"I just told her... to stay away from us." 
I pulled my wand away from his neck, making his gasp for air. 
"To stay away from us." I mimiked. "Why?" I asked sharply. 
"Just because... I... don't trust her... she isn't one of us." 
"Don't be so pathetic. What do you think we are? A nursery school sleepover club? Listen to me." I jabbed my wand back into his throat, he yelped quietly.
"It is up to me who I bring into our circle is that understood or indeed in this class associate with outside of our circle. It is not your concern is that understood? I thought I had made it quite clear earlier but perhaps I didn't..." I snarled.
"No.. please." Malfoy pleaded. "I'm sorry. I... I won't get involved again. I know I shouldn't have defied you... I" 
"No. You really shouldn't have." Malfoy cried out in pain but no sound left his lips. He was silenced, as he should have been. 

From the Devil's sideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora