Chapter Three- More to that girl

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I stood letting the frozen droplets fall upon the hood of my heavy winter cloak. Embracing the coldness that bit against the exposed skin of my face, I found a strange connection to the cold. Perhaps it had been the many years facing the cold at the orphanage. I took comfort in the knowledge that I would never again spend a winter in that place, a hell that had truly frozen over. I enjoyed the winter break it gave me time to work on my 'extracurricular' activities and explore the castle undisturbed. Just as I was expressing thanks for my solitude I felt the presence of another. 
Recognising the long tousled blonde hair blowing out from underneath the hood I cocked my head in interest, it was new knowledge to me that she was staying at Hogwarts over the holidays. 
"McLaggen," I greeted her simply, she looked up at me a smile tugging at her lips. 
"Riddle," she replied. It was not well hidden that she was happy to see me, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes was she really just like all the other girls? I had hoped for more from her. ?
In silence we made our way to the cover of the adjacent corridor. Now out of the snow I took a moment to observe her stood a foot below me, her cloak covered in large snowflakes complimenting her pale complexion and sparkling blue eyes. I had never seen eyes which spoke so much emotion and life, I imagined what they might look like if they were to have the life snuffed out of them. It was not unusual for me to imagine how things so full of life would be in death... it was a habit I had, had since childhood though admirably one had learned to hide. 
My curiosity suddenly returned as I looked down upon her, 
"Why did you choose to stay at Hogwarts this year?" I asked her raising an eyebrow at her questioningly. Knowing from experience that in order to get information out of people you had to put them at ease I sat down on the nearby bench, lowering myself from towering over her, it was just the small things that nobody realised and so many people overlook. 
Taking my bait she sat down beside me. 
"I thought I was more likely to enjoy the holidays here," she replied simply. She was holding back from me, I internalised my frustration. It would just take a little more work. 
I raised my eyebrows at her, "Than at home with your Father and your home comforts?" I spat unable to hide all of the bitterness from my voice. How entitled and unappreciative all these fools were. 
"You don't know my home life Riddle," she replied turning her head away from me. I was taken by surprise and quickly realised that if I did not take control of the conversation I would leave it with no fewer questions. 
"No?" I questioned her innocently, I knew that she wanted to talk I could sense it. I just had to wait make her feel as if she was control. I had made a small blunder but no matter it was all back in my favour. 
"My Father works a lot. I seldom see him and I think he prefers it that way," she sighed. She was telling the truth I could hear the hurt in her voice, I stayed silent waiting patiently for her to elaborate. If I was to push for more she could shut down. 
"I think I am no more than a painful reminder of the past. If it wasn't for me, he would have his life back. I am an inconvenience to him." she added bitterly. I had not expected this, I had thought that she had the 'picture perfect' pureblood affluent family. Just some other spoilt Daddy's princess but I guess there was more to McLaggen than met the eye. 

I frowned as I stared, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight that was reflecting through the waters of the lake down into the dormitories. Stifling a yawn I sat up just as I was about to get up I stopped noticing a small package and envelope upon the bottom of my bed. I frowned my curiosity leading me to reach towards it and drag it towards myself. Who would be sending me 'gifts'. It was then that I realised that it was in fact Christmas Day morning... not that this made any difference... I had never once received a gift at Christmas. I was aware from as soon as I could understand spoken English that 'Father Christmas' was nothing more than a child's imagination. I scoffed looking down at the green envelope and green wrapped long rectangular box. The envelope was addressed to me in neat small cursive writing, it was amazing that somebody could write so small. Rolling my eyes I turned it over slipping my finger under the seal I pulled out a card from within. I recoiled slightly at the image of a snake wearing a christmas hat. Rolling my eyes yet again for what must have been a record for having been awake less than five minutes I flipped it open. 

'To Tom, 
Happy Christmas! 
Love Grisha.
P.S. Hope you like your gift I know how much you love writing down all your secrets.'

I paused for a moment by eyes lingering on the neat little words. I did not roll my eyes as I placed it down upon the bed hesitantly picking up the small package and gently pulling off the wrappings to reveal a small cardboard box with the familiar logo of 'Flourish and Blotts' printed upon it. I lifted the lid, sitting inside on a bed of black velvet was a emerald green quill decorated with silver snakes upon the nib. I reached my hand inside and lifted it out to inspect it more closely. There was no denying it's uniqueness and elegance... Today had started off rather strange. Never before had I received a gift and nevertheless liked it.  That girl got more and more intriguing. 

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