Chapter Fifteen- Like Father like Son

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I froze as I stood off the train. This part of the country was certainly a stark change from the War torn Muggle London I had spent the last few weeks existing in. There was no smoke or smog, no sirens, no destroyed buildings. 
   Just the sound of birds tweeting and rustling of the nearby trees. I looked around the small ornate station. Empty. Nothing like the bustling Kings Cross, the sounds of winging children and parents as they wave their children off to safety. Of course of orphans in the orphanages stayed, we was not worth saving. If anything it saved the Muggle Government money to get rid of us.
   I walked down the country lane away from the station, the gravel floor crunching under my feet. It was so peaceful here and yet my brain had never felt busier and that was a very bold statement for someone like me. I had no idea what to expect from this journey... part of me had screamed for me to turn around and go back just live with the unknown. But no, I couldn't do that. I had fought for this knowledge my whole life. 
I stopped as I reached a cross roads, the old white wooden sign by the side of the thin road pointing towards the left for 'Little Hangleton'. I took a deep breath. As I turned and walked down the left-hand lane, constantly scanning. I did not have an actual address... I was just hoping to come across... I stopped, my eyes falling on something between some overgrown hedges to the side of the road. It was a small dishevelled hut.  I hoped that this wouldn't be the place I was looking for but something was drawing me closer. As I made my way threw the overgrown foliage and closer towards the dilapidated building I saw something nailed to the front door. I furrowed my brow was that a... on closer inspection it was clear it was. A dead snake hanging off of the front door... so... this was the place. I was sure of that now. 
I reached out a hand, I was going to knock but decided that it hardly deserved my politeness. It could hardly be called a 'property'. Perhaps the orphanage had been living in luxury, I scoffed as I opened the rickety door with a loud creak. 
    It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the gloom of the place, it stunk of rum and decay. My eyes fell on a thin, dirty looking man sat in an old armchair. I had half expected the place to be abandoned. He was staring at me just as much as I was him before he suddenly staggered to his feet, sending empty bottles and rubbish clattering across the grimy floor. 
"YOU!" he suddenly bellowed. "YOU!" 
I would be lying if I said I wasn't taken aback. Who did he think I was!? I certainly didn't look like I fit into the family. Thank Merlin. 
I shook myself from my momentary daze as the crazed man lunged at me dirty wand and knife in hand. 
'Stop.' I hissed at him. The man instantly skidded into the nearby table in shock. He stared at me, and him me. There was not many people who could speak parceltounge. Which would mean as deeply disappointed as I was... my research had led me to the right place.
'You speak it?' The man suddenly broke the silence. 
'Yes, I speak it.' I replied stonily. I moved further into the room the door slamming shut behind me. 
"Where is Marvolo?" I asked.
"Dead." he replied. "Died years ago, didn't he?"
I frowned. If he was not Marvolo than who was this? "Who are you then?" 
"I'm Morfin, ain't I?" he smiled proudly. Morfin... I had never heard the name but if I was to put two and two together...
"Marvolo's Son?" 
"Course I am, then..." He trailed off, pushing strands of greasy hair out of his face he leaned in closer. 
"I thought you was that Muggle. You look mighty like that Muggle." he whispered. 
The hairs on the back of my neck instantly stood on end as I felt my heart begin to race just as fast as my mind. 
"What Muggle?" I dared ask, fighting for my voice to remain steady. 
"That Muggle that my Sister took a fancy to, that Muggle that lives in the big house over the way." he said, spitting on the floor. 
"You look right like him. Riddle. But he's older now, i'n 'e? He older'n you, now I think on it." 
Suddenly my racing heart stopped for a moment. As I felt my blood run cold at the sound of my own name... I could hardly think straight. He... my... he was mere meters away from where I stood right now. Living and breathing. 
I took a step closer to Morfin... "Riddle came back?" I checked, 
"Ar, he left her, and serve her right, marrying filth!" Morfin replied spitting on the floor. They was married!? He left her. Had he known that she was pregnant with me.... he must of. 
"Robbed us, mind, before she ran off! Where's the locket, eh, where's Slytherin's locket?"
I did not answer as I tried to remember to breath. I felt as if my whole body had shut down. But I knew what I had to do. What I wanted to do. Morfin or should I say my Uncle.... brandished his knife in the air again. "Dishonoured us, she did, that little slut! And who're you, coming here and asking questions about all that? It's over init... its over..."
No... No it was not over yet. I quickly took my opportunity as Morfin looked away and staggered slightly. He fell to the ground. I bent down to ensure that he truly was incapacitated before slipping the old crooked wand from his hand. I flicked it towards one of the glass bottles making to explode into tiny shards of glass. The wand did not feel resistant in my hand. I scoffed, we was family I supposed. I looked down at the tramp with disgust. Family. What a pathetic concept. 
I walked in a daze threw the small village. I still could not believe the turn of events and my hands had not fully stopped shaking from the pure rage that was bubbling inside of me. How dare he. 
I sat down on a small wooden bench to the side of the square, hidden from view from the villagers going about their daily business. Staring up at that large house upon the hill. I could not help my mind from wandering... so that is where I could have potentially grew up? This could have been the streets that I walked. I watched a group of small children playing in the fountain in the middle of the square. What would life have been like...  still living with filthy muggles, I reminded myself. 
My head quickly snapped around towards a small group of Men walking towards the pub to the right of the square. My eyes instantly caught sight of him. There was no second guessing who the tallest of the three men was. It was like looking into a mirror forty years in the future. It was no wonder Morfin had at first mistaken us for one another. I cringed. It felt like a brick was sitting in my stomach. There was something almost more painful than I could have imagined about staring at the man in the flesh. The man I had, had so many dreams about, so much hope for.
He was immaculately dressed and walked with an air of arrogance about him, there was no doubt he took the lead within the little group. 
I watched him from the shadows as I threw his head back laughing and gesturing not a care in the world. I felt a lump form in my throat, that I forced down angrily as I let him disappear from view... for now. 
I stared at the house looming above me, warm glows of light flickering in the darkness from the ornate latticed window frames. The house was a spectacle there was no denying. Grand architecture, built of rich red brick and cream detailing. Neatly groomed red and pink roses entwined their way up the sides of the brickwork. The lawn mowed into perfect lines glistened in the moonlight. The only sound that of a nearby owl in one of the many oak trees within the expansive grounds. I walked towards the house. I reached out letting my hand stroke along the large wooden door. I paused above the handle, it clicked open at my demand. Gently I pushed it open and stepped inside, my wand hidden down my sleeve and ready should I be spotted immediately. 
I looked up at the large staircase before me twisting its way up towards the second floor. The decor inside was just as grand as the outside. Polished oak wood panelling and floor boards. Accented by plush red wallpaper and carpet. Many wooden shelves adorned with expensive looking ornaments lined the walls. The smell... it smelt of polish and roast dinner. I walked slowly across the entrance hall and towards a wall that was lined with photographs. 
My eyes widened at the photo of a young boy stood outside the front of his house with his parents. If I did not know better the young boy could have been me at that age. My grandparents... where they still alive?
My chest still ached. I did not think anyone could feel this many emotions at once. Anger, resentment, disbelief. Years I had only ever dreamed... but now... 
I paused as I looked down towards where my wand lay hidden against my forearm. And now... I thought to myself, taking a deep breath. It was time. 

I reached large oak wooden doors just off of the main hall. I put my ear to the door, the sounding of clanking cutlery and conversation broke through the thick wood. I steadied myself, as I pushed the doors open. Inside the same colour scheme continued, a large oak dining table took the centre of the room. An old man and woman finely dressed sat at either end. Their mouths hanging open as they stared at the intruder. My eyes fell first to the woman, her eyes was like looking into my own. Her posture just as tall and slender as both me and my Father. I turned my gaze to the old man... his cheek bones and jawline eerily familiar.  My grandparents. My eyes quickly fell to the empty chair, where a table was set... 
I did not notice anything else in the room, I could not take my eyes off of the people in front of me. The shock however had wore off after the few seconds that had passed. 
"Who are you?" The woman stammered. "Get out of here at once!" She was certainly panicked, yet there was something else in her eyes too.. had she noticed I look strikingly like someone else? Had she to noticed that she was staring into her own eyes?
"Mother what is-" the silky voice stopped abruptly. As he realised the cause for his Mother's shouting. He had just entered the room from a small side door. I stared at him. Dressed in a fine shirt and braces with cream pressed slacks and brown polished loafers. His dark hair perfectly parted and gelled. He stared back at me his mouth agog. It was in that moment that I knew with certainty. He knew who I was. I was no mystery to him... 
"Tell her." I stated. "Tell her who I am." 
His jaw began to twitch, as he clenched his likely sweaty palms. His parents eyes flickering now between the two of us fervently. 
"Tom for goodness sake speak." His face gasped. 
"He can't." I replied. "He is a coward, just as he always has been and today he feels that same pain that I did." I locked eyes with my grandmother as I dropped my wand down into my hand. I hesitated as I lifted it up at her. Fear and confusion swelled within her eyes. "Tom?" She turned to her Son for the last time. A green flash and she fell off her chair with a thud. 
"Mother!" My Father screeched, he went to move but stopped as I turned my Uncles wand on him. My arm shaking uncontrollably. My mind whirling. I turned my wand next upon my Grandfather who seemed to have gone into a state of shock. 
"No wait please!" My Father begged. I stared at him, anger bubbling in my chest. I enjoyed to see his pain. It washed away 15 years of pain and torture. Another green flash and my Grandfather slumped forward in his seat. Lifeless. My whole body was shaking, I could feel the shift in my magic. Something had changed forever. I looked back up at my sobbing Father. 
"Why? Why have you done this." He implored. This seemed to be enough to trigger something within me as I broke into laughter. 
"Why!?" I replied. "Fifteen years. Fifteen years! Eleven of those spent sorely rotting in a living hell, being tortured daily. All why you live the life of luxury and ignore your responsibilities and you ask me why!?" My voice started calm and ended in a shout. 
"You left me and my Mother for dead. You a filthy Muggle thought yourself better than us. You abandoned my Mother and me."
My Father was no longer upset but enraged, there was not a single ounce of regret. 
"Of course I did! I wanted nothing to do with either of you freaks and I still don't, I hope you both burn in hell. You're no Son of mine." he spat. The young boy inside of me cried out for him not to say it. But not now. 
"No," I shook my head. "And you're no Father of mine." my voice cracked. I closed my eyes as I lifted my wand and muttered the words that would render me a true orphan after all these years. I saw the flash beneath my eye lids and heard the thud. I opened my eyes to see my Father lying on his back, his eyes open and glassy. I swallowed hard but it was no good, I couldn't keep it down. I gagged, throwing up upon the nearby table. I quickly composed myself and cleaned the scene... now... I still needed to steady myself there was still work to be done. 

I reached the old shack again. It had started to rain now soaking me threw to the skin, my hair dripping down into my face but it was as if I was numb to any feeling. I pushed upon the door to see my Uncle still unconscious as I had left him. I knelt down beside him and placed his wand back within his hand. Taking out my own wand I placed it to his forehead. A glow of blue and the task was done. I looked towards his hand and gently slipped the golden ring off his finger. I turned it over in my own hand to inspect it carefully before slipping it onto my own finger. 
"With respect Uncle. You have played your part, he has no longer dishonoured us." I whispered, the name sounding strange from my mouth. It was pathetic to say that a dirty, drunken tramp was the best of any of my relatives that I had, had the displeasure to meet. I stood up shakily, the nights events still turning over and over in my mind. It was done, I was free. No longer could I be held back by the thoughts and dreams of my youth. I had finally been stripped off my unworthy parentage. I got both mine and my Mother's revenge."
I walked numbly all the way back the train station, I needed to make myself sparse. It would not be long before the authorities started to show. I stepped off the train back into the 'safety' of London. My knees buckled as I stepped out of the station and into the smoggy streets of my childhood. I slumped down the wall to the floor. The rain dripping off of me. My whole body ached and churned. It felt hard to breath as I allowed a tear to fall... to realise every ounce of feeling I had left. 

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