Chapter Six- Tireless plans

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I stifled a yawn as I rubbed my temples rhythmically, I was beginning to feel the effects of lack of sleep... but there was no time to sleep. My jaded mood was soon lifted. I smirked to myself as I felt her gaze upon me. I had been keeping my distance throughout the last couple of weeks, I knew all too well that my name would be dragged through the dirt for not jumping to Wiglaf's commands and attending his meeting. I had been hosting more important meetings of my own but that was not my only reasoning for my lack of involvement. I watched as she fiddled with something underneath of her collar. It was almost too easy to manipulate some people I never did understand how most people could not seem to bend a situation to their will. Cause and effect the best and only way to achieve your ends. 
  "My Lord," I cringed as I inclined my head towards the voice beside my ear. 
"I have told you not to address me as such in public." I snapped through gritted teeth. 
"Sorry... I... I forget sometimes." he mumbled. I narrowed my eyes as I turned around to face him. Looking to the floor, tale between his legs like a guilty puppy. 
"What is it Malfoy?" I asked him my tone flat and uninterested in what pointless tattle he had to tell me this time. 
"I... I might have what you have been looking for." he whispered. 
My eyes widened in shock for a moment. I grabbed hold of his arm and dragged him into a more secluded part of the hall hidden by the shadows. 
"How?" I asked now paying him my full attention. 
"My Father." he replied a little more confidence returning to him. "He questioned me rather a lot but eventually he was satisfied with my answers and is sending it by unrecorded owl." 
"My my Malfoy this might just be the only useful thing you have ever done." I smirked. Malfoy seemed to take the loose compliment as he puffed out his chest with a grin. This book could be the missing piece, the part of the puzzle I have been so desperately clawing for. 

I walked across the hall towards the three figures sat huddled around the end of one of the tables. I sat myself down beside Lazarus hiding a smirk from my face I glanced down at the chessboard between him and Wiglaf. 
"Risky move Lazarus," I commented casually as I watched Lazarus foolishly send his bishop to its death. 
"Dam it!" Lazarus exclaimed slamming his fist onto the table. Clearly he had expected a different outcome... the boy had no fore sight and it would be his downfall just like his bishop. I looked down thoughtfully at the shattered pieces of porcelain. 
Grisha's laugh broke the rigid atmosphere but it soon faded as her gaze fell upon me... what was it that had troubled her? Was she simply annoyed that I had ignored her... no it did not seem like anger. Whatever it was it was making me feel uncomfortable, something I did not often feel, causing me to avert my own gaze away from her. 
"What do you want Tom?" Lazarus snapped,
"Not very friendly Laz," I chuckled. "It's really no one else's responsibility that you lost yet again at a game of wits and logic," I took the opportunity to wink at Wiglaf, granting me a smile in return and so it would seem it was simply as easy as that to place myself back on favourable terms.
"Perhaps I could give you good healthy competition some time Wiglaf," I prepositioned I could not help myself, Wiglaf was perhaps one of the few people who could provide some actual challenge. 
"Accepted," replied Wiglaf curtly.
"Well I can't wait for that one. Let's see you lose," Lazarus said spitefully. I smiled at him, a sad existence really to grasp for success through that of someone else. 

We all stood as the bell chimed signaling the start of the next class yet as I made my way out of the hall doors I felt a warm hand grasp upon my wrist causing me to freeze, "Hey!"
Taken by surprise I felt my muscles tense but before I could snatch my arm away she had already realised her grasp. I turned around to face her sharply, 
"McLaggen," I addressed her coldly. Her face seemed to twitch a little at this but she quickly regained herself. 
"Tom I... Are you alright?" she asked in such a way that she doubted her own decision before she had even completed her sentence. 
"Yes..." I replied coldly. I wondered whether she would push further or whether she would read the signs and drop the conversation, I doubted the latter very much. 
"Well good," she replied, biting her lip as she always did when she was nervous. "I was just concerned, I haven't seen you for a while,"
"As much as I am flattered that you are clearly missing my presence, I have been busy..." I replied with a smirk. It would seem that my little plan was working well, though I admit I had been caught off guard by her. She flushed deeply,
"You flatter yourself Riddle," She smirked, clearly trying to regain her dignity. 
 "You do look tired," she continued her tone more serious now, I frowned.
"I am not tired. I am very well," I replied bluntly. "Now if you will excuse me, we both have classes to attend," I did not appreciate her insistence or the fact that she was able to recognise when I was not feeling my best. I heard her begin to speak but continued to turn and walk away. This conversation was over. 

"I'm cold." Malfoy muttered quietly to Avery as we walked across the grounds towards the edge of the forbidden forest. I snapped my head around to scowl at him. 
"Is there a problem Malfoy? Did your Mother not pack you a thick enough cloak or does she simply not let you out in the cold?" The others chuckled, causing Malfoy's pale cheeks to flush brightly under the glow of the setting sun. 
Satisfied I turned back around and led them further across the grounds and into the shelter of the first cluster of trees surrounding the forest. 
"You know why we are gathered here of course." I addressed them, they nodded. "It would be too risky to discuss this within the castle." I paused making sure that I had their attention.
"As you know the Quiddich season is approaching. Slytherin will win." They looked at each other with a smirk and nodded their heads. "But this is not why I have brought you here. There seem to be some new 'appointments' in the teams this season." Malfoy screwed up his nose at this. 
"A muggleborn seeker for Hufflepuff." He spat in disgust. 
"And keeper for Ravenclaw." Lestrange chuckled shaking his head. 
"I think Ravenclaw also now have a muggleborn beater. Gyffindor also have a muggleborn chaser. on the supply benches" Avery commented. 
"Good I see you have been keeping your ears to the ground this pleases me." I replied, causing them to straighten up with wide grins, puffing out their chests. 
"Quiddich is a dangerous sport, played at your own risk." I smirked. "And you are all on the Slytherin team, do not waste this opportunity." I instructed coldly, they nodded solemnly. 
"I expect all of them to be cut from the game. Gravely injured or worse, people must see how inept they are. They are not worthy of positions of repute. Do I have your understanding?"
They nodded. 
"Disappoint me and the consequences for you will be...  severe. Let's just say that you will be the ones not making it to the final game." I smirked flicking my wand up into the air and catching it carelessly. I could feel their eyes upon it before they all nodded passionately, 
"Yes My Lord." They whispered in unison. 

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