Chapter Two- She was an Interference

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I glanced down at the pile of discarded books scattered around the desk, never before had books failed me as much as they did now. They had always served as a sense of security before, a place to find answers, a place to discover new knowledge but not even they could uncover this mystery... the mystery that had plagued me my whole life. I let out a sigh allowing my head to drop into my hands in exhaustion, I just needed to remain determined. 

My thoughts were broken by the sudden presence of another. I glanced up to see Grisha sat opposite me for a moment it took me by surprise. That silly nervous look upon her face that she was so desperately attempting to hide, I remained silent in the hope that she would find the silence uncomfortable and would excuse herself but on the contrary it seemed to further relax her. This was something that I had begun over the last year to unpick about the Gryffindor, she was not like anyone I had ever met. I suppose it was one thing that I had learned to respect over the past year, she did not always find the need to be talking, something I found insufferable about most other females. Accepting that she was most likely not going to leave I turned my gaze towards the window looking out across the horizon of the black lake as it glistened in the orange glow of the setting sun. The answers I needed were out there somewhere just out of the grasp... he could be out there somewhere. 

"What is it that you were looking for?" her soft voice broke me again from my thoughts. I turned my attention back towards her. Her fair skin illuminated in the warm orange glow, her blonde long hair seeming to shimmer like strands of silver, her large blue eyes reflecting the birds flying just outside of the window before they turned onto me. 
I paused for a moment as I contemplated her, she was always so curious. Something I had always been suspicious of having only ever been curious about somebody else myself when it was for my own personal gain. 
"Why do you ask McLaggen?" I asked calmly. 
"You seemed as if you couldn't find what you was looking for. I was wondering if I could be of any assistance to you." she replied simply, a look of innocence still plastered upon her face. 
I scoffed at the notion. If I could not find the information that I sought then nobody could, I had never sought help from anyone before and I did not intend to start. Besides I could read people like the many books of the library, she was merely curious. 
""There is nothing you can aid me with McLaggen." I retorted as I resisted the urge to sigh once more as I looked around at the many useless books still lying before me. From the corner of my eye I caught her raise her eyebrow as she followed my line of sight. 
""You are an Heir. You are the Heir of Slytherin," she blurted, the look on her face told me that she had not meant to speak her mind. She had made the connection that the books all linked back to Hogwarts. Did she really think that being an Heir granted us all the information about the ancient school? If only it did. 
"What is it that you are looking to discover about Hogwarts?"She asked desperately curiosity lacing every word. She was always so persistent,  she was never able to contain herself. Never able to read a situation. 
"You don't know when to drop your losses do you McLaggen," I smirked. I had expected my mocking to cause her embarrassment, that she would turn away and apologise for trying to interfere but no. There she sat still staring up at me expectantly. 
I waved my hand through the air causing the many books to float back up to their rightful places among the many other thombs. 
"Sometimes McLaggen, you need to accept when you have lost." I stood taking one more look at her wide blue eyes before turning my back to her. This was the end of this conversation, she needed to know who was in charge. 

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